forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


I would appreciate it if everyone had at least one ounce of maturity.

I can understand younger people being immature, they're still learning (I'm an immature 16 year old but I mean, I'm only a kid once. I'm not going to take responsibility/start acting mature until I'm actually an adult). But I get really frustrated when I see adults acting extremely immature.

Deleted user

^^^^exactly what I witnessed at starbucks this morning. Eris was not feeling human enough to deal with cranky entitled old white women while I waited for my sick tea this morning. People need to chill the fuck out when it comes to food service man…. they're not trying to 'ruin your day'. Everyone makes mistakes.


oh my fucking god I get so pissed off when I see people treating customer service workers like shit
especially retail workers, those people are fucking champions
like they're just doing their job, chill


I feel so bad for my older sister, she has at least a hundred stories of people being absolute jerks to her/her coworkers simply for doing their jobs.

Deleted user

My first job was a barista at Starbucks. Lemme tell you guys….it is truly a horrific job. Fun when there are no customers. But as soon as there are…. it's a nightmare.

@Mojack group

I'm planning on getting a job, but probably not this year. Maybe in the coming years, but it'll be a part time job.

As a customer I usually try my best to be nice to the workers. They've probably seen some stuff and they're probably tired. And sometimes, being polite and mature goes a long way.

To be fair with you I CAN be immature but when I'm going to stores or whatever I'm not, and even then I'm rarely immature and I try not to be unless it suits the current situation.

i still laugh at uranus jokes but dont tell anyone


A 15 year old girl at my highschool was caught in a car crash and died. She was in my class and we were kinda friends. My teacher just told me about it and it hit me really hard. This other girl walks Into class and got started on her project. Feeling our eyes on her, she turned around and asked 'what?' In the type of tone that alerts you that she liked the attention. We tell her but halfway between us talking, she cut us off with a simple, non-empathic 'oh, I know.' Like WTF?? Show a little bit of sympathy, try and empathize will the family of the young girl!?! I swear to God, if abuse wasnt frowned upon I would have punched this late girl

@HighPockets group

oh my fucking god I get so pissed off when I see people treating customer service workers like shit
especially retail workers, those people are fucking champions
like they're just doing their job, chill

Oh my God YES!
I worked at a pizza place over the summer with a friend of mine, and we were working one night and this douche was there with his girlfriend and I guess he was in a bad mood and my friend went and asked if she could take his plate since he was done and he just snapped "Just take the fucking plate". And then I went around to do one last sweep of the tables since there were like 3 people there and they were leaving, and he was leaving and just threw his receipt at me…..

Deleted user

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

@HighPockets group

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

Deleted user

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.

@HighPockets group

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


Deleted user

Yeah… I was volunteering at a manners teaching thing for some little kids, I was teaching them some shit then one of thier mothers walks in and goes "I need to see the adult, you obviously cannot handle a group of children." And I was just like "Miss, I assure you. I am able to handle teaching these children as I probably know more about this subject then you."

How are you so amazing all the time?????

But I'm like… Not.


But… LIke… No