forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

(nothing wrong with weed guys)

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. Simply that I know what stoned people are like because I live with a few. The pros outweigh the cons.

Deleted user

(nothing wrong with weed guys)

(i prefer crystal meth)


Ella, and I say this nicely (I have to say that or else I will be accused of being salty once more), most people are not receptive to the naive attitude that you kind of put off. It can be cute at times but most people think it is actually kind of annoying and really fake, as Lex mentioned before. Many would appreciate if you acted as you actually are in life. No one would judge you if you were not a ball of odd sunshine…

Okay. My positivity isn't what I exaggerate the most, though… I actually am quite the ball of excessive sunshine

Deleted user

my only problem is with alcohol. I generally won't say anything otherwise.
psychedelic mushroom is my thing

Deleted user

Okay for real though because this shit really bugs me….have any of you actually DONE drugs?


Deleted user

Okay then stop saying that you have.
That's not good behavior.

(Eris says nicely and a bit concerned.)

Deleted user

does weed count as a drug…?

not in several states

Deleted user

Okay for real though because this shit really bugs me….have any of you actually DONE drugs?


i kinda have

Deleted user

does weed count as a drug…?

not in several states

okay, then I have according to some states. I took a hit once. I'm not a good 13 year old. Damn


Okay for real though because this shit really bugs me….have any of you actually DONE drugs?


If edibles and prescriptions count then yes.


Ella, and I say this nicely (I have to say that or else I will be accused of being salty once more), most people are not receptive to the naive attitude that you kind of put off. It can be cute at times but most people think it is actually kind of annoying and really fake, as Lex mentioned before. Many would appreciate if you acted as you actually are in life. No one would judge you if you were not a ball of odd sunshine…

Okay. My positivity isn't what I exaggerate the most, though… I actually am quite the ball of excessive sunshine

Just going to come completely clean here… It hurts to say this, but the thing I exaggerate most is my innocence. I was never a good, innocent child… stares at the MS paint drawings of people literally bleeding to death that I still keep on my old computer from back when I was maybe 5

@Mojack group

Okay for real though because this shit really bugs me….have any of you actually DONE drugs?


Nope. Plan on staying away from most of them unless it’s medical reasons.

Deleted user

Okay for real though because this shit really bugs me….have any of you actually DONE drugs?


I abuse my inhalers… i basically get myself high off the drug. I dunno if that counts.

@Moxie group

Okay I’m sorry that part of this will be really repetitive (because poor Ella has been told too many times she’s annoying)
I think a lot of people are too hard on Ella. Like she used to be kinda annoying with her jokes but she’s stopped. And she can’t help her age or the fact that she’s sheltered. Like most 13 year olds are just kinda annoying sometimes. And she’s not even that annoying. She’s mostly just naive becuase she’s sheltered.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I dislike the newbies. They are cringy and weird and destroy everything. I can't get simple critiques on things because no one uses the worldbuilding forums.

  • The Althosian, um… why? He's just… weird. He's really… i dont know…

Whadup? I'm cool with being that dude, but specify for my benefit if you will. If you have problems with me I might try to straighten it out.


I came to get some tea and y'all delivered
also I'm honestly really surprised that nobody's said that they think I'm annoying. I know for a fact that I can be annoying at times, but like it hasn't been addressed here??? this doesn't add up

@Moxie group

I haven’t really seen you much but you seem nice

Or like I’ve seen you but tbh I don’t remember a lot of what you’ve said