forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

oh I'm so sorry, rudeness chat

Thanks you! How dare you shove the Rudeness Chat!

Deleted user

Im sorry that happened to you Lex. :( Teenagers are oddly….horrible.

Deleted user

Yeah… But I went on another walk today and didn't see him.. SO that's good!

Deleted user

being a teen is horrible, too. tennage-dom just sucks for everyone involved

Deleted user

being a teen is horrible, too. tennage-dom just sucks for everyone involved

I agree with this, too.

Deleted user

I mean, i’m sad all the time and also lash out at people I love at random times for no reason , it suck asssssss


It really is… You're right between the "no one takes you seriously" age and the "overwhelming amount of responsibility" age so everything is a mess of silent suffering

Deleted user

yes ugh. I can’t go to the bathroom without permission but in a year or two i’m expected to choose my life path???? a wtf???

Deleted user

Ok but I don't think that's the worst part about teenager-dom.

Even adults have lash-outs and mood swings. Personally my thing is not being able to do anything on my own, make my own money (I'm not allowed to get a job till I'm 18), and generally ignored of an opinion/fact that (not all the time!) is right.

Deleted user

That sucks too. 13-20 really is the worst time ever huh

Deleted user

It's basically 13-18 for me, personally. Maybe 19, but 20 I don't see. It's as if you're counting down to 21, which is drinking age. And everyone doesn't do that!


My older sister is 18 and people still tell her things like "You're too young to be tired" or "You're still too young to be anxious".
…I kinda want to punch those people and then shout "YOU'RE TOO OLD TO FEEL PAIN"

Deleted user

I'm fucking counting the days down until I'm 18. I can't wait to leave my house and see my best friend again. Screw my parents.


oh I'm so sorry, rudeness chat

Thanks you! How dare you shove the Rudeness Chat!

let me teach you about a little something called sarcasm


I'm just waiting until the moment I get my driver's license and can spend my time doing the things I enjoy instead of being stuck in this disaster of a house all pancaking day

Deleted user

What makes you think your parents will let you take a car?

I personally sure know my parents aren't going to let me step foot outside with the keys without one of them in the seat, or some stupid tracking device on the car.


They've allowed my older siblings, however, even my 20-year-old brother isn't allowed to go anywhere without telling mom all the details first… The places I'd want to go are mostly approved by her, so I'd assume it should be fine (? Not actually sure)

Deleted user

oooo I can’t wait til I can get a car and I can sleep in in the mornings. (I have to get up early because I have to ride with my dad who has to take my brother to school by 7:15) that’s another thing that sucks about being a teenager, you never get enough sleep

Deleted user

Yeah, never is right.

Just because you are a teenager doesn't mean that will change.

You will still have a job. You will still have college.

Deleted user

Yeah but as a teenager you need at least 9-11 hours of sleep to function and tbh that’s just not feasible