forum Don't Be Suspicious
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I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

This is so far from what Midnight was trying to say. Why would you bring suicide into that?? Nobody here ever told you to kill yourself and nobody (I hope) ever would.
All she's saying is that obsession with anyone or anything is never healthy. In this case, it looks like you rely on her far too much, but I don't know your situation in real life or hers. I don't know much about either of you so I'm not going to say any more about it.

That is what I was trying to say. Nothing against you at all.

Deleted user

I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

This is so far from what Midnight was trying to say. Why would you bring suicide into that?? Nobody here ever told you to kill yourself and nobody (I hope) ever would.
All she's saying is that obsession with anyone or anything is never healthy. In this case, it looks like you rely on her far too much, but I don't know your situation in real life or hers. I don't know much about either of you so I'm not going to say any more about it.

yeah and I am again taking things to far. I really think I need to find another use in life, all I do is hope Emi isn’t upset, and I can hardly sleep when I know her parents were being shitty for the hundredth time in a row. And I agree with everything you state, I really should back away from her, but my life makes it seem like she’s the only thing important for me, maybe it’s just my separation anxiety afraid of Emi getting harmed or something, but that’s all I can say really. I should see my therapist and doctor soon so my depression will be taking a toll from I hope working anti depressants. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want anyone getting scared or something like that.


I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

This is so far from what Midnight was trying to say. Why would you bring suicide into that?? Nobody here ever told you to kill yourself and nobody (I hope) ever would.
All she's saying is that obsession with anyone or anything is never healthy. In this case, it looks like you rely on her far too much, but I don't know your situation in real life or hers. I don't know much about either of you so I'm not going to say any more about it.

yeah and I am again taking things to far. I really think I need to find another use in life, all I do is hope Emi isn’t upset, and I can hardly sleep when I know her parents were being shitty for the hundredth time in a row. And I agree with everything you state, I really should back away from her, but my life makes it seem like she’s the only thing important for me, maybe it’s just my separation anxiety afraid of Emi getting harmed or something, but that’s all I can say really. I should see my therapist and doctor soon so my depression will be taking a toll from I hope working anti depressants. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want anyone getting scared or something like that.

It's fine. I hope things get better for you.

Deleted user

I think Kylee is a good person, I'm not mad at her or anything, but I would like to point something out. I get it when you love someone, but Kylee, you seem really… obsessed with Emi which can be unhealthy or even annoying. I promise I don't have anything against you Kylee.

I agree with this, but I can’t do anything about it or ignore her since it’s keeping me from killing myself so if you want me to die then I’ll try it I guess.

This is so far from what Midnight was trying to say. Why would you bring suicide into that?? Nobody here ever told you to kill yourself and nobody (I hope) ever would.
All she's saying is that obsession with anyone or anything is never healthy. In this case, it looks like you rely on her far too much, but I don't know your situation in real life or hers. I don't know much about either of you so I'm not going to say any more about it.

yeah and I am again taking things to far. I really think I need to find another use in life, all I do is hope Emi isn’t upset, and I can hardly sleep when I know her parents were being shitty for the hundredth time in a row. And I agree with everything you state, I really should back away from her, but my life makes it seem like she’s the only thing important for me, maybe it’s just my separation anxiety afraid of Emi getting harmed or something, but that’s all I can say really. I should see my therapist and doctor soon so my depression will be taking a toll from I hope working anti depressants. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want anyone getting scared or something like that.

It's fine. I hope things get better for you.

I’m glad my mom finally noticed the signs of me being depressed, she was just so bombarded by depression she couldn’t really tell that something like that was happening to her ‘most normal’ she says this, yet I’m weirder then the others child could be suffering.

Deleted user

I hope things get better for you as well Kylee. We all need to find that inner balance and confidence.
But I must say that I do not approve of your suicide talk. It concerns me greatly, I do think you need to speak to an adult immediately for having these thoughts. A school nurse or official should be able to assist you, if not make your way to a station of authority (police/fire/er) and there they are required to assist you.
No one wants you to die. Implying that is what we want is not nice nor true and you know it. Saying so is talking this subject overboard. Please refrain from using triggering talk and please take my advice.


I hate to tell you this. I would like to point out that antidepressant pills aren't going to make everything better. They can help, but don't get your hopes up too high Kylee.


