forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't have much negativity and rudeness against anyone right now, I never really have. But right now, I think that the best thing for this site is to 1) Get a blocking feature for trolls/creepy people 2) For everyone to calmly chill of the General Forums.
It is rather upsetting, as others said before, that nothing other then General Chat and Roleplay forums are being used. If some people on this thread focused a small bit of their energy into building each other's abilities up in the worldbuilding and writing chats, I'm certain a lot of toxicity will fade away. The best cure for negative emotions is moving past them. Instead of taking down this website like others have been saying, we should work together to build it back up past all this drama.
I know this isn't rude but I really don't know where to put this.

Hear hear!

Deleted user

I don't have much negativity and rudeness against anyone right now, I never really have. But right now, I think that the best thing for this site is to 1) Get a blocking feature for trolls/creepy people 2) For everyone to calmly chill of the General Forums.
It is rather upsetting, as others said before, that nothing other then General Chat and Roleplay forums are being used. If some people on this thread focused a small bit of their energy into building each other's abilities up in the worldbuilding and writing chats, I'm certain a lot of toxicity will fade away. The best cure for negative emotions is moving past them. Instead of taking down this website like others have been saying, we should work together to build it back up past all this drama.
I know this isn't rude but I really don't know where to put this.

I think this needs its own thread. Not saying it doesn't belong here, it's just really important and I feel like a lot of people need to see it.


@Mercury Beta Tester

Yo if you're going to call me out, do it with intention. Don't cross it out.

I'm not acting superior in any way. I opened this chat so people could clear the air about their stressors without being vilified. I will spill my tea when I am damn ready, got me? So you can back off. Also since when is having a a high IQ a bad thing? Seriously? That's your beef with me? That was on a chat specifically designed to gloat about yourself and it was the only response I had. Sooooo trying to start something over that is, as you said, Childish.

Also– I understand ahollinger00's trouble with accessibility, but he did not need to be so entirely rude to the creators of the site because of it. I've taken classes in coding and sit building. It is not easy or casual to make the functions that he is asking for. It takes time and him constantly berating the creators is not going to make it go any faster. Telling him to calm down and have patience was not rude, only like "chill dude". Because as I said in that chat, I'm sure the creators are WORKING ON IT. No need to get pissy over something that will get fixed in the future. No where was I actually rude to user ahollinger00, but nice try. Not to mention that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has responded to him saying that he is working on it and will take time…so shrugs I digress.

I crossed it out because I changed my mind and realised I was being too haughty (I've done it in other chats before which other people have seen)

Oh who am I fucking kidding I crossed it out because I was also afraid of your angry reaction. Guess it proves it,

jumping at me and saying I'm getting all pissy as a disabled person (I could easily ask if you've experienced ableism, ffs but I won't because I know what will happen) and that "nice try". I didn't even criticise you for having a high IQ ('banging on' is a British term for essentially 'repeatedly talking about something' but as I said before, I realised I'd made a mistake) or for opening this chat. Way to prove my point, the way you're speaking to me.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I think this needs its own thread. Not saying it doesn't belong here, it's just really important and I feel like a lot of people need to see it.


Putting it on Site Support as well will help get it to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s attention. Also he said that that the website is built by a separate team on GitHub. They can be messaged (Link: so it'll help bring it to their attention too and develop the feature (assuming that it's a website thing).

Deleted user

I think this needs its own thread. Not saying it doesn't belong here, it's just really important and I feel like a lot of people need to see it.


Putting it on Site Support as well will help get it to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s attention. Also he said that that the website is built by a separate team on GitHub. They can be messaged (Link: so it'll help bring it to their attention too and develop the feature (assuming that it's a website thing).

This is more addressed to the users, the blocking feature has been brought up to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) multiple times, and I'm sure he is working on it.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Good point. I mentioned the GitHub team because andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) said that he can't develop certain new parts for the website because it's not his code, so I included it in case.

