forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

As an adult you still need eight to nine hours.

Humans and teenagers… are still the same, if you didn't know.

Deleted user

oh no no no that’s not what I was saying!!!! Sorry if there was a miscommunication. I just meant that teens need a shit ton of sleep but also have hormones that tell them to stay up later and later at night. sorry

Deleted user

They have hormones that–

Okay never in my life have I heard that?? Where have you learned that?

Deleted user

I’ve read multiple articles on it, if you want I could probably find one. I didn’t mean to come across as rude i’m Really sorry

Deleted user

This is the rudeness chat :L

Anyway idk I feel like I would have learned that from my doctor when I asked about a healthy sleep schedule recently or even from a class.


No! The natural melatonin in a teenager actually does set in at around eleven, sometimes later. To fit in with that, and the amount of sleep we need, we really should have later school start times tbh

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

oooo I can’t wait til I can get a car and I can sleep in in the mornings. (I have to get up early because I have to ride with my dad who has to take my brother to school by 7:15) that’s another thing that sucks about being a teenager, you never get enough sleep

Same deal with me.

Deleted user

No! The natural melatonin in a teenager actually does set in at around eleven, sometimes later. To fit in with that, and the amount of sleep we need, we really should have later school start times tbh

Hah! I have a melatonin deficiency, which i s g r e a t

Deleted user

Oof. They make gummy vitamins that can kind of help, if you haven't already tried them? They won't be a cure-all, but..

I have 'em! They sit right next to my Vitamin D ones!
I can't swallow pills, hurray for a gag reflex.


Oh boy, that's a mood. I can't fucking stand pills, and my parents used to give me shit about it all the time(I have ADHD, so I had to take 'em regularly when we were trying to lessen the symptoms). Once I explained to my mom what it felt like and shit, she kind of got it. It still sucked being told you were being over dramatic tho

Deleted user

Oh boy, that's a mood. I can't fucking stand pills, and my parents used to give me shit about it all the time(I have ADHD, so I had to take 'em regularly when we were trying to lessen the symptoms). Once I explained to my mom what it felt like and shit, she kind of got it. It still sucked being told you were being over dramatic tho

Yup, I got a bit sick at a camp that lasted two weeks. I was told to take a pill, I tried, then I threw up and had to be in the infirmary more.


I read through this whole chat and no one mentioned me once. Like, that's good but I really expected someone to say something. But I do have some things to say.

Shuri- He can be nice to have a chat with about a fandom or something, but you can't say anything deeper without a huge load of compliments just getting poured on you, and he always is acting happy and it seems shady. I don't really have anything against him, just seems weird sometimes.

Stark spangled banner- this is really just from one RP we were in during fall. You came on and were really active which is great, so I thought you would be there pretty consistently, and then you disappeared for a while. I understand people have outside lives but you never said you wouldn't be on very often and just poofed into thin air. That's really all.

Emi- I don't really have a problem, you've just been harsh when it's uncalled for once.

I can't really think of anything. I only join chats I really want to be in and then come and go whenever I don't want to get involved with something, so I guess I wouldn't know. If anybody has stuff to say about me, then please do tell me.

Deleted user

I love how everyone in this chat is a bit conceited. "What do you mean no one said anything horrible about me??? I'm rot personified."
Like come on guys. Not everyone has beef, chill.

Deleted user

okay, i’ve always had trouble with internet commmunites, which is sad because they can be really nice places to meet and talk with people you would have never met irl. But I tend to like, subconsciously alter myself to try to appeal more to the people there, because it’s the internet and they won’t ever know better, but whenever I notice, the Guilt™️ and Sad™️ feelings hit me like a truck. Then, I delete my account. I’ve been through at least 5 Instagram accounts now, and i’ve Deleted this account like 3 times. Problem is, people are really nice and I feel bad about abandoning them, and then the cycle restarts. I should probably just go


okay, i’ve always had trouble with internet commmunites, which is sad because they can be really nice places to meet and talk with people you would have never met irl. But I tend to like, subconsciously alter myself to try to appeal more to the people there, because it’s the internet and they won’t ever know better, but whenever I notice, the Guilt™️ and Sad™️ feelings hit me like a truck. Then, I delete my account. I’ve been through at least 5 Instagram accounts now, and i’ve Deleted this account like 3 times. Problem is, people are really nice and I feel bad about abandoning them, and then the cycle restarts. I should probably just go

I make myself seem nicer too when actually I’m annoying by anything and anyone who does something I did a bit ehhh but I just ignore it and act super nice
My problem is that I don’t feel guilty about it

Deleted user

i am also annoying AF and yeah I understand why no one likes me irl


okay, i’ve always had trouble with internet commmunites, which is sad because they can be really nice places to meet and talk with people you would have never met irl. But I tend to like, subconsciously alter myself to try to appeal more to the people there, because it’s the internet and they won’t ever know better, but whenever I notice, the Guilt™️ and Sad™️ feelings hit me like a truck. Then, I delete my account. I’ve been through at least 5 Instagram accounts now, and i’ve Deleted this account like 3 times. Problem is, people are really nice and I feel bad about abandoning them, and then the cycle restarts. I should probably just go

I know how you feel… Every time I say something stupid, even if the stupid thing is something completely harmless, this gigantic pile of sad tries to suffocate me with pillows, tears, anxiety, and a whole lot of guilt. I've nearly deleted my account 5 times but, because I don't want to have to re-write anything or lose my ability to delete the comments, I just sit there trying not to have a complete emotional breakdown. And then, every time I complain about being sad, I get even more guilt because it seems ridiculous to cry over something so stupid while other people out there are actually suffering… I'm a bit of a mess. (Not right now though, I'm currently in a good mood)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh boy, that's a mood. I can't fucking stand pills, and my parents used to give me shit about it all the time(I have ADHD, so I had to take 'em regularly when we were trying to lessen the symptoms). Once I explained to my mom what it felt like and shit, she kind of got it. It still sucked being told you were being over dramatic tho

Hey is anyone willing to talk to me about ADHD? I'm almost certain I have it, but I don't want to get tested for a couple reasons but I don't want to be a Self-Diagnoser™.