forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Yeah, Eris just… appeared out of nowhere. Ace and Jensy are definitely popular OGS.

I really didn't but thanks? salutes

I mean i've been on here a year and never saw a user named "FaeEris"… so i dont know how you could've been popular…

I've changed my username like nine times. Just ask Lex lol. I used to be TinyZombieKat way back in the day.
What's your deal with me anyway dude? Got a problem with me being popular? And an OG? Christ.

Oh my god.
That was you…
Also no I have no problems im just really confused im sorry don't kill me.

Indeed. Tis I the OG TinyZombieKat. XD kinda weird to see it out in the open now. lol

Deleted user

I dislike the newbies. They are cringy and weird and destroy everything. I can't get simple critiques on things because no one uses the worldbuilding forums.

  • Shuri isn't a newbie but he is so annoying and hard to trust.
  • NutElla, yeah you just got this, GCS jokes need to stop. Im having personal issues with my ex-religion and you prancing around like that pours vinegar in my wounds.
  • I literally can't tell anyone else apart? They're all so similar and cringy and personality-less.
  • The Althosian, um… why? He's just… weird. He's really… i dont know…
  • GoldenLegend, I used to be friends with her… until some shit went down. I'm not going to call her out for what she did but… yeah…

Also if ya'll wanna throw some fire at me, go ahead. I am aware i have my flaws and pointing them out only helps me to fix them.

Deleted user

Allow me to come back after committing the blasphemy of like never replying and say: Donald. Motherfucking (metaphorically and quite possible literally). Trump.

Yayyyy controversial political opinions!! But I hate him, he treats everyone like shit and even said, effectively, that he'd fuck his own daughter if she wasn't related to him. I mean, what the hell?

He's also really racist, which I stand firmly against. Yes, I know I'm a white cis person, so I have a societal advantage, but I'm also pansexual and female, making me a target for his other bigotry besides. I hate that he wants to just piss on all immigrants and just people of colour in general. I mean, there's already enough racism, why make it our country's main motto?

And he isn't even properly qualified to lead. He has no political experience, and several of his companies have bankrupted before! I mean, he's ruining our country!

And also: funking Twitter. All im'a say here, y'all know what I mean.


And I also think people should try and be nicer to Golden, I've seen her on Paigeeworld and in some venting chats and you can clearly see that she regrets being so harsh, even if her opinions haven't really changed. I used to be the same way, I was a hateful little brat with no respect for anyone who didn't share my exact, isolated viewpoint, and the words I've said keep coming back at me, hitting me like a brick… I sometimes mention how I have random moments where I just "cry myself to sleep for no known reason", they're complete lies. I know the reason behind them and it's the knowledge that my ignorant, selfish words may never be forgiven, I've hurt people and I regret it so, so much. How do we know she isn't in the same boat?

Deleted user

Tbh, like… the really salty people on here kinda make me uncomfortable, no offense because I know you three will literally track me down and slit my throat but like… Emi, Eris, and Jyn, ya'll need to fuckin chill for like two seconds…

Deleted user

And I also think people should try and be nicer to Golden, I've seen her on Paigeeworld and in some venting chats and you can clearly see that she regrets being so harsh, even if her opinions haven't really changed. I used to be the same way, I was a hateful little brat with no respect for anyone who didn't share my exact, isolated viewpoint, and the words I've said keep coming back at me, hitting me like a brick… I sometimes mention how I have random moments where I just "cry myself to sleep for no known reason", they're complete lies. I know the reason behind them and it's the knowledge that my ignorant, selfish words may never be forgiven, I've hurt people and I regret it so, so much. How do we know she isn't in the same boat?

I'm only having personal issues with her because of something not related to her views. I could pm you about it if you want… but i accept her opinion fully.


Tbh, like… the really salty people on here kinda make me uncomfortable, no offense because I know you three will literally track me down and slit my throat but like… Emi, Eris, and Jyn, ya'll need to fuckin chill for like two seconds…

Same though…


And I also think people should try and be nicer to Golden, I've seen her on Paigeeworld and in some venting chats and you can clearly see that she regrets being so harsh, even if her opinions haven't really changed. I used to be the same way, I was a hateful little brat with no respect for anyone who didn't share my exact, isolated viewpoint, and the words I've said keep coming back at me, hitting me like a brick… I sometimes mention how I have random moments where I just "cry myself to sleep for no known reason", they're complete lies. I know the reason behind them and it's the knowledge that my ignorant, selfish words may never be forgiven, I've hurt people and I regret it so, so much. How do we know she isn't in the same boat?

I'm only having personal issues with her because of something not related to her views. I could pm you about it if you want… but I accept her opinion fully.

If you want to talk/complain/vent about it you can, I'm always here.

@Dragoncita group

Everyone has shit happening in their lives, just some feel the urge to take how they feel out on others instead of learning to take care of the problem themselves

Then you just have the crazy people like me who take 'happy pills' to keep from murdering everyone and visit a shrink every now and then
…and people wonder why I prefer the company of my animals over humans…with the exception of a very few chosen individuals…

Anyways, I shall return back to my lurking corner

Deleted user

There's nothing wrong with being salty. A lot of stuff goes said on here that is uncalled for and completely….bananas. People are allowed to have feelings, especially ones that are not always sunshine and daisies. That's exactly the reason why I made this chat. So clear the air of all this fake emotion.

Deleted user

I know there's nothing wrong with it… I'm just a relatively timid and very emotional person who likes the chill. You do you, I'll do me.


I like saltiness, heck, my favorite youtuber is Jackie/NerdECrafter, someone who's known for being salty. I just don't like people who use it in a rude way, turning normal conversations into full-on arguments over something as dumb as that one time when I used to shout "f e a r t h e c a r r o t s" at people.


I like saltiness, heck, my favorite youtuber is Jackie/NerdECrafter, someone who's known for being salty. I just don't like people who use it in a rude way, turning normal conversations into full-on arguments over something as dumb as that one time when I used to shout "f e a r t h e c a r r o t s" at people.

Maybe it was because we had no idea what the fuck you were talking about.


I like saltiness, heck, my favorite youtuber is Jackie/NerdECrafter, someone who's known for being salty. I just don't like people who use it in a rude way, turning normal conversations into full-on arguments over something as dumb as that one time when I used to shout "f e a r t h e c a r r o t s" at people.

Maybe it was because we had no idea what the fuck you were talking about.

I know you didn't… Which is why I stopped. I cringe over those days and it's only been a month

Deleted user

Ella hon, don't reference shit unless you know there are people who like it too on here. Coming from experience, everyone's going to think you have weed up your nose.

Deleted user

Ella hon, don't reference shit unless you know there are people who like it too on here. Coming from experience, everyone's going to think you have weed up your nose.

Not me….
I know what stoned people are like…. I live with 3.


Ella hon, don't reference shit unless you know there are people who like it too on here. Coming from experience, everyone's going to think you have weed up your nose.

Got it.

Deleted user

Ella hon, don't reference shit unless you know there are people who like it too on here. Coming from experience, everyone's going to think you have weed up your nose.

Not me….
I know what stoned people are like…. I live with 3.

Oof, that's rough, I apologize.

Deleted user

Ella, and I say this nicely (I have to say that or else I will be accused of being salty once more), most people are not receptive to the naive attitude that you kind of put off. It can be cute at times but most people think it is actually kind of annoying and really fake, as Lex mentioned before. Many would appreciate if you acted as you actually are in life. No one would judge you if you were not a ball of odd sunshine…