forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


But… LIke… No

take the compliment Logan

Deleted user

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


But… LIke… No

take the compliment Logan


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I actually like people jobs for the most part. It helps that I do summers at an ice cream booth that everyone loves. Plus I can play people like fiddles if I wish so they love me and the place even more.
(I guess it just might be being nice though…)


Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


But… LIke… No

take the compliment Logan



Deleted user

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


But… LIke… No

take the compliment Logan



I refuse.

Deleted user

A 15 year old girl at my highschool was caught in a car crash and died. She was in my class and we were kinda friends. My teacher just told me about it and it hit me really hard. This other girl walks Into class and got started on her project. Feeling our eyes on her, she turned around and asked 'what?' In the type of tone that alerts you that she liked the attention. We tell her but halfway between us talking, she cut us off with a simple, non-empathic 'oh, I know.' Like WTF?? Show a little bit of sympathy, try and empathize will the family of the young girl!?! I swear to God, if abuse wasnt frowned upon I would have punched this late girl

there's no reason to get violent because someone doesnt feel the same way you do over something tragic. It could just be that she knew of the event but didn't know the other girl well enough to feel sympathetic. It happens.


A 15 year old girl at my highschool was caught in a car crash and died. She was in my class and we were kinda friends. My teacher just told me about it and it hit me really hard. This other girl walks Into class and got started on her project. Feeling our eyes on her, she turned around and asked 'what?' In the type of tone that alerts you that she liked the attention. We tell her but halfway between us talking, she cut us off with a simple, non-empathic 'oh, I know.' Like WTF?? Show a little bit of sympathy, try and empathize will the family of the young girl!?! I swear to God, if abuse wasnt frowned upon I would have punched this late girl

there's no reason to get violent because someone doesnt feel the same way you do over something tragic. It could just be that she knew of the event but didn't know the other girl well enough to feel sympathetic. It happens.

Yeah. I mean hearing about this makes me kinda sad but I don't know her so I'm not going to start crying about it.

Deleted user

Also– you peeps need to learn how to accept compliments. Honestly. Its actually really damn annoying and stupid when someone give you a compliment and the response is "no im not." Like, how is someone supposed to react to that? Agree? Yes you actually are a piece of trash. Disagree and keep showering compliments on you so you should like a conceited asshole?
Good grief. Get over yourselves and just accept that what the other person thinks is true from their perspective.

Self depreciation is not attractive and it should be a habit that dies out. Like now.


Also– you peeps need to learn how to accept compliments. Honestly. Its actually really damn annoying and stupid when someone give you a compliment and the response is "no im not." Like, how is someone supposed to react to that? Agree? Yes you actually are a piece of trash. Disagree and keep showering compliments on you so you should like a conceited asshole?
Good grief. Get over yourselves and just accept that what the other person thinks is true from their perspective.

Self depreciation is not attractive and it should be a habit that dies out. Like now.

I feel like there are two types of self depreciation: attention seeking and genuine low self esteem. Sometimes, when people don't accept compliments, it's because they assume the other person is just lying and giving them compliments out of pity. People don't always do it just to get themselves showered with compliments.

@Mojack group

Also– you peeps need to learn how to accept compliments. Honestly. Its actually really damn annoying and stupid when someone give you a compliment and the response is "no im not." Like, how is someone supposed to react to that? Agree? Yes you actually are a piece of trash. Disagree and keep showering compliments on you so you should like a conceited asshole?
Good grief. Get over yourselves and just accept that what the other person thinks is true from their perspective.

Self depreciation is not attractive and it should be a habit that dies out. Like now.

I agree, I’m a bit hesitant to say that, so I’m glad someone said that. I’ve had it done to me so much in the past.


A 15 year old girl at my highschool was caught in a car crash and died. She was in my class and we were kinda friends. My teacher just told me about it and it hit me really hard. This other girl walks Into class and got started on her project. Feeling our eyes on her, she turned around and asked 'what?' In the type of tone that alerts you that she liked the attention. We tell her but halfway between us talking, she cut us off with a simple, non-empathic 'oh, I know.' Like WTF?? Show a little bit of sympathy, try and empathize will the family of the young girl!?! I swear to God, if abuse wasnt frowned upon I would have punched this late girl

there's no reason to get violent because someone doesnt feel the same way you do over something tragic. It could just be that she knew of the event but didn't know the other girl well enough to feel sympathetic. It happens.

Well I agree I shouldnt get violent, the death reminded me of my own best friend's death but this girl and the one who died were really good friends. I mean ok, you may not like showing emotion but at least take others feelings into mind before laughing about it

Deleted user

Everyone deals with grief in a different way. Maybe they werent as close as you thought.
It's just wrong to assume.

@faltering-through pets

I just fucking read through this entire chat and I think its gold. If anyone's got shit on me as well spill because I'm curious to know how overly positive I am.

@faltering-through pets

l thanks I guess. Honestly, I think I act way too positive for my own good. I try to be a pretty dang good person around people so they can be my friend but in reality? Sometimes I just want to rip my mask off and call everyone out on their bullshit

@faltering-through pets

I won't. Simply because I like to keep myself neutral. And if you think I'm shit because of that then fuck you. I mostly have beef with people out in the real world anyways. I'm just here to see how many people hate me or how they really see me