forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


Edit for clarification^^^this was not an invitation to roast me. I was making a pop culture reference, but okay!

Deleted user

Aggressively duct tape me to a totem pole and set my body ablaze!

Deleted user

I can’t really ‘roast’ anyone without me actually disliking them, which I don’t really…. everyone on this site is cool, and I don’t want to really be rude to anyone anymore but I can’t talk much longer cause my IPad is at 10 percent so see everyone tomorrow I guess…


Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


You can be a little extra sometimes (sometimes I love it, sometimes I feel like you go a bit too far). You seem like you think that you're above people sometimes, but that could be just me misreading things.

(I had to fight the urge to praise you instead of being rude)

Deleted user

Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


You can be really aggressive.

Deleted user

Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


You can be a little extra sometimes (sometimes I love it, sometimes I feel like you go a bit too far). You seem like you think that you're above people sometimes, but that could be just me misreading things.

(I had to fight the urge to praise you instead of being rude)

Thank you for the roast. :D I can be a little extra, even I shall admit such a thing, but I have no shame. My play at confidence seems a little on the extreme side. (I blame my mom for naming me after a goddess.) Lol
I apologize if anything about me offends you.

Deleted user

Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


You can be really aggressive.

Hmmm. I don't see this as a bad thing. I think humans need to be less passive with their thoughts and ambitions. edit (eris says extremely without any emotion aside from general fact giving.)

Deleted user

Well then… lol I was not expecting this.


You can be really aggressive.

Hmmm. I don't see this as a bad thing. I think humans need to be less passive with their thoughts and ambitions.


Deleted user

(Ok… I got mentioned here again…. cause I have already unfollowed this thing twice now….
If someone has an issue with me I wanna know so I can fix it!)

Deleted user

??? No one has mentioned you since your last response?

Deleted user

(Well I got notifications again……. and I unfollowed after my last response….)

Deleted user

shrugs Idk homie…..But no one is bad mouthing you.

Deleted user

Yeah… Imma unfollow now….
Seriously if anyone has an issue with me PM me… I promise I probably won't take offense!

Deleted user

The only one I'm hating Is myself. For many reasons.

Deleted user

Hey if you have beef/tea with yourself youre more than welcome to spill it. Maybe getting it all out will help.

Deleted user

Comparing food to issues seems to make a more relaxed and humorous environment, making many issues more bearable to discuss and overcome.

@HighPockets group

Just gonna pop in to say
You know how 'spill the tea' has replaced 'spill the beans' in slang?
And how people sometimes just say 'tea'?
What if 'spill the tea' never became a popular saying and so people would just be walking up to their friends and going 'beans' and then their friend shares the drama.
Okay! Bye!

Also I'm highkey surprised that no one has tea with me, I thought I'd've been roasted by now

Deleted user

Just gonna pop in to say
You know how 'spill the tea' has replaced 'spill the beans' in slang?
And how people sometimes just say 'tea'?
What if 'spill the tea' never became a popular saying and so people would just be walking up to their friends and going 'beans' and then their friend shares the drama.
Okay! Bye!

Also I'm highkey surprised that no one has tea with me, I thought I'd've been roasted by now

You’re a great person and I agree, I have friends of friends who do it and it makes me absolutely sick…

Deleted user

If anyone who gets on has issues with me, please spill the tea. I want to feel pain.

Deleted user

Just gonna pop in to say
You know how 'spill the tea' has replaced 'spill the beans' in slang?
And how people sometimes just say 'tea'?
What if 'spill the tea' never became a popular saying and so people would just be walking up to their friends and going 'beans' and then their friend shares the drama.
Okay! Bye!

Also I'm highkey surprised that no one has tea with me, I thought I'd've been roasted by now

Ohmylordy I saw this posted on tumblr the other day and laughed my ass off. Can you image the absurdity of saying beans randomly? XD

Deleted user

Beef tea sounds like a really weird term for broth

wouldn't beef tea just be stew?

high thought