forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I will trigger many people with what I'm about to post, a small reminder that I don't hate anyone.

Lol I don’t get triggered by things easily, the only thing that gets under my skin is when people attack other ships and my favorite video games.

Deleted user

I regret every moment. I never did before, but now I do. If I had known the sassy yet sweet M's-Moral-Depression would've become a condescending, egotistical narcissist, I would've never been there to greet you. If I had known prior about the times you left me to rot, how you looked down upon me and framed me to be the villain, I wouldn't be here.
It's quite obvious I was nothing to you, and I still am. But do I give a fuck? No.
You have become a goddess on this site, you look down upon your realm of writing with glee, smiting those who dare challenge you. I've seen it. It's there.
You're so hostile, so, so hostile. What are you afraid of?
I'm not a good person, but at least I had the balls to change. You look down upon everyone else's problems, none of these people mean shit to you. You lack empathy, your eyes are filled with disgust. Look at what you've gained, look at who you are. Are you happy?
You think you've had it the worst, self-centered, whether unknowingly or not. Their stories, their problems, they mean nothing to you. Even those you say you're close with, do you really care?
You sat by and watched, you watched it all.
See, I sat below your throne, trying to please you, change who I was to fit your standards. I noticed the treatment, I lashed out. I don't regret my actions.
See, you thought it was about you. You thought I deleted my account because of you. My life doesn't revolve around the person who abused me for eight months.
I want to burn all my memories with you.

You're the dad of the site, or well used to. See, I always was fond of you. You cared, but everyone has their flaws.
You are the hypocrite. You sat by at Emi's side and watched your site burn. You reached out to me, saying "We're just your friends" after you stood by, doing nothing about anyone's problems. You never cared. You're gone now, dealing with your own life, and that's fine.
But that does not excuse the treatment I was put under.

We all have our stories, we all have our problems.
All because you see me as something under you, does not mean my problems matter less.
You may have seen my face, you may have heard my voice, but you don't know my story.
I'm tired of chasing after my abusers, wanting their attention. Maybe this is all my fault to begin with, but I digress.
I already see what you're going to say, that I was "begging for your pity". Ahaha… I never wanted your fucking excuse for "pity". I wanted a fucking friend.
But it's clear you can't handle something like that.

I will no longer apologize. The last bits of the Connie you once knew have engulfed in flames.

Deleted user

Oh my god, I can't believe I ever had to type this out.


I was just getting tired of your shit, Con. And now I fucking am. I don't dislike you. You lashed out, I lashed back.

Let it the fuck go. Then we'll be friends again.

And your attack on Elliot was uncalled for. All he did was try and help you. And you pushed him away. YOU HURT HIM. I still have the message he sent me when he told me so.

You don't know, still don't, both sides.

I'm not fighting you anymore. I'm not a Goddess, I'm not a self-absorbed prick like you think I am. Maybe look at yourself.

Deleted user

I regret every moment. I never did before, but now I do. If I had known the sassy yet sweet M's-Moral-Depression would've become a condescending, egotistical narcissist, I would've never been there to greet you. If I had known prior about the times you left me to rot, how you looked down upon me and framed me to be the villain, I wouldn't be here.
It's quite obvious I was nothing to you, and I still am. But do I give a fuck? No.
You have become a goddess on this site, you look down upon your realm of writing with glee, smiting those who dare challenge you. I've seen it. It's there.
You're so hostile, so, so hostile. What are you afraid of?
I'm not a good person, but at least I had the balls to change. You look down upon everyone else's problems, none of these people mean shit to you. You lack empathy, your eyes are filled with disgust. Look at what you've gained, look at who you are. Are you happy?
You think you've had it the worst, self-centered, whether unknowingly or not. Their stories, their problems, they mean nothing to you. Even those you say you're close with, do you really care?
You sat by and watched, you watched it all.
See, I sat below your throne, trying to please you, change who I was to fit your standards. I noticed the treatment, I lashed out. I don't regret my actions.
See, you thought it was about you. You thought I deleted my account because of you. My life doesn't revolve around the person who abused me for eight months.
I want to burn all my memories with you.