Deleted user

I'm not even angry though? Honestly, If you're going to comment on things I said not in this chat at all, as a debater I must defend myself. It's just in the nature of the game. I'm not upset in the slightest. I'm just pointing out that your evidence doesn't hold. I'm not sure why you have an issue with me in the first place.

I know what it's like to be disabled actually, considering that legally, on paper, I am disabled. Thanks.

Deleted user

Good point. I mentioned the GitHub team because andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) said that he can't develop certain new parts for the website because it's not his code, so I included it in case.


Deleted user

Somebody on this site who I won't name and won't really describe/talk about because I really don't want them to hate me but holy shit I'm still pissed off at them for what they did: skjdSDJFKSJDFKHSG FUCK YOU YOU NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU ASSHOLE

Erm…..Just in case: I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you my sweet Jensen. D:

@Mercury Beta Tester

I'm not even angry though?

The tone of the response and certain words & phrases like "Nice try", indirectly calling me childish, telling me to "back off" etc. made it seem like that way for me.

If you're going to comment on things I said not in this chat at all, as a debater I must defend myself. I'm just pointing out that your evidence doesn't hold.

I'm not annoyed at the defending yourself bit.
Yes, as I said before I realised I was being haughty.

I'm not sure why you have an issue with me in the first place.

I don't? I meant I was being slightly annoyed by stuff I said you were doing. I haven't directly been rude to anyone apart from you so it seemed like I was targeting you. Sorry about that. I was agreeing with having issues with other things like NutElla's Christian Server jokes getting old, people writing tiny etc. but I didn't say anything about it because it'd been said already by other people.

I know what it's like to be disabled actually, considering that legally, on paper, I am disabled. Thanks.

Holy shit, I'm so sorry for assuming your situation and invalidating you. I should've seen your side of the argument first.
I don't know what exactly to say. I hardly interact with other disabled people so I didn't think clearly about not causing offence. I'm sorry for being ableist towards you.

This isn't sarcasm (since it's hard to tell tone online), I genuinely mean it.

Deleted user

Just a quick reminder once more guys:

A chat like this opens a door for everyone to voice their opinions about people they don't like. It shouldn't be taken too personally, because everybody ends up pissing somebody off at some point. But because we are all generally good people it can get bottled up and turned into something much worse and cruel. This gives people a chance to let out their anger/irritation with people, and it gives people the chance to change their behavior.

If a chat like this didn't exist, a lot of people would still be pissing people off. They wouldn't learn anything because they weren't told that they were doing something that was pissing somebody off and/or harming them.

With that being said, a chat like that can easily get out of hand, like it is now. I think we need to somehow remind people that the purpose isn't to start fights. It's supposed to open your eyes to how other people view you, and give you a chance to change your behavior if you want.

It's to be rude not harsh, cruel, or downright unbearable.

Deleted user

People I dislike, no one asked for it but fuck you I don’t care let me be an asshole on my birthday:
Basically anyone who hates Emi is the Bain of my exsistence, you insult my only happiness and reason to live an you are fucking dead to me. You insulted her? Fuck you.
@CW_StarkSpangledBanner: Okay they aren’t a bad person, they’re actually pretty damn nice. Just…. please learn proper English…
@Shuri-is-a-Birb-in-a-Cage!: Now Shuri has changed a lot since I joined notebook, and I think it’s not great. Shuri used to be what I considered to be my best friend on the site, and someone I trusted so much. He helped me during my very depressed states and such, but then he started to act pretty strange… he would constantly PM me about how I was doing, which I can understand but it started to get annoying really. I still talk to him but, I think he’s getting a bit full of himself to be completely honest.
@Fenris the asgardian wolf: Okay person, but very bad at RP’s and ruin the experience of RP’s for me…
@Starlight-Unicorn: Before I go on, I love Starlight, I consider her a good friend and I love RPing with her, but at times she’s a bit rude… not really to me, but I’ve noticed it’s towards others. She’s not the best at RPing, but she’s more of my level… a mediocre level like myself. I consider myself not great at it, but I relate to Starlight in that aspect that we aren’t that great but we have good intentions, Starlight keep following your dreams you amazing human!
Fuck anyone who was ever overly negative to Emi, just no, fuck you, don’t try and defend yourself either, because any attack on Emi is basically an attack on my happiness so fuck off.

