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All my opinions of the site, why is it so long? Because little Kylee has ‘too many’ opinions
Fuck opinions about me. I don’t care. You can love me, hate me, whatever have your opinions but it’s not needed, it won’t make me a better person unless I fully care about you, example Emi, her encouragement is helpful, anything said on here is just a text message from a random person who’s probably just lying to me.
Fuck religion being shoved down throats. Don’t do this. It’s not right. I have many Atheist friends and I don’t go around and just randomly walk up to Emi and shove a Bible down her throat chanting John 3:16 as I hold a cross above her head. You can believe in Jesus, Zeus, Shaggy, Sonic, Whatever the fuck kids worship now a days, I really don’t care just don’t force anyone to follow the same path, just simply state it then never bring it up again, okay? Okay now stop.
For the love of god this positivity and fake ness bullshit needs to stop… I try to be very nice online, because I don’t want to be seen as a fucking idiot, but when I bring up a joke or something harmless, it’s like the entire world is falling apart, either it’s taken to literally, taken the wrong way, or seen as offensive which most of the time it’s just a small meme like what the actual fuck. It’s like you can’t even post anything here without getting the fake positivity, the opinions, fucking religion and other bullshit. Complementing is good but to much cough Shuri cough ISN’T GOING TO HELP.
The role playing forum is just dog shit now, being honest. I haven’t joined any role plays since like February 7-19 or some shit like that and want to know why? Every time someone joins the site, and good person can’t stay for reasons, which I respect I’m considering leaving from lack of Roleplays, wHICH IS WHAT I JOINED FOR MIND YOU but come the fuck on, LEARN PROPER FUCKING GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION BEFORE YOU EVEN CONSIDER TAPPING OR CLICKING ON THE ROLEPLAY TAPS KIDDOS, OBAMA DOESNT WANT YOUR ONE LINER BULL SHIT. Every RP you check is either Emi, or the other very talented people, or someone who has worse grammar and spelling then my brother. I’ll find an old RP me and my brother had but let me just say, it’s awful. Now I used to suck, and now I’m better, but don’t go public with it until you at least know the basics of proper writing. And these kiddos wonder why no one joins their RPs, newsflash, you can’t tell the difference between your and you’re you fucking idiot. I’m really triggered by that
The new users. Well to be honest, not all of them are awful but not naming names because I’m not a complete asshole most that join either can’t use proper English, are dumb, have an over all fake personality Basically being a Shuri 2.0 with the over exaggerated kindness and overall positivity, or even worse, they are all these things and make the roleplay forum more toxic…
My most major problem lies ahead, don’t read if your easily triggered, or do, I don’t care.
I’m greatful to have people care about me, it means ‘a lot’ to me. By that I mean it feels like everyone’s acting like that so I can’t kill myself but just don’t interfere with my personal life. If consent is given then okay fine, but just don’t PM me and ask ‘Oh hey are you okay? You’re really depressed and I’m concerned about a person over the internet’ and you get ignored, that’s because 1, I don’t like you, 2, I don’t want to talk about it 3, I fucking don’t like you, or 4, fuck off I don’t like you. This isn’t just a phase or something and the more you people aSK about it the more I get self conscious and loose it. I have a Therapist, I have Emi, I don’t need more help. The more people try to help the more I think I’m being lied to and I would like my self confidence no to go down any lower, if that’s even possible.
And again, don’t fucking lie. State opinions. The more people are open with shit the less we have fake people and the more the site feels genuine. The only really genuine people I’ve met so far is basically Emi and all her friend on here, oh and Tiramisu. At least they can openly state their opinions. Fuck everyone who thinks they need to put on a mask on the fucking internet, fuck having a mask. Be yourself, it’s not like someone will come to your house and try to convert you with fucking anime posters, video games, bibles and whatever the fuck. It’s the internet, your behind a screen, unless you give your personal information or get hacked no one will know you, just stop playing the fake game and fucking express yourself.
Now final thing, no matter how many people tell me to stop, I won’t stop having self doubts and try to laugh off my depression, it’s a habit. My habits STAY my habits, just like how I still claw myself when I’m stressed like when I was 9. I can insult myself, usually putting myself down makes me try and do better, try and achieve gold, try being a better person overall. Now if you read the whole thing, you waisted your time but I digress.