forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

mmmmhhhhhmmm. And most still think he is the best person on here.

Deleted user

I think he comes up with good rp ideas, but I distrust everything about him.

Deleted user

I'm not, I was mostly just watching, commenting a few times and now I'm not. I felt the need to be included and I was then I decided that it was overrated since I only liked a few people on it.

Deleted user

I'm not, I was mostly just watching, commenting a few times and now I'm not. I felt the need to be included and I was then I decided that it was overrated since I only liked a few people on it.

Also, I was one of the people that started it. Me and Ace.

Deleted user

right right

Yes, I am not a part of that chat anymore because it has been overrun by people I dislike.


Alright, some users I don’t like as much:

King of crows (only seen him twice, but from what I know he’s kind of a jerk)
Emi (as mentioned before, she switches from being rude as heck to most amazing bean ever in seconds)
Kylee (I don’t actually dislike her, but I dislike her inability to see anything positive.)
Ember-Chan/Forged In Darkness/Whatever their username is (kind of annoying…)
NutElla (She embarrasses me on a daily basis)
TheDankBoi (Almost as annoying as your mom)
The Golden Legend (I still see her as a friend, but she kinda overreacts sometimes)

I don’t think there’s any more?

Deleted user

Then why are you in the miracle family chat?

I'm in it because I enjoy the company of a few people there.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@"The Althalosian" (He's someone that could be debated, it's more of a 50/50 chance that I want to smack him)

But like why???
I feel everyone is hating on Dom because of his debating skills….

Oh, no I don't dislike him for his debating skills. Debates he partakes in are quite amusing.

Why thank you.

Deleted user

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

Deleted user

Meh, you're a bit annoying, but not as annoying as others.

Deleted user

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

from what I've seen, you're alright.

Deleted user

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

Eris you're great, and you know it.


My 5 favorite users (in order) are

Midnight Warrior
The Althalosian/Dom
Soup Nana
The Anime Addict

Thank you so much!! You're definitely one of my favorites too! ❤️

Deleted user

Meh, you're a bit annoying, but not as annoying as others.

eye roll
I'm hardly annoying.