Deleted user

Starlight-whatever-the-hell: Please stop being an annoying child and pestering me about responding to roleplays. I warned you that I don't respond that often. I am an extremely busy person. I have too many important things to do, and unfortunately isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I have children to take care of when I get home. I have to look after myself. I have to at least attempt to do well in school. I have friends in real life that I enjoy talking to. I have responsibilities at school and at home. I hardly ever have time for this website. It's something I do when I want to relax, but you are ruining that for me by constantly trying to revive that RP that I obviously wanted to let die a long time ago. The only reason I responded and agreed to try to revive it was because I was so tired of you bothering me about it. I hoped for so long that you'd give it up, but you didn't. And I tried to get that thing going, but I just don't have the time right now and I'm already in some roleplays that I'm trying to keep alive. I don't want to abandon those for a roleplay that I was never super interested in in the first place. For the love of god, starlight, please leave me alone now.

I'm sorry about that….. really truly I am… I never meant to be annoying or anything….. I'm Sorry….

Deleted user

Just a quick reminder once more guys:

A chat like this opens a door for everyone to voice their opinions about people they don't like. It shouldn't be taken too personally, because everybody ends up pissing somebody off at some point. But because we are all generally good people it can get bottled up and turned into something much worse and cruel. This gives people a chance to let out their anger/irritation with people, and it gives people the chance to change their behavior.

If a chat like this didn't exist, a lot of people would still be pissing people off. They wouldn't learn anything because they weren't told that they were doing something that was pissing somebody off and/or harming them.

With that being said, a chat like that can easily get out of hand, like it is now. I think we need to somehow remind people that the purpose isn't to start fights. It's supposed to open your eyes to how other people view you, and give you a chance to change your behavior if you want.

It's to be rude not harsh, cruel, or downright unbearable.

Apologies if I went a bit to far, I’m just very passionet about the topic at hand…


Somebody on this site who I won't name and won't really describe/talk about because I really don't want them to hate me but holy shit I'm still pissed off at them for what they did: skjdSDJFKSJDFKHSG FUCK YOU YOU NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU ASSHOLE

Erm…..Just in case: I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you my sweet Jensen. D:

No don't worry it wasn't you
if you want me to tell you, I can PM you

Deleted user

Somebody on this site who I won't name and won't really describe/talk about because I really don't want them to hate me but holy shit I'm still pissed off at them for what they did: skjdSDJFKSJDFKHSG FUCK YOU YOU NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU ASSHOLE

Erm…..Just in case: I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you my sweet Jensen. D:

No don't worry it wasn't you
if you want me to tell you, I can PM you

Could you say in our chat?

Deleted user

Kylee– As I said before your messages are coming off extremely harsh. Rein it in. I understand you are getting things off your chest but it doesnt need to be so volatile. I also understand it is your birthday, but this is my chat and if you cannot abide by the rules I have now reemphasized, I will ask you to leave. This goes for everyone. You do not need to be volatile while stating your opinion.


Starlight-whatever-the-hell: Please stop being an annoying child and pestering me about responding to roleplays. I warned you that I don't respond that often. I am an extremely busy person. I have too many important things to do, and unfortunately isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I have children to take care of when I get home. I have to look after myself. I have to at least attempt to do well in school. I have friends in real life that I enjoy talking to. I have responsibilities at school and at home. I hardly ever have time for this website. It's something I do when I want to relax, but you are ruining that for me by constantly trying to revive that RP that I obviously wanted to let die a long time ago. The only reason I responded and agreed to try to revive it was because I was so tired of you bothering me about it. I hoped for so long that you'd give it up, but you didn't. And I tried to get that thing going, but I just don't have the time right now and I'm already in some roleplays that I'm trying to keep alive. I don't want to abandon those for a roleplay that I was never super interested in in the first place. For the love of god, starlight, please leave me alone now.

