forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

All my opinions of the site, why is it so long? Because little Kylee has ‘too many’ opinions
Fuck opinions about me. I don’t care. You can love me, hate me, whatever have your opinions but it’s not needed, it won’t make me a better person unless I fully care about you, example Emi, her encouragement is helpful, anything said on here is just a text message from a random person who’s probably just lying to me.
Fuck religion being shoved down throats. Don’t do this. It’s not right. I have many Atheist friends and I don’t go around and just randomly walk up to Emi and shove a Bible down her throat chanting John 3:16 as I hold a cross above her head. You can believe in Jesus, Zeus, Shaggy, Sonic, Whatever the fuck kids worship now a days, I really don’t care just don’t force anyone to follow the same path, just simply state it then never bring it up again, okay? Okay now stop.
For the love of god this positivity and fake ness bullshit needs to stop… I try to be very nice online, because I don’t want to be seen as a fucking idiot, but when I bring up a joke or something harmless, it’s like the entire world is falling apart, either it’s taken to literally, taken the wrong way, or seen as offensive which most of the time it’s just a small meme like what the actual fuck. It’s like you can’t even post anything here without getting the fake positivity, the opinions, fucking religion and other bullshit. Complementing is good but to much cough Shuri cough ISN’T GOING TO HELP.
The role playing forum is just dog shit now, being honest. I haven’t joined any role plays since like February 7-19 or some shit like that and want to know why? Every time someone joins the site, and good person can’t stay for reasons, which I respect I’m considering leaving from lack of Roleplays, wHICH IS WHAT I JOINED FOR MIND YOU but come the fuck on, LEARN PROPER FUCKING GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION BEFORE YOU EVEN CONSIDER TAPPING OR CLICKING ON THE ROLEPLAY TAPS KIDDOS, OBAMA DOESNT WANT YOUR ONE LINER BULL SHIT. Every RP you check is either Emi, or the other very talented people, or someone who has worse grammar and spelling then my brother. I’ll find an old RP me and my brother had but let me just say, it’s awful. Now I used to suck, and now I’m better, but don’t go public with it until you at least know the basics of proper writing. And these kiddos wonder why no one joins their RPs, newsflash, you can’t tell the difference between your and you’re you fucking idiot. I’m really triggered by that
The new users. Well to be honest, not all of them are awful but not naming names because I’m not a complete asshole most that join either can’t use proper English, are dumb, have an over all fake personality Basically being a Shuri 2.0 with the over exaggerated kindness and overall positivity, or even worse, they are all these things and make the roleplay forum more toxic…
My most major problem lies ahead, don’t read if your easily triggered, or do, I don’t care.
I’m greatful to have people care about me, it means ‘a lot’ to me. By that I mean it feels like everyone’s acting like that so I can’t kill myself but just don’t interfere with my personal life. If consent is given then okay fine, but just don’t PM me and ask ‘Oh hey are you okay? You’re really depressed and I’m concerned about a person over the internet’ and you get ignored, that’s because 1, I don’t like you, 2, I don’t want to talk about it 3, I fucking don’t like you, or 4, fuck off I don’t like you. This isn’t just a phase or something and the more you people aSK about it the more I get self conscious and loose it. I have a Therapist, I have Emi, I don’t need more help. The more people try to help the more I think I’m being lied to and I would like my self confidence no to go down any lower, if that’s even possible.
And again, don’t fucking lie. State opinions. The more people are open with shit the less we have fake people and the more the site feels genuine. The only really genuine people I’ve met so far is basically Emi and all her friend on here, oh and Tiramisu. At least they can openly state their opinions. Fuck everyone who thinks they need to put on a mask on the fucking internet, fuck having a mask. Be yourself, it’s not like someone will come to your house and try to convert you with fucking anime posters, video games, bibles and whatever the fuck. It’s the internet, your behind a screen, unless you give your personal information or get hacked no one will know you, just stop playing the fake game and fucking express yourself.
Now final thing, no matter how many people tell me to stop, I won’t stop having self doubts and try to laugh off my depression, it’s a habit. My habits STAY my habits, just like how I still claw myself when I’m stressed like when I was 9. I can insult myself, usually putting myself down makes me try and do better, try and achieve gold, try being a better person overall. Now if you read the whole thing, you waisted your time but I digress.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Deleted user

Kylee I won't be upset if you delete your account. Honestly I don't fucking blame you.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Agreed. I respect the god andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but this has gone to far, I might just leave tomorrow. Not only have I been ignoring the site because of the toxicity, I have no time because of my life.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Agreed. I respect the god andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but this has gone to far, I might just leave tomorrow. Not only have I been ignoring the site because of the toxicity, I have no time because of my life.

The only reason I'm on here is because I have a cosplay tag here and I need entertainment at classes.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Agreed. I respect the god andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but this has gone to far, I might just leave tomorrow. Not only have I been ignoring the site because of the toxicity, I have no time because of my life.

