forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

I swear to the fucking sun, no. Not because they made me mad, in case you haven't seen. No one makes me mad, they annoy me sure. And I was saying that we should delete the general chats and start over, make new friends on here, etc. I enjoy this website, I enjoy that it helps me hold all my ocs and cosplans. I do not enjoy that we have had so much drama. For. A. Writing. Website.

There's drama because people like you hate positivity and love being negative. I know I should go. Clearly this wasn't the chat for me. But if you continue to attack poor Ella and Shuri then I will stand up for them.

Deleted user

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

I swear to the fucking sun, no. Not because they made me mad, in case you haven't seen. No one makes me mad, they annoy me sure. And I was saying that we should delete the general chats and start over, make new friends on here, etc. I enjoy this website, I enjoy that it helps me hold all my ocs and cosplans. I do not enjoy that we have had so much drama. For. A. Writing. Website.

There's drama because people like you hate positivity and love being negative. I know I should go. Clearly this wasn't the chat for me. But if you continue to attack poor Ella and Shuri then I will stand up for them.

One, I don't hate positivity, I have simply been raised to see both the dark and the light sides of things. If you've seen certain things that I have seen and been subjected too, you would also prefer to look on the darker sides of things, it keeps you safe and far away from ignorant assholes (Not talking about you NutElla).


Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

I swear to the fucking sun, no. Not because they made me mad, in case you haven't seen. No one makes me mad, they annoy me sure. And I was saying that we should delete the general chats and start over, make new friends on here, etc. I enjoy this website, I enjoy that it helps me hold all my ocs and cosplans. I do not enjoy that we have had so much drama. For. A. Writing. Website.

There's drama because people like you hate positivity and love being negative. I know I should go. Clearly this wasn't the chat for me. But if you continue to attack poor Ella and Shuri then I will stand up for them.

One, I don't hate positivity, I have simply been raised to see both the dark and the light sides of things. If you've seen certain things that I have seen and been subjected too, you would also prefer to look on the darker sides of things, it keeps you safe and far away from ignorant assholes (Not talking about you NutElla).

What ignorant assholes? Who has been so intentionally mean to you?

Deleted user

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

I swear to the fucking sun, no. Not because they made me mad, in case you haven't seen. No one makes me mad, they annoy me sure. And I was saying that we should delete the general chats and start over, make new friends on here, etc. I enjoy this website, I enjoy that it helps me hold all my ocs and cosplans. I do not enjoy that we have had so much drama. For. A. Writing. Website.

There's drama because people like you hate positivity and love being negative. I know I should go. Clearly this wasn't the chat for me. But if you continue to attack poor Ella and Shuri then I will stand up for them.

One, I don't hate positivity, I have simply been raised to see both the dark and the light sides of things. If you've seen certain things that I have seen and been subjected too, you would also prefer to look on the darker sides of things, it keeps you safe and far away from ignorant assholes (Not talking about you NutElla).

What ignorant assholes? Who has been so intentionally mean to you?

Someone who I would rather not say. For many reasons.

Deleted user

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

Dont lie to me, it’s toxic here. Don’t bring positivity to this, trying not to be rude but this website is starting to cause more problems then helping. Not only have most of the good members left, they get replaced by drama filled people who can hardly spell and don’t fucking capitalize I

Deleted user

Yo Kylee. Chill off Nutella okay! She's a dumb kid possibly. But she is trying okay! Jeez! She just has a strange sense of humor that doesn't resonate with you. So what! The world doesn't exist to please you. I don't like everyone here. In fact I care about only a few. But that's life. So chill out, cool your jets, and live your life.

Yeah, but she needs to learn about how not everyone is going to agree with you. Like how Emi is an Atheist, and how that’s not right, and I didn’t say it was just her. SHE is not the only one, she’s just an EXAMPLE of how bad it’s getting, a matter of fact I think she’s the nicest Christian who believes in their religion too much, I mean there is nothing wrong with that. Respectfully, I do think NutElla’s jokes are kind of funny, but sometimes it’s not that much explained, and this is an opinion chat, so I’m going to share my full opinion, beat me to a fucking poll over the internet, I still really don’t care, but no matter what you tell me, I still won’t care. And I’m pointing out that her art looks too good for a child… maybe she’s like 11, because I’ve seen artists with these amazingly detailed art at like 12. And back to your ‘live your life’ yeah I fucking wish my dude, I can’t live it like you people can having my issues, I can’t injoy it. Believe me when I say this, I fucking wish, and it’s pretty bad for my birthday I want to kill my self. I totally am not super depressed and depressed don’t want to fucking die because of my self doubts. Let me be depressed in my corner of past issues and self doubt.

First of all, I'm going to share my opinion that NutElla is a smart and capable kid. And not everyone is perfect. Don't try to say that she needs to learn something. You don't have the authority to say that and don't pretend you do.