I'm sorry about that….. really truly I am… I never meant to be annoying or anything….. I'm Sorry….

It's okay. I just want you to understand that I can't get online all of the time, and the constant replies and reminders make me feel pressured to respond, and feeling pressured to do something makes me extremely upset. I don't think you're a bad person at all, and I'm glad you apologized. Thank you.

@Mercury Beta Tester

A chat like this opens a door for everyone to voice their opinions about people they don't like. It shouldn't be taken too personally, because everybody ends up pissing somebody off at some point. But because we are all generally good people it can get bottled up and turned into something much worse and cruel. This gives people a chance to let out their anger/irritation with people, and it gives people the chance to change their behavior.

Yep, it's a good idea for this chat especially with all this 'fake positivity'. Just now for instance, you showed me that I've been making false assumptions in certain areas, and I can correct that now.

(Sorry if I seem like I'm being annoyingly apologetic, I wanted to say this)

Deleted user

Starlight-whatever-the-hell: Please stop being an annoying child and pestering me about responding to roleplays. I warned you that I don't respond that often. I am an extremely busy person. I have too many important things to do, and unfortunately isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I have children to take care of when I get home. I have to look after myself. I have to at least attempt to do well in school. I have friends in real life that I enjoy talking to. I have responsibilities at school and at home. I hardly ever have time for this website. It's something I do when I want to relax, but you are ruining that for me by constantly trying to revive that RP that I obviously wanted to let die a long time ago. The only reason I responded and agreed to try to revive it was because I was so tired of you bothering me about it. I hoped for so long that you'd give it up, but you didn't. And I tried to get that thing going, but I just don't have the time right now and I'm already in some roleplays that I'm trying to keep alive. I don't want to abandon those for a roleplay that I was never super interested in in the first place. For the love of god, starlight, please leave me alone now.

I'm sorry about that….. really truly I am… I never meant to be annoying or anything….. I'm Sorry….

It's okay. I just want you to understand that I can't get online all of the time, and the constant replies and reminders make me feel pressured to respond, and feeling pressured to do something makes me extremely upset. I don't think you're a bad person at all, and I'm glad you apologized. Thank you.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is what the chat is about.


I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

Deleted user

Kylee– As I said before your messages are coming off extremely harsh. Rein it in. I understand you are getting things off your chest but it doesnt need to be so volatile. I also understand it is your birthday, but this is my chat and if you cannot abide by the rules I have now reemphasized, I will ask you to leave. This goes for everyone. You do not need to be volatile while stating your opinion.

I respect your statement, and thanks for telling me. I’ll go back and fix my statements if you want me to, and I will leave this after you respond. Thought this chat was just a place to rant at first, so then again I was told to go here from Emi, but a reason I will not share because it might make her upset and no thanks, my birthday is already bad enough, I’m not making the only thing keeping me from killing myself upset on this day that reminds me I’m still young and fresh which means I might get kidnapped or raped. And I feel like most points were really rude, but at least I put some nice things into them without digging into peoples skin making them bleed out emotions.

Deleted user

I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.


I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

I don't want you to die. I'm just giving some feedback that you don't have to listen to.


I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

This is so far from what Midnight was trying to say. Why would you bring suicide into that?? Nobody here ever told you to kill yourself and nobody (I hope) ever would.
All she's saying is that obsession with anyone or anything is never healthy. In this case, it looks like you rely on her far too much, but I don't know your situation in real life or hers. I don't know much about either of you so I'm not going to say any more about it.