forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

well have at it. Be rude


Like the username, Jensen

@faltering-through pets

Nah dude, I'm just really fucking salty about the fact that a lot of people who I actaully liked that used to be on here aren't anymore and some of the people who caused that to happen has earned my eternal hatred.

@faltering-through pets

Alright so here's the thing. I have a really good friend of mine that I recommended Notebook to. I told him how great this site was and how all the people are really friendly and accepting n junk. It just happens that a month or so after that he comes to me and asks me what was going on with the threads on here. This was before all the mess with shuri and some people happened. I was also on a break at the time due to previous toxic shit that was happening. I needed to clear my mind because like Red said, it was getting so out of hand that it was ridiculous. So he messges me and tells me that people were fucking fighting. I nearly flipped my shit when he said that he wasn't going to get on anymore and just had to see it for myself. Yup. I felt really embarrassed for telling him how the people were nice on here and most of all really fucking disappointed. Even some of the best people said that they wouldn't approach the General chat anymore until all rhe bullshit passed. You guys know who you are and honestly, I don't blame y'all.


Yeah, I remember when everyone was fighting on here. I kind of feel bad for being a part of it, but that's why I took a break for a short time. I'm hardly on General Chat anymore because of that whole thing.
I wish the site would go back to being a supportive, friendly place where authors/creators could just talk and worldbuild
also I love how andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) moved General chat all the way to the bottom into the "off topic" section

@faltering-through pets

Yeah, I remember when everyone was fighting on here. I kind of feel bad for being a part of it, but that's why I took a break for a short time. I'm hardly on General Chat anymore because of that whole thing.
I wish the site would go back to being a supportive, friendly place where authors/creators could just talk and worldbuild
also I love how andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) moved General chat all the way to the bottom into the "off topic" section

Lmaooo yeah. I saw on a thread that someone said that most of the threads were on the General chat because it was the first thing that people saw and the next thing I know General chat is all the way at the bottom, I laughed for a hundred years

Deleted user

excellent tea.

I'm sorry for your friend. I should hope that it's not that bad anymore. Although the emergence of the 'cliques' has gotten pretty annoying.


This rudeness is dedicated to my stupid fucking hair because it's getting to damn long and it's making me remember part of why I wanted to cut it so bad in the first place. Also it needs to chill the fuck out with the static, like literally every time anything touches it it just goes everywhere and I hate it so much.

Sorry I know this isn't important but I'm genuinely upset

Deleted user

As someone with 'Mermaid' hair….I completely understand.

@faltering-through pets

Dude I'm with on the hair thing. I walk from the warm inside of the school and as soon as I walk out into the cold, BAM! It fucking floats. and then there's me trying to desperately tame it back down but it just won't.

@faltering-through pets

excellent tea.

I'm sorry for your friend. I should hope that it's not that bad anymore. Although the emergence of the 'cliques' has gotten pretty annoying.

lol thanks I guess and yeah, I told 'em to come back, begged and all but said that he wasn't and I really didn't want to swamp him or anything so I let it go. Once in a while, he'll ask how the war on Notebook is going and I tell 'em that we need more troops to win and he just laughs


I've got fine (thin and depressing-looking) hair and it sucks. I can't style it, no matter what length or what I use, and it always looks flat and gross.
And I can't wear beanies because the moment I take it off, it just fucking sticks up from the static


I had really thick hair, which is great because other people love it, except for literally everything else. It would never stay brushed, like I would bend over to grab something after brushing it and suddenly I've got five knots and a bird nesting in my hair. I eventually just literally shaved it all off.

Deleted user

I have poofy and curly hair that gets in my eyes. I can't even 'brush' it.


I had really thick hair, which is great because other people love it, except for literally everything else. It would never stay brushed, like I would bend over to grab something after brushing it and suddenly I've got five knots and a bird nesting in my hair.

I know that feeling…

@Mojack group

I remember when some of the drama was going on and I really really don’t like to be apart of it so I sort of took a break certain general threads but I’m a weak woman and I couldn’t stay away from the entirety of general itself

On the hair thing after showers my hair gets really really soft and it feels nice and all but it doesn’t stay in my braid when I braid it and wearing hats I can only wear certain types due to static

I’ve gotta wear so many barrettes in my hair to make it look somewhat decent

Deleted user

You should try argon oil hair masks. It's almost like a deep condition treatment but so much better. It makes your hair glossy, hydrates, softens and repairs damage. I do one at least once or twice a month and it keeps my mane from going too crazy.