The only reason I'm on here is because I have a cosplay tag here and I need entertainment at classes.

Basically me too. I don’t really care about most things but we really need a report user feature now that I think about it.

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Agreed. I respect the god andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but this has gone to far, I might just leave tomorrow. Not only have I been ignoring the site because of the toxicity, I have no time because of my life.

The only reason I'm on here is because I have a cosplay tag here and I need entertainment at classes.

Basically me too. I don’t really care about most things but we really need a report user feature now that I think about it.

There's only a few users I would report, the rest are just annoyinh.

@kittycalyx group

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

i was about to say "not to be rude" but then i remembered what this chat is for so imma just speak my mind

you strike me as very attention-seeking? and that's not like the worst thing ever but it just seems like you wanna share all of your personal issues so people will be concerned and will care about you?? i know you said you don't want more help/attention but it almost seems like you do (but hey, idk you)

also, about your opinion on people having a mask on internet: it's not wrong or fake for people to hide certain aspects of themselves online, especially things they're very insecure about. the internet can be a place where we let go of our problems and just have fun, where we can be a cooler person than anybody irl sees us as. yeah, that doesn't always work out–there can be a fuck ton of drama online, as we all know–but it never hurts to try and leave reality behind, does it?

god i feel like an asshole but you did ask for people to state their opinions so here you go

also you criticized people who confuse "you're" and "your" but then you said "if your easily triggered"

Deleted user

Well, which users would you report other than me? This is the place to call people out

Everyone who was a creep, the rest of y'all can just live your lives and leave me alone

Deleted user

this site is so much more dramatic and intense than i realized damn

Yes it fucking is. This site is probably very toxic to me, so I might as well as delete my account and never come back, but I’m waiting for Emi to leave before I do, because she will probably get upset and I’m not having that. Oh happy birthday its tomorow myself you finally got out of a toxic website that’s probably helping your anxiety build

i was about to say "not to be rude" but then i remembered what this chat is for so imma just speak my mind

you strike me as very attention-seeking? and that's not like the worst thing ever but it just seems like you wanna share all of your personal issues so people will be concerned and will care about you?? i know you said you don't want more help/attention but it almost seems like you do (but hey, idk you)

also, about your opinion on people having a mask on internet: it's not wrong or fake for people to hide certain aspects of themselves online, especially things they're very insecure about. the internet can be a place where we let go of our problems and just have fun, where we can be a cooler person than anybody irl sees us as. yeah, that doesn't always work out–there can be a fuck ton of drama online, as we all know–but it never hurts to try and leave reality behind, does it?

god i feel like an asshole but you did ask for people to state their opinions so here you go

also you criticized people who confuse "you're" and "your" but then you said "if your easily triggered"

so the last like of the wrong your was actuall intentional btw, but who fucking cares
I can see why I seem attention seeking, and in some way, not going to lie, I enjoy some positivity, that’s why I share my art exsessivly trying to seek some nice criticism and complements, and when I bring up problems, I usually joke about them which I shouldn’t do but it makes me feel better.
And thanks for the opinions. Appreciate feedback. And insecurity’s suck, I just think that the internet is protection from things.

Deleted user

Well, which users would you report other than me? This is the place to call people out

All the bad RPers that ruined my fucking experiences with their bad punctuation. And I wouldn’t report you, I would if you continue shoving your religion down peoples throats which I’m glad that you’ve lessened doing.

Deleted user

oh wow i was expecting a way angrier response and it was making me nervous, that's a nice surprise

I’m not a fucking asshole by any means, but I can be if you push my buttons Only applies to Real life by the way.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yo Kylee. Chill off Nutella okay! She's a dumb kid possibly. But she is trying okay! Jeez! She just has a strange sense of humor that doesn't resonate with you. So what! The world doesn't exist to please you. I don't like everyone here. In fact I care about only a few. But that's life. So chill out, cool your jets, and live your life.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Funny how I said I felt ignored and asked you all what you think of me, and didn't get any response. Now I'm worried that everyone wants to 'spill tea' on me or thinks I'm annoying ffs.

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

As long as people download their stuff and the Premium & Beta users keep their ranks or get refunded (for the former).
Also there are users who are active on the website but don't use the forums. If @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) really did something like this he would need to email everyone (I know you were being hyperbolic, but I don't want bad stuff to happen if @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) waltzes in here and decides it's a good thing)

@Mercury Beta Tester

On that subject, this 'worshipping' (Putting in quotes so that religious people won't get at me for suggesting they're worshipping false idols) of @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), calling him stuff like 'lord', 'senpai' or whatever is just childish (Edit: Yes a lot of people on are young, but what's happening is just a bit…strange IMO). I can't believe I have to say this but admins aren't or don't always stay good people forever (/u/spez on Reddit being a prime example).