Honestly, I respect her, and believe me, I’m not perfect, more like a pile of trash. NutElla is a much better artist, person and basically outshines me in every way like other people do, and at least she tries to sound formal, and apologizes for bad things she did unlike others. I think she’s very kind and should be more respected and liked, but that doesn’t mean we should never bring up problems, want me to write a fucking 700 hundred page essay about what’s wrong with me and why I hate myself? Because I will, and can. And pointing the obvious, I’m glad she takes these criticisms to heart and tries to improve herself, that’s what good people do but I’m totally against shoving religion down throats, and I’m glad she has improved it, being able to take curse words. So NutElla, be proud of yourself, you’re one of the nicest people I’ve met, keeping doing your good deeds. Now let me state, I don’t hate anyone on this site, I dislike people but I don’t hate. I hate people in real life, because most either ruined my life, friends life or are just a fucking asshole.


I'm sorry you feel that way Kylee, but this website means a lot to me. If you think that way I won't try to argue with you though. I'm not asking you to hate yourself.


Excuse me, there are so many things wrong with this chat. I do not care who the hell any of you are, except for one person. They are a good person and some of you all seem to be fucking assholes. So what if people have late responses? This site is for learning to write and we HAVE OUTSIDE lives. Also, they were not even part of some of your rps. Another thing, if people are annoying, ask them to stop or just kick them out. Jeesh. If this is resolved, I really don't care. I didn't really read most of this, but if this is a hostility chat? So be it.
Deal with it. Oof. Got my h o s t i l i t y out. Have a nice day. Thank you!

Deleted user

Why am I suddenly following this?

I don't know but you should probably unfollow because this place is overflowing with drama and negativity

I want to know who tagged me and why first….

Deleted user

I would like to talk about two people @"Fenris the asgardian wolf" & @Shives-the-Knight .


  • Fenris' replies may be shit at times. Though you can not only blame them. Shives writes like half of their replies and influence their replies
  • grammar may be shit, but who could be great at it all the time.
  • Capitalization, probably is awful too
  • Way too many Romantic plot lines


  • Never responds in a timely fashion
  • Writes many one liners
  • Can't do grammer
  • Just shit in general.

You may defend these people if you want, my opinion.

@Mercury Beta Tester

(I didn't know @'ing someone makes them follow a discussion. Sorry ahollinger00 and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer))

I agree with shadowsongcutie and NutElla, this chat is going too far now and it could create another drama/confrontation. It's descending into mudslinging IMO.

IDK much about Shives, but they may have reasons (like typing slowly because of an issue) or things to do that prevent them from replying quickly. Please be careful when you say 'Just shit in general', that's just descending to plain insults and will make Shives feel bad about themselves.

And what's wrong with writing lots of romantic stories/roleplays? People often get fixated on genres. Is FenEris forcing you to read it?

Deleted user

It's fine. I only insulted two of my friends who were reading over my shoulder as I wrote.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I think people are jumping on others too quickly for for bad grammar/spelling. True, there are some trolls on here, but a lot of people are young and these may be their first stories/roleplays. English might not be their first language either and like shadowsongcutie said, talk to the person about it and ask them to leave if needs be.

(Edit: I meant this to be a follow up to my previous post but got distracted on another part of the website, hence the 10 minutes break)


Note before I turn into a raging bitch and none of you look at me the same again: Nobody is better or lesser than anyone on this site. We are all people who make mistakes, and we're all growing and learning every day. Just because we screw up and say something terrible doesn't mean we're any worse than anyone else. I see everyone here as equals.
But I can still get pissed off, and I can still dislike people.

With that being said, here are some people I have real issues with.

SHURI: Fuck you. I've said it so many times but you seriously don't know when to stop. I didn't want to talk to you ever again because of the things you did, yet you didn't leave me alone no matter how many times I told you to stop messaging me. You guilt tripped me to get me to respond and that's pretty fucked up. And you know what I noticed? You told me the only reason you were messaging me was because you were worried about a friend, but as soon as I apologized for my behavior and said I was willing to be friends again, you never PMd me again.
You just couldn't stand the fact that somebody hated you, you self absorbed asshole.

NutElla: You're annoying as hell. I don't hate you or anything, you just don't know when to shut up sometimes and you take drama too far. Still though, I think you're a good kid and you're still learning about the world (I still am, too).

Emi: I love you and I don't want you to dislike me for this because I actually think you're a great friend, but sometimes I feel like you're a little too harsh. Still think you're awesome though so please don't kill me.

Somebody on this site who I won't name and won't really describe/talk about because I really don't want them to hate me but holy shit I'm still pissed off at them for what they did: skjdSDJFKSJDFKHSG FUCK YOU YOU NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU ASSHOLE

Starlight-whatever-the-hell: Please stop being an annoying child and pestering me about responding to roleplays. I warned you that I don't respond that often. I am an extremely busy person. I have too many important things to do, and unfortunately isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I have children to take care of when I get home. I have to look after myself. I have to at least attempt to do well in school. I have friends in real life that I enjoy talking to. I have responsibilities at school and at home. I hardly ever have time for this website. It's something I do when I want to relax, but you are ruining that for me by constantly trying to revive that RP that I obviously wanted to let die a long time ago. The only reason I responded and agreed to try to revive it was because I was so tired of you bothering me about it. I hoped for so long that you'd give it up, but you didn't. And I tried to get that thing going, but I just don't have the time right now and I'm already in some roleplays that I'm trying to keep alive. I don't want to abandon those for a roleplay that I was never super interested in in the first place. For the love of god, starlight, please leave me alone now.

