forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Anyone who tells me my tattoos are unprofessional can take a flying leap. That conservative crap is nonsense.

They're only unprofessional if you go to an unprofessional place

That makes zero sense.

If you go to shady place with people who don't know what they're doing, that's unprofessional

that's not unprofessional. that's stupid.
Eris' Advice For Tats:

  1. Always go to a place that has 4 or more stars on Yelp. It's worth the money. Trust.
  2. Always go in for a consultation with the artist(s) before going in for the actual work. They give you pricing, and advice on what to bring/what not to drink or take before the session.
  3. Always chat with the artists in each shop you visit beforehand. Create a rapport. Usually if you make friends with a good artist you get discounts every time you go in.
  4. ALWAYS TIP GENEROUSLY. Seriously most artists are fucking amazing and deserve it
  5. ALWAYS listen to the aftercare rules. Nothing sucks more than an infected tattoo and it will NOT get reimbursed.
  6. Have fun. It's a neat experience with neat people.

Deleted user

I had to take my earrings out at eight to play basketball, and I was terrified to put them back in. It took me four years, and i had to get them redone becuase the piercing had closed up


i got my ears pierced for my 12th birthday. and i left them in for like 10-11 months lmao
and nothing of event happened

Deleted user

I first got them pierced at like, 1 or 2. (it’s a cuban thing lol)

@Moxie group

I really honestly don't understand the fear of needles.

However this is coming from the person who has had numerous vaccinations, IVs, and piclines, sooo…

They're just needles 🤷🏻‍♀️

I mean I hate needles and I’ve had a bunch so to each their own ig


I first got them pierced at like, 1 or 2. (it’s a cuban thing lol)

I got mine pierced before I was even a year old lol
(the only reason i know is cuz my first birthday baby picture has me wearing earrings)

Deleted user


No one got rude over the weekend.
A fucking easter miracle.


I hate this ADHD/procrastination/executive dysfunction/whateverthefuck so much. I'm extremely behind in my classes, and failing, and you want to know what I did the other night instead of school work? I clipped my leg hair with nail clippers. A good chunk of my left shin, instead of doing something productive. What the fuck.

Deleted user

I feel this.

When you procrastinate so hard that you end up dissociating the entire day away and come back down to earth at 8pm in time for Game of Thrones.
(me yesterday)

Deleted user

okay does anyone else get intrusive thoughts because i do and i hate them
like i was just walking in the lunch room and my dumbass brain was making weird shit up. what the fuck.

Deleted user

yeah. my brain was like “hehe what if we yelled a really bad slur at the top of our lungs right now” like what the fuck, brain. chill out