forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

mmm, my mom makes sweetbread and its so fucking good

@HighPockets group

This is the rudeness chat :L

Anyway idk I feel like I would have learned that from my doctor when I asked about a healthy sleep schedule recently or even from a class.

this is hella old but I just want to mention that some doctors are complete idiots. Not at all saying that your doctor is an idiot, just saying that some doctors can't be trusted. Such as my ER doctor, who told me to turn to Jesus when my life was in danger

Dude I went to see a doctor specifically for headaches being caused by bright lights, and he told me to take Advil, tylonel, and wear sunglasses.
The entire reason that I went was because my mom wanted to see if there was something we could do that didn't involve taking a ton of tylonel and advil and wearing my sunglasses all the time.
He also told me to take more melatonin as well??
It was just a waste of time.

Deleted user

This is a rudeness chat, so…
I mean there's something I wanna say, but IDK if I should : /


Okay I just gotta put this somewhere but it's about myself and it's not rude but like afkahklsa

Anyway I'm too nice for my own good honestly. LIke if that makes sense at all. I have difficulty saying no to anyone and I'm always nice to people even if I hate them or they hate me like my actual principal and it's annoying. I don't wanna say it's a bad thing necessarily but my lack of assertiveness can get me overwhelmed a lot of times. I literally can only say no to a couple people. Like one of my friends who is really social wanted me to sleep over last night but my introvertedness gave me a big no there. She's like the only friend I can say no to. Otherwise I just give vague answers or do what others want and sometimes it's too much for myself. And then I'm just really nice according to everyone. And that isn't a bad thing and I refuse to believe it ever is but there are people I hate or they cause me extreme anxiety but I still remain way too nice to them. Like on Friday my principal asked me whether I was upset that I was stuck with her for another 4 years which YES I AM UPSET ABOUT THAT but instead I just said 'nah' because I didn't want to hurt her feelings despite the extreme anxiety she causes me

I guess I should've put this in the venting chat but whatever

Deleted user

Here's my thing:
I annoy the crap out of @FaeEris and I know it.
I can tell.


Well, I don’t actually know if I annoy all those people or if I’ve just become so self-conscious over the past few months that I’ve started assuming everyone’s annoyed by me before I even speak to them


Well, I don’t actually know if I annoy all those people or if I’ve just become so self-conscious over the past few months that I’ve started assuming everyone’s annoyed by me before I even speak to them

I’m fine with ya, Ella. Since you’ve chilled out with the Christian jokes (which didn’t really bother me, I just wasn’t sure if they were jokes or not and I didn’t like that), you don’t bother me.


I feel like most (if not all) people here generally like me, but I tend to get really grumpy/annoying when I've only gotten 5 hours of sleep.


My self-esteem changes a lot. One day I’ll be practically flirting at the mirror because I’m too incredibly perfect for words and then the next day I’m completely unable to look at myself without feeling like absolute crap. Today is somewhere in between, leaning a bit more towards the second one.

Deleted user

i haven’t been here quite as long as the OGs, but i’m not very new either. it’s been almost 6 months now, I think.


i haven’t been here quite as long as the OGs, but i’m not very new either. it’s been almost 6 months now, I think.

Same. I've been active since about September but first made an account in August