I'm sure there are others, but currently, those are the people at the top of my list.


Um yeah Eris has been around and way popular for longer like she didn't pop out of nowhere?? You guys might be a bit confused… but that's fine I suppose…
Jensen is way more popular than I could ever be
Let's face it, I'm only popular cuz I'm Jensen's friend. That's it. I'm not afraid to admit the truth here. Truth is Jensen was the one to introduce me to this site and push me to interact and roleplay around the forums.
And I was shit at roleplaying. And communicating. And basically all internet things.
My first username was literally @RedEeveeStar
Cringe much, right?

I guess this counts as being rude to myself but hey someone needs to call me out on my shit so who better than my inner bitch

Okay I didn't see anybody respond to this and I just want to say this isn't true??? Sure, I introduced you to this site, but people talk to you because they like you. Not because of me. You are your own person on this site and people love you for you.
Remember, when I first joined this site, I was awkward and bad at communicating/roleplaying as well.

Deleted user

@FaeEris acting superior is annoying, banging on about 'not going to spill the tea until ready', having a high IQ etc. And you were quite rude to @ ahollinger00 in the suggestions chat. Us disabled people regularly face lack of accommodation and ableism (A lot of videos are very difficult for me to understand if they don't have subtitles, as a deaf person, and I often see people complain about them), so it's a slap in the face when an abled person says "Patience is a virtue" when someone is asking for accessibility. We bloody know that abled people forget us in design, we have to deal with it in real life. You and @VoidResistance don't need to trumpet it like you know better than disabled people when one person asks for accessibility so they can browse the website like everyone else.
@ ahollinger00 has voiced his concerns since October and he's made it clear what needs to be changed.

Links (For reader):

Yo if you're going to call me out, do it with intention. Don't cross it out.

I'm not acting superior in any way. I opened this chat so people could clear the air about their stressors without being vilified. I will spill my tea when I am damn ready, got me? So you can back off. Also since when is having a a high IQ a bad thing? Seriously? That's your beef with me? That was on a chat specifically designed to gloat about yourself and it was the only response I had. Sooooo trying to start something over that is, as you said, Childish.

Also– I understand ahollinger00's trouble with accessibility, but he did not need to be so entirely rude to the creators of the site because of it. I've taken classes in coding and sit building. It is not easy or casual to make the functions that he is asking for. It takes time and him constantly berating the creators is not going to make it go any faster. Telling him to calm down and have patience was not rude, only like "chill dude". Because as I said in that chat, I'm sure the creators are WORKING ON IT. No need to get pissy over something that will get fixed in the future. No where was I actually rude to user ahollinger00, but nice try. Not to mention that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has responded to him saying that he is working on it and will take time…so shrugs I digress.

Deleted user

I don't have much negativity and rudeness against anyone right now, I never really have. But right now, I think that the best thing for this site is to 1) Get a blocking feature for trolls/creepy people 2) For everyone to calmly chill of the General Forums.
It is rather upsetting, as others said before, that nothing other then General Chat and Roleplay forums are being used. If some people on this thread focused a small bit of their energy into building each other's abilities up in the worldbuilding and writing chats, I'm certain a lot of toxicity will fade away. The best cure for negative emotions is moving past them. Instead of taking down this website like others have been saying, we should work together to build it back up past all this drama.
I know this isn't rude but I really don't know where to put this.

Deleted user

I told you guys to get out your negativity not to point fingers at each other. Although this is a chat for rudeness, it's also an opportunity for people to understand why you feel the way you do about others on this site and perhaps fix any problems. There is no need for excessive hating and trigger subjects. (suicide and whatnot.)

Kylee– Im sorry but your post was going a bit too far. I respect that you were using it as an outlet but please rein it in a little. This is a safe place for Rudeness, not aggressive hostility.

Spill the tea. Don't burn it for christssake.


I don't have much negativity and rudeness against anyone right now, I never really have. But right now, I think that the best thing for this site is to 1) Get a blocking feature for trolls/creepy people 2) For everyone to calmly chill of the General Forums.
It is rather upsetting, as others said before, that nothing other then General Chat and Roleplay forums are being used. If some people on this thread focused a small bit of their energy into building each other's abilities up in the worldbuilding and writing chats, I'm certain a lot of toxicity will fade away. The best cure for negative emotions is moving past them. Instead of taking down this website like others have been saying, we should work together to build it back up past all this drama.
I know this isn't rude but I really don't know where to put this.

I think this needs its own thread. Not saying it doesn't belong here, it's just really important and I feel like a lot of people need to see it.