forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Oh boy, that's a mood. I can't fucking stand pills, and my parents used to give me shit about it all the time(I have ADHD, so I had to take 'em regularly when we were trying to lessen the symptoms). Once I explained to my mom what it felt like and shit, she kind of got it. It still sucked being told you were being over dramatic tho

Hey is anyone willing to talk to me about ADHD? I'm almost certain I have it, but I don't want to get tested for a couple reasons but I don't want to be a Self-Diagnoser™.

Self diagnosing is the first step to getting an actual diagnosis. Idk why people are so against that. It's your body, you're gonna notice if something is wrong or is off in any way. People be crazy.

What do you wanna know about ADHD?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I guess I just want to talk with people that for sure have it. I've taken some tests and get high results. But I also know that doesn't prove anything. If you can give me what you consider important info I would love it.

Deleted user

Ermmmm, my form of ADHD isn't common (Hyperfocus & maladaptive thought process) so if you have that I can give you tons of info! But the flip side where people have the short attention span and what not….I have no idea how it works.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Reading a lot of stuff but wanted to put this here because super relateable.
(I randomly thought about reading and attention and ADHD and the math of it.)

"I read books. Last time I checked, I was reading one.

Now I'm on Reddit. Dammit."

Story of my life. Though more like Pinterest. I actually have finals today but haven't started yet.


Oh boy, ADHD sucks. I recommend being super careful with meds tho, if you ever get diagnosed. I've gone through four different ones, and the most common side effects for me were horrible mood swings, to the point even I was like wtf man, not eating anything, but having an increased metabolism, and shitty sleeping patterns.

Deleted user

well that’s the whole point of meds, but i get what you’re Saying


The meds are supposed to help, and they kind of did? But the cons far outweighed the pros for me, and I've been better off without them. Really though, it would depend on the person, and what they're willing to put up with, y'know?

Deleted user

For example: adderall is great for the hyperactive people. but for people like me adderall is amazing if I dont want to surface from the tides of netflix for 2 days and not eat or sleep.


I love how everyone in this chat is a bit conceited. "What do you mean no one said anything horrible about me??? I'm rot personified."
Like come on guys. Not everyone has beef, chill.

I'm not saying I'm bad or I should be bashed on, I just thought someone might have a bit of annoyance with me from when I randomly post the bee movie script

@HighPockets group

The meds are supposed to help, and they kind of did? But the cons far outweighed the pros for me, and I've been better off without them. Really though, it would depend on the person, and what they're willing to put up with, y'know?

Yeah, I've been on a lot of different meds for different stuff, and I've never had one that actually worked. For example, I was on one for depression and yeah it made me happier, but it also made my anger worse and my sadness worse. Or it'd wear off early and I'd end up in a blanket burrito by 7 o'clock.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love how everyone in this chat is a bit conceited. "What do you mean no one said anything horrible about me??? I'm rot personified."
Like come on guys. Not everyone has beef, chill.

I'm not saying I'm bad or I should be bashed on, I just thought someone might have a bit of annoyance with me from when I randomly post the bee movie script

We're you the one who did that on the character chat?

Deleted user

i was a little surprised no one said anything about me, but hey I’ll take it


I love how everyone in this chat is a bit conceited. "What do you mean no one said anything horrible about me??? I'm rot personified."
Like come on guys. Not everyone has beef, chill.

I'm not saying I'm bad or I should be bashed on, I just thought someone might have a bit of annoyance with me from when I randomly post the bee movie script

We're you the one who did that on the character chat?

I've never done it on a character chat, so no.


This is the rudeness chat :L

Anyway idk I feel like I would have learned that from my doctor when I asked about a healthy sleep schedule recently or even from a class.

this is hella old but I just want to mention that some doctors are complete idiots. Not at all saying that your doctor is an idiot, just saying that some doctors can't be trusted. Such as my ER doctor, who told me to turn to Jesus when my life was in danger

Deleted user

^^^ my time in Trauma ER made me rethink my religious tendencies. That place is insane. The doctors are cooky as hell but the residents/students even more so. XD


I love how everyone in this chat is a bit conceited. "What do you mean no one said anything horrible about me??? I'm rot personified."
Like come on guys. Not everyone has beef, chill.

For me, it's just that I see all of my flaws and I feel like more people would have a problem with the bad side of me. I'm just surprised that not everyone hates me because there's a lot I've done wrong, and I know a lot of people who would probably stab me in the throat if they ever saw my face again. And then there's the fact that I feel like a lot of people are pretending that they like me, but that might just be an insecurity thing.


^^^ my time in Trauma ER made me rethink my religious tendencies. That place is insane. The doctors are cooky as hell but the residents/students even more so. XD

lmao yeah, the hospital where I am is full of idiots. I immediately told my doctor I was a homosexual atheist (even though I'm Christian, I just wanted to piss him off and get him to shut up)


I don't know where to ask this, but am I the only person who very, very strongly dislikes the smell of plastic cups? Not like water bottles or the ones your baby sister uses, but the cups you find at McDonald's and similar places? They smell like a combination of your grandma's favorite glass cleaner, swimming pools, and children's finger paints. I just wanted to drink some lemonade without the smell causing some sort of odd aftertaste, is that too much to ask?

Deleted user

I don't know where to ask this, but am I the only person who very, very strongly dislikes the smell of plastic cups? Not like water bottles or the ones your baby sister uses, but the cups you find at McDonald's and similar places? They smell like a combination of your grandma's favorite glass cleaner, swimming pools, and children's finger paints. I just wanted to drink some lemonade without the smell causing some sort of odd aftertaste, is that too much to ask?

Wow, I agree. Seriously.