forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

Lol. I don't know about that. I honestly think you are pretty epic. You're open minded and don't take crap without being aggressive.

I can be aggressive.

Deleted user

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

Eris you're great, and you know it.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm low key waiting for people to start smacking on me.

Lol. I don't know about that. I honestly think you are pretty epic. You're open minded and don't take crap without being aggressive.

I can be aggressive.

Well of course. But it's rare enough to be effective, which says a lot.


@"The Althalosian" (He's someone that could be debated, it's more of a 50/50 chance that I want to smack him)
@"Fenris the asgardian wolf"

I have more, wait for a seccond.

You're entitled to your thoughts, so I won't bother you. If you want to explain on PM to me you can and if not then okay.

Deleted user

K so I wanted to comment on your opinions, Ella.

Emi (as mentioned before, she switches from being rude as heck to most amazing bean ever in seconds)

Why the hell do you feel this is your business? People, especially teenagers my age, go through mood shifts. And part of it might be because of you
Ever thought of it?

Kylee (I don’t actually dislike her, but I dislike her inability to see anything positive.)

Okay, but once again, there are a lotnof things happening in her life that is none of your business.

Concluding thoughts:

How we act is mainly from our outside lives. We don't have sunshine, happy, go-lucky lives like you do.

Deleted user

I'm over all the fake positivity as well as the bullshit advise giving 'helpers' saying all the wrong things.
Ya'll know who you are


I'm over all the fake positivity as well as the bullshit advise giving 'helpers' saying all the wrong things.
Ya'll know who you are

cough cough shuri cough cough

Deleted user

I'm over all the fake positivity as well as the bullshit advise giving 'helpers' saying all the wrong things.
Ya'll know who you are

cough cough shuri cough cough

I told him that I thought he was fake

@HighPockets group

He is a genuinely good person though.

Just popping in to say this, cuz I don't wanna cause any more Drama than I already have…

Being a good person does not exempt you from mistakes and bad things that you do, just as being a bad person doesn't mean you don't do any nice things at all. A genuinely good person can still do something that is genuinely bad, just as a genuinely bad person can do something that is genuinely good. Goodness and badness isn't blakc and white, heads or tails, it's made up of small things. And while I agree he is genuinely a good person, it doesn't excuse a bad action he made.

Ok. Jynnie out.


(Comment edited because holy pancaking heck, self… I know you only had 4 hours of sleep but it’s still a bit ridiculous that you had an entire パンケーキing emotional meltdown over someone not liking you very much, like seriously, get a freaking grip)


I'm over all the fake positivity as well as the bullshit advise giving 'helpers' saying all the wrong things.
Ya'll know who you are

cough cough shuri cough cough

I think that Shuri is a great person. He has saved my life. I know I can't change your perspective, I just want you to point out what I think as well. He has gotten his fair share of hate on here.


Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.


I'm over all the fake positivity as well as the bullshit advise giving 'helpers' saying all the wrong things.
Ya'll know who you are

cough cough shuri cough cough

I think that Shuri is a great person. He has saved my life. I know I can't change your perspective, I just want you to point out what I think as well. He has gotten his fair share of hate on here.

Surprise! Not everyone is going to have the same opinion about a person. Not everyone is going to love and get along with everyone, no matter how hard any of us try.


Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.

What has he ever done to you? I hate to disagree with you, but you're implying… that he's done something bad to you.


Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.

What has he ever done to you? I hate to disagree with you, but you're implying… that he's done something bad to you.

Hmm well let me see here. He…

  • broke my trust.
  • broke my friends' trust.
  • sent me into a panic attack twice.
  • put words in my mouth.
  • talked shit about me on a public server and twisted my words to make me seem like a villain with no motive.


Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.

What has he ever done to you? I hate to disagree with you, but you're implying… that he's done something bad to you.

Hmm well let me see here. He…

  • broke my trust.
  • broke my friends' trust.
  • sent me into a panic attack twice.
  • put words in my mouth.
  • talked shit about me on a public server and twisted my words to make me seem like a villain with no motive.

I'm sorry that it happened. I don't want to argue with you so we can agree to disagree.


Yeah, people are being quite hard on poor Shuri… He's lost some of his best friends, give him a break

Yeah well I'm currently losing my own mother and am horribly depressed and in grieving constantly because of this, but that doesn't excuse my actions any more than his grieving excuses his.

What has he ever done to you? I hate to disagree with you, but you're implying… that he's done something bad to you.

Hmm well let me see here. He…

  • broke my trust.
  • broke my friends' trust.
  • sent me into a panic attack twice.
  • put words in my mouth.
  • talked shit about me on a public server and twisted my words to make me seem like a villain with no motive.

And then let's not forget the fact that he doesn't quite apologize other than guilt-tripping me for bringing up the problems with him and makes me feel like it was entirely my fault and doesn't make a resolution to change his ways.

Deleted user

I know you do and I understand that. The only reason I brought it up was that I only actually dislike one person on this entire site (KingOfCrows) so in order to make my list look less pathetic, I tried nitpicking a bunch of little details about other people. I know, that's a terrible excuse, but this is the rudeness chat. Also, people, especially teenagers my age, tend to be annoying and/or ignorant, but that didn't stop people from bashing on me, did it?

Alright, it you're going to be using that as an excuse, then why have I been trying to curb my tongue for so long?

Also, that's fucking awful. Seriously, learn some common decency.

I know that too, and I'm okay with it.

Okay, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE OKAY WITH IT. This is not your site, it's not your rules, literally anybody can do whatever the fuck they want. It's not up to you!

So I bet you were wondering why the other two were so short. Basically, neither of them made me so upset, but this did:

How do you know my life is entirely sunshine and rainbows? Just because I have a positive attitude doesn't mean I don't know pain. I'm not going to go into too much detail of the stuff I've been through since no one asked for it, but just for example purposes, there was one point in time where I thought I was responsible for someone's (faked) suicide.

How do I know your life is sunshine and rainbows?

You have a wonderful family. It's functioning. You're not grieving like Kylee, and you're not being used as a maid in your home. You get things that you want despite having more siblings than what I care to remember. I never get anything I want (sorry to bring myself into this, but this whole last thing offended the fuck out of me) because of monetary issues! You're thirteen, and homeschooled. Don't worry about anything.

Someone's…. faked suicide?




I thought myself to be the reason for a REAL suicide.

Maybe don't approach me again. Ever. Leave me alone.


Okay then… I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made a mistake, I'm sorry I've offended you, I'm sorry I'm sheltered, I'm sorry for everything.

It's okay Ella. I'm here.