Very true. Antidepressants don't cure your depression. Usually is somebody is extremely depressed, it takes friends, supportive family, therapy, and doing the things you love to overcome it.

@Mercury Beta Tester

MidnightWarrior13's right, regardless of whether or not one takes medication mental health therapy should always involve treatments that don't involve it (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy etc.).

Also you don't have to wait to go to the doctor if you're experiencing a surge in your suicidal thoughts.

Deleted user

I have friends who care, a great family, and I even have a therapists for said problems and it’s helping some what if anyone cares and trying to laugh my problems off makes it seem like I’m okay, I don’t like to make people worry.


I have friends who care, a great family, and I even have a therapists for said problems and it’s helping some what if anyone cares and trying to laugh my problems off makes it seem like I’m okay, I don’t like to make people worry.

Good. Stay close too good friends and family and hope for the best.

Deleted user

I have friends who care, a great family, and I even have a therapists for said problems and it’s helping some what if anyone cares and trying to laugh my problems off makes it seem like I’m okay, I don’t like to make people worry.

Good. Stay close too good friends and family and hope for the best.

That’s what I have been doing, then when my grandfather left it just hit me with a shovel and put me deep underground with only my weak stick arms and dirt to swallow.

Deleted user

Starlight-whatever-the-hell: Please stop being an annoying child and pestering me about responding to roleplays. I warned you that I don't respond that often. I am an extremely busy person. I have too many important things to do, and unfortunately isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. I have children to take care of when I get home. I have to look after myself. I have to at least attempt to do well in school. I have friends in real life that I enjoy talking to. I have responsibilities at school and at home. I hardly ever have time for this website. It's something I do when I want to relax, but you are ruining that for me by constantly trying to revive that RP that I obviously wanted to let die a long time ago. The only reason I responded and agreed to try to revive it was because I was so tired of you bothering me about it. I hoped for so long that you'd give it up, but you didn't. And I tried to get that thing going, but I just don't have the time right now and I'm already in some roleplays that I'm trying to keep alive. I don't want to abandon those for a roleplay that I was never super interested in in the first place. For the love of god, starlight, please leave me alone now.

I'm sorry about that….. really truly I am… I never meant to be annoying or anything….. I'm Sorry….

It's okay. I just want you to understand that I can't get online all of the time, and the constant replies and reminders make me feel pressured to respond, and feeling pressured to do something makes me extremely upset. I don't think you're a bad person at all, and I'm glad you apologized. Thank you.

Yeah… I still feel pretty bad about that…. I never meant to pressure anyone…
Take this as a note, if you ever need me to stop doing something then say so…. I'm not gonna take offense….

Deleted user

If anyone has any issues with me, say so. I'm interested in how I'm seen.

Deleted user

If anyone has any issues with me, say so. I'm interested in how I'm seen.

I actually don't. We were knife buddies and metal head buddies, I think.

Deleted user

Connie, after you read that, can we both delete those comments?


If anyone has any issues with me, say so. I'm interested in how I'm seen.

I used to have issues with you because you seemed pretty immature (and self centered, but I can't remember specifically what you did to make me think that). I still thought you were cool though, and you seem really chill now so I don't have any problems with you.

Deleted user

Connie, after you read that, can we both delete those comments?


Deleted user

If anyone has any issues with me, say so. I'm interested in how I'm seen.

I used to have issues with you because you seemed pretty immature (and self centered, but I can't remember specifically what you did to make me think that). I still thought you were cool though, and you seem really chill now so I don't have any problems with you.

Probably the LGBT+ chat drama.

Deleted user

Connie, after you read that, can we both delete those comments?


Thank you.

Deleted user

Tbh I wanna see some fire thrown at me. I know I'm not a good person, and I wanna see my body burned by some steaming leaf water.

Deleted user

Tbh I wanna see some fire thrown at me. I know I'm not a good person, and I wanna see my body burned by some steaming leaf water.

You’re to great for anyone to do that without lying… you seem like one of the most laid back people I’ve ever met, which you are.

Deleted user

(is aghast)
Shouldn't you be glad people dont have beef with you??????

Deleted user

Uh, there are people who don't like me. I know there is. I'm literally not that great… it's too suspicious…


Uh, there are people who don't like me. I know there is. I'm literally not that great… it's too suspicious…

Same. I've only seen one person say something bad about me in this chat, and it's making me feel bad for calling out everyone else