forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


Oh I never did that lol. I can hardly do any multiplication in my head. That's what calculators are for that makes me sound like a dumbass but I'm just lazy lmao


Lmao that sounds a lot like my Physics table.
Me: using a calculator for everything
Lexie: does it in her head and is right every time
Lucio: does neither cuz his calculator hates him and he trusts Lexie and me to tell him the right numbers
Fred: left in the middle of the semester


Numbers actually make sense to me. I'm kinda just good at math and algebra.

hey same I'm the one literally everyone comes to for help


Numbers actually make sense to me. I'm kinda just good at math and algebra.

hey same I'm the one literally everyone comes to for help

yeah me toooo

it gets so tiring sometimes
they'll be like "eLENA!"
and I'm like "WHAT do you WANT???" bc I have things I need to do like play card games with the rest of my table bc I'll just do the work at home

Deleted user

This is why i chose a profession that barely needs math.


I believe I've already done that
I think only two people were rude toward me, and I'm not happy with that
I know I piss everyone off all the time, come at me, I can take it