forum Don't Be Suspicious
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(Another edited comment because you just keep making things worse, self. All you have to do is accept the fact that the people you care about don’t like you as much, instead of being a パンケーキing baby, try making it up to them.)

Deleted user

I have a bit more hate. Just a tiny bit though.
So this guy…. where do I start? How about the fact that he and I were best friends. Almost unbreakable. Then one day, he started dissing me. He broke his promise. Sent me into a panic attack. Blackmailed me. I honestly can't stand him anymore. Good riddance.


So, you guys have a whole thing going, I know, but the mention of suicide sent me into some sort of episode of anxiety or something, and I'd like to bitch about something.
One of my best fucking friends was a trans dude named Adrian, and his parents were horrible. I don't think they ever physically abused him, but the mental abuse they put him through caused him to try and kill himself twice in less than a week. They were constantly calling him feminine things, and his deadname, and guilting him with things like 'we just miss out daughter', 'where'd my sweet little girl go?'. People like that…I don't even have words for that. And then my parents blocked Discord, just a few days after his second attempt, so now I don't know if he's fucking okay, or if he's gone, and if I had just been more careful with my school work or something, I could be there, talking to him and making him happy. I'm the worst fucking friend, I swear, and maybe he's better off without me fucking things up, but…ugh.

Deleted user

@"The Althalosian" (He's someone that could be debated, it's more of a 50/50 chance that I want to smack him)
@"Fenris the asgardian wolf"

I have more, wait for a seccond.

You're entitled to your thoughts, so I won't bother you. If you want to explain on PM to me you can and if not then okay.


Deleted user

Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.

What has he ever done to you? I hate to disagree with you, but you're implying… that he's done something bad to you.

This was asked to Ace, but I'm going to put in my two cents because I'm a little bitch.

Like Ace, he lost my trust and sent me into a few panic attacks.
He caused me extreme paranoia because of something he said and I thought he was going to come to my living space and do it.
He caused me to think that I honestly shouldn't be on this planet because no one was as good as he was at helping people.

Deleted user

I didn't know the suicide was faked back then, all I knew was that I was a murderer and the world would be better off without me.

Mmkay I'm going to step in here a bit.

Emi has every right to feel the way she does about you Ella. There is nothing you can do about it. Please stop apologizing and learn from it. You have every right and power available to you to turn around the things that people say they dislike about you. If you care to do that. But apologizing and expecting them to be okay with everything afterward is not logical. Apologies fix nothing. Nor should you have to apologize for how you are. The real you I mean.

You need to relax about this whole fake suicide thing Ella. If I remember this story correctly (having read it on more than one chat) is that you were a really young child that just kinda ignored someone who was being an attention seeker on… penguin was it? Yet another internet game/forum place where people are dumb and do dumb things. In no way could this be blamed on you, who was just another user of the site, not an aggressor or an influencer in any way. So the fact that you use this as a ploy to get people to sympathize with 'pain' that you feel is a little… unbelievable. Especially when a lot of people on this site (including yours truly) have actually been first hand witnesses to violent deaths and suicides. You must see how this kind of behavior would bother people.

…I will conclude that I type with with zero anger, sarcasm, or any negative feeling. That I actually say this as a gently as possible and as a person that has had pretty much an entire lifetime more experience in the world than you.

Deleted user

So, you guys have a whole thing going, I know, but the mention of suicide sent me into some sort of episode of anxiety or something, and I'd like to bitch about something.
One of my best fucking friends was a trans dude named Adrian, and his parents were horrible. I don't think they ever physically abused him, but the mental abuse they put him through caused him to try and kill himself twice in less than a week. They were constantly calling him feminine things, and his deadname, and guilting him with things like 'we just miss out daughter', 'where'd my sweet little girl go?'. People like that…I don't even have words for that. And then my parents blocked Discord, just a few days after his second attempt, so now I don't know if he's fucking okay, or if he's gone, and if I had just been more careful with my school work or something, I could be there, talking to him and making him happy. I'm the worst fucking friend, I swear, and maybe he's better off without me fucking things up, but…ugh.

Im sorry this has happened to you darlin. I would try another media if you can. Just to get a message out to them. I'm sure your friend knows that they have your support and that you still care for them.


(Once again child, calm the blep down. You talking about your tiny little pains and insecurities is going to make people actually dislike you, how do you not realize this stuff until it’s too late?)


I am no way part of this conversation and I shouldn’t even be here but..
Ella that makes it sound like you just want to prove yourself by saying that you lost someone…
A lot of people on this site go through shit on a daily basis but that doesn’t mean that you have to shout about how you lost someone or thought you were the cause of a suicide.
There are people that’ll help you through losses Ella but our mental/physical illnesses or losses aren’t something to brag/shout about.


That’s okay. And I’m sorry about your great grandmother but it sounds like you have a pretty awesome life and that’s a great thing. Just don’t push your problems out of proportion

Deleted user

I know she does, and I know I need to do more. I want to be a decent person, and I've been taking small steps to get there, but I'm clearly not trying hard enough…

You're young. You're already a decent person. Stop trying so hard to be something you are not. That's what is mucking everything up. Just be you. without all the fluff and nonsense.

The thing is, that only really affected me for a few months, I'm a terrible human who's blown the story out of proportion for pity points. The only reason I still talk about it instead of something that actually hurt me in a severe way is that usually, when you say your biggest loss was the death of your great grandmother, it tends to sound extremely pathetic. Yet she was one of the most important people in my life and I only managed to recover from that loss last September… I know. I'm extremely overemotional.

You're not a terrible human being for doing that. Although I must say that wasn't the smartest or nicest thing to do because you manipulated many people into feeling sorry for you over something that had absolutely nothing to do with you. Again you are young you really had no one to tell you 'no. dont do that. it's bad' but I would suggest really starting to focus on how your actions affect others instead of being more focused on the self. You need to stop talking about this fake suicide. It has nothing to do with you so stop making it about you.
The death of a family member is traumatizing no matter who it is. Great grandmother or no. That is pain that you are allowed to feel and express where people can offer you genuine sympathy. Don't downplay your family's loss with something entirely unimportant. That is what is making your emotions online seem less genuine. Again, jut be the real you.

Deleted user

I am no way part of this conversation and I shouldn’t even be here but..
Ella that makes it sound like you just want to prove yourself by saying that you lost someone…
A lot of people on this site go through shit on a daily basis but that doesn’t mean that you have to shout about how you lost someone or thought you were the cause of a suicide.
There are people that’ll help you through losses Ella but our mental/physical illnesses or losses aren’t something to brag/shout about.

That’s okay. And I’m sorry about your great grandmother but it sounds like you have a pretty awesome life and that’s a great thing. Just don’t push your problems out of proportion

Well said Kmart.

Deleted user

anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy who HAS MORE TEA

Deleted user

I like you.

I have lots of tea too but yall are being so nice I do not what to scar you with my insanity.

Deleted user

I like you.

I have lots of tea too but yall are being so nice I do not what to scar you with my insanity.

Go ahead. I wish I could just let y'all in my mind… then I wouldn't have to write it all down

Deleted user

I have something! It's semi-pathetic but still!

I haven't been to my house in a while to escape an abusive father. Me my mum and my brother left. The other person my age here is a manipulative, lying bastard who is so incredibly obnoxious. He never shuts up and is constantly playing mind games with me and my brother. He also obviously has a crush on me but he knows I'm seeing someone.

Deleted user

I like you.

I have lots of tea too but yall are being so nice I do not what to scar you with my insanity.

I want to hear it, I feel literally nothing when others tell me how bad I am.