Just going to put this out here, because my opinions. Yes, sometimes Emi takes things too far, I do the same thing many times but she does care about people. Yeah she can come off as the type to hate everyone, but she loves a lot of people on the site and frankly when she was telling me about the site she was praising basically everyone about how I would love them, and be able to see the happy moments she and others created together. Sounding biased but oof she’s gotten me through hell of a lot, pointing out the fact without her I wouldn’t have found the site, have any friends, ever met Destiny, or the many other great people in my life, including all of you great people. Emi used to be deeply obsessed with this site, she wouldn’t stop talking about it At the time I was jealous by it, because she never talked about me like that but that’s because I’m a lesbian who just wants her to be happy but notice me, going on and on about how she loved everyone and loved to see them grown feel like I’m just repeating myself at this point but whatever. Emi has gotten me through so many things, through my grandfathers death, my dads almost death, most of middle school I would probably still be in the 7th grade without her love a support, and through my many issues. Emi to me is one of the nicest people I know, and I sound completely fucking biased because as it’s seen I’m obsessed with her and won’t stop talking about her even when the topic is different, but thought you might want to hear it anyways. And I’m very sorry you feel that way, and I’m not triggered.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Oooff I’m not saying ALL freshmen are awful
I can’t go a DAY without hearing some sort of drama/extremely rude comment from one of them. They respect NO teachers. They smoke weed in the parking lot of Walmart (weed is illegal in my state btw) and vape all damn day. Not to mention they LOVE to just rip each other apart. Oh you’re not wearing some expensive brand?? You’re a trashy, little asshole. THEYRE ALL ASSHOLE

Brought to you by, The Rants Of A Senior

Deleted user

Oooff I’m not saying ALL freshmen are awful
I can’t go a DAY without hearing some sort of drama/extremely rude comment from one of them. They respect NO teachers. They smoke weed in the parking lot of Walmart (weed is illegal in my state btw) and vape all damn day. Not to mention they LOVE to just rip each other apart. Oh you’re not wearing some expensive brand?? You’re a trashy, little asshole. THEYRE ALL ASSHOLE

Brought to you by, The Rants Of A Senior

is a freshman my school does the same thing, I hate everyone at my school besides friends and not freshman’s because they’re not cunts vaping in the bathroom in a fucking blue ribbon school and spread so much fucking drama that drama alert would be able to make a 7000 episode series on it. I fucking hate drama, I don’t partacke in it, if I am, I’m defending my friends who usually don’t do anything wrong, but if they did do it and they’re embarrassed by it, catch me outside I’ll crush your skull with my clarinet case.

Deleted user

drama alert would have a field day with this stuff

@HighPockets group

Oooff I’m not saying ALL freshmen are awful
I can’t go a DAY without hearing some sort of drama/extremely rude comment from one of them. They respect NO teachers. They smoke weed in the parking lot of Walmart (weed is illegal in my state btw) and vape all damn day. Not to mention they LOVE to just rip each other apart. Oh you’re not wearing some expensive brand?? You’re a trashy, little asshole. THEYRE ALL ASSHOLE

Brought to you by, The Rants Of A Senior

I'm a freshman and I agree lmao.

Deleted user

High school is literally the worst.
(I say as a haughty college student that goes to class in my pjs. XD)

@Mojack group

My high school's pretty good.
To be fair with you, a lot of schools are pretty good where I'm from.

But my social anxiety makes me think people are judging me while my back's turned.

Deleted user

I just dislike school in general because I can't do, like, basic maths. HOW DO YOU GODS OF ALGEBRA DO IT? HOWWWWWWWW?

No, srsly, I need to know because I literally can't do maths the numbers I can't even read them they just fly off the page and mock me. I think I have maths dyslexia, not to sound rude to those who do have actual dyslexia and are incredibly skeptical of my lameness.


Lmao I'm the opposite, numbers are the only thing I can read. When it comes to words, everything gets jumbled and mixed up, especially when they're close together.