@FaeEris acting superior is annoying, banging on about 'not going to spill the tea until ready', having a high IQ etc. And you were quite rude to @ ahollinger00 in the suggestions chat. Us disabled people regularly face lack of accommodation and ableism (A lot of videos are very difficult for me to understand if they don't have subtitles, as a deaf person, and I often see people complain about them), so it's a slap in the face when an abled person says "Patience is a virtue" when someone is asking for accessibility. We bloody know that abled people forget us in design, we have to deal with it in real life. You and @VoidResistance don't need to trumpet it like you know better than disabled people when one person asks for accessibility so they can browse the website like everyone else.
@ ahollinger00 has voiced his concerns since October and he's made it clear what needs to be changed.

Links (For reader):

Deleted user

Funny how I said I felt ignored and asked you all what you think of me, and didn't get any response. Now I'm worried that everyone wants to 'spill tea' on me or thinks I'm annoying ffs.

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

As long as people download their stuff and the Premium & Beta users keep their ranks or get refunded (for the former).
Also there are users who are active on the website but don't use the forums. If @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) really did something like this he would need to email everyone (I know you were being hyperbolic, but I don't want bad stuff to happen if @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) waltzes in here and decides it's a good thing)

Actually, I don't think I've seen you enough to have any 'tea' on you. But from what I've seen, you seem smart and on the nose so…

And yeah, I kinda meant the forums, where all the chats are deleted in general chat and we start a bunch of new ones, it would be a way to get to know everyone better, ya know.

Deleted user

Yo Kylee. Chill off Nutella okay! She's a dumb kid possibly. But she is trying okay! Jeez! She just has a strange sense of humor that doesn't resonate with you. So what! The world doesn't exist to please you. I don't like everyone here. In fact I care about only a few. But that's life. So chill out, cool your jets, and live your life.

Yeah, but she needs to learn about how not everyone is going to agree with you. Like how Emi is an Atheist, and how that’s not right, and I didn’t say it was just her. SHE is not the only one, she’s just an EXAMPLE of how bad it’s getting, a matter of fact I think she’s the nicest Christian who believes in their religion too much, I mean there is nothing wrong with that. Respectfully, I do think NutElla’s jokes are kind of funny, but sometimes it’s not that much explained, and this is an opinion chat, so I’m going to share my full opinion, beat me to a fucking poll over the internet, I still really don’t care, but no matter what you tell me, I still won’t care. And I’m pointing out that her art looks too good for a child… maybe she’s like 11, because I’ve seen artists with these amazingly detailed art at like 12. And back to your ‘live your life’ yeah I fucking wish my dude, I can’t live it like you people can having my issues, I can’t injoy it. Believe me when I say this, I fucking wish, and it’s pretty bad for my birthday I want to kill my self. I totally am not super depressed and depressed don’t want to fucking die because of my self doubts. Let me be depressed in my corner of past issues and self doubt.


Yo Kylee. Chill off Nutella okay! She's a dumb kid possibly. But she is trying okay! Jeez! She just has a strange sense of humor that doesn't resonate with you. So what! The world doesn't exist to please you. I don't like everyone here. In fact I care about only a few. But that's life. So chill out, cool your jets, and live your life.

Yeah, but she needs to learn about how not everyone is going to agree with you. Like how Emi is an Atheist, and how that’s not right, and I didn’t say it was just her. SHE is not the only one, she’s just an EXAMPLE of how bad it’s getting, a matter of fact I think she’s the nicest Christian who believes in their religion too much, I mean there is nothing wrong with that. Respectfully, I do think NutElla’s jokes are kind of funny, but sometimes it’s not that much explained, and this is an opinion chat, so I’m going to share my full opinion, beat me to a fucking poll over the internet, I still really don’t care, but no matter what you tell me, I still won’t care. And I’m pointing out that her art looks too good for a child… maybe she’s like 11, because I’ve seen artists with these amazingly detailed art at like 12. And back to your ‘live your life’ yeah I fucking wish my dude, I can’t live it like you people can having my issues, I can’t injoy it. Believe me when I say this, I fucking wish, and it’s pretty bad for my birthday I want to kill my self. I totally am not super depressed and depressed don’t want to fucking die because of my self doubts. Let me be depressed in my corner of past issues and self doubt.

First of all, I'm going to share my opinion that NutElla is a smart and capable kid. And not everyone is perfect. Don't try to say that she needs to learn something. You don't have the authority to say that and don't pretend you do.


Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

Deleted user

Honestly, this website needs to purge all the members and start from scratch.

Because they made you mad? News flash, some people enjoy this website. It's a safe and positive place for them.

I swear to the fucking sun, no. Not because they made me mad, in case you haven't seen. No one makes me mad, they annoy me sure. And I was saying that we should delete the general chats and start over, make new friends on here, etc. I enjoy this website, I enjoy that it helps me hold all my ocs and cosplans. I do not enjoy that we have had so much drama. For. A. Writing. Website.