forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Sorry to be kinda off topic but there's this person who I think is cool but lately they've been pissing me off majorly
not for anything big… he just…. doesn't shut the fuck up. And he doesn't ever give me a single fucking minute of quiet time/alone time. I've tried to drop so many hints but he just isn't picking up on any of them.
I'm an ambivert. Yes, I need to interact with people a lot to be happy, but I also need my alone time or I'll go fucking crazy.
Right now, he's driving me crazy. I can't stand it.
Like today, I was trying to get work done and listen to music, and he starts talking to me about theories of the universe. I love talking about stuff like that because I find it really interesting, but I was in the middle of doing something. And then he said "have you heard about this one theory?" and I was like "no but I'll–" and I was going to say I'll probably read about it later but he goes into a 20 minute explanation about it anyway, and I just got super pissed off because I was trying to do something and I didn't want to talk at the moment.
He also doesn't seem to understand that I like to take walks in silence. I've tried to drop hints and tried to be less talkative during walks because when people talk to me while I'm walking outside, I immediately get the urge to punch them in the face. Like let me enjoy the fucking scenery, this is probably the only peace and quiet I've gotten in a long time.
And I want to tell him that I need time to be alone sometimes, but he's a sort of nervous guy and I feel like he'll end up thinking it's his fault, but it's not. I just need my space from people sometimes. I'm constantly surrounded by chaos and my life is super messy, and I need some time to take a break so I can organize my thoughts.


Also, when I'm alone, creativity flows best. And I'm not as creative when somebody is constantly talking my fucking ear off.


I wish I could, but I can't bc he's my friend
But oh my god I really, really, really want to sometimes. And I feel like a terrible person for that but it seriously gets on my nerves when I'm trying to get some peace and quiet and somebody fucks it up


Maybe just ask him to stop? If it is who I think it is then probably start off with "try not to feel bad but this has been bothering me a lot lately so please stop"


Maybe just ask him to stop? If it is who I think it is then probably start off with "try not to feel bad but this has been bothering me a lot lately so please stop"

Yeah, it might be who you think it is. But I really don't want to hurt his feelings or anything


Maybe just ask him to stop? If it is who I think it is then probably start off with "try not to feel bad but this has been bothering me a lot lately so please stop"

Yeah, it might be who you think it is. But I really don't want to hurt his feelings or anything

Well it's better to do it now rather than snapping at him later on


I would never snap at him for something like this
To be honest, I'm too nervous to approach him. I feel like a complete dick for feeling like this.

Deleted user

Please stop. This isn't cute and the exact opposite of what I wanted this chat to be about.

Deleted user

I'm now going to go on a rant about how concieted people are. Ahem, let me type it out.

Deleted user

I'm now going to go on a rant about how concieted people are. Ahem, let me type it out.

I was looking forward to reading this.

Deleted user

So I was going on a walk yesterday with my dog, I was in some comfy pants and a large sweatshirt. I decided that I would walk up to the CVS, not going inside, then walk back home. Simple because the CVS is right by my house. So I'm walking for maybe… 15 minutes and this dude knocks me over, note, my back is currently injured so a lot of movement makes it really start to hurt. So, me being weak, fall over, right near my dog, I scrape my hands a bit and this asshole feels like he needs to tell me "Watch where you're going and respect your elders." Then just out of spite he adds: "Little girl." This guy had the guts to tell me, a small kid who is on the sidewalk with my hands bleeding, my back hurting like hell, and crying and a kid who just wanted to walk their fucking dog to respect my elders! This guy is like sixteen, not even an elder! And he walks away! Just like that! AND I'M JUS SO ANGRY!