forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

That's called zoning out and like, everyone does that.

Deleted user

no it's like i can see things in other places in short bursts, almost like a vision. they actually happen, too.



no it's like i can see things in other places in short bursts, almost like a vision. they actually happen, too.

I think you might be referring to astral projecting ma dude.

ye @TheMezzoSystemWillBeInconsistentlyOnSry told me about it and it is trippy

Deleted user

no it's like i can see things in other places in short bursts, almost like a vision. they actually happen, too.

right right. okay.

Deleted user

Mental stuff in general just sucks, honestly.

It really does. Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think?

@HighPockets group

Mental stuff in general just sucks, honestly.

It really does. Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think?

There's a fine, fine line between saying 'I think I have this mental illness' and seeing someone about it, and saying 'I saw one Tumblr post about depression and I have it I'm positive but I didn't see my doctor about it or anything.'

Deleted user

Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think??????

Also it makes me feel like I'm lying about my conditions while my therapist told me I'm somehow really lucky I haven't been hurting myself on how depressed I am and how I don't take care of myself at all. But like it just makes me feel bad that I'm taking up her time even though I have a very real condition.

@HighPockets group

Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think??????

Also it makes me feel like I'm lying about my conditions while my therapist told me I'm somehow really lucky I haven't been hurting myself on how depressed I am and how I don't take care of myself at all. But like it just makes me feel bad that I'm taking up her time even though I have a very real condition.

I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and it does fluctuate on how much they impact my life, but whenever I'm having a not-bad day and see my therapist, I feel like I'm wasting her time and my parent's money.

Deleted user

Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think??????

Also it makes me feel like I'm lying about my conditions while my therapist told me I'm somehow really lucky I haven't been hurting myself on how depressed I am and how I don't take care of myself at all. But like it just makes me feel bad that I'm taking up her time even though I have a very real condition.

I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and it does fluctuate on how much they impact my life, but whenever I'm having a not-bad day and see my therapist, I feel like I'm wasting her time and my parent's money.

My last meeting with my therapist was just like that, really, and just like you, Jyn, they cone in and out of waves. I love going in to see my therapist, so I'm always really happy to see her and relax in her room, and it makes me forget a lot that I have gone through in the couple weeks we've been apart (though I've written down everything I've been feeling and drawin every day I can so that'll help a lot).

It's just an awful feeling and it makes me feel as if I should just call all of it off.

Deleted user

People over-exaggerate for attention and it really takes away from the people that actually have serious conditions. It's sick.

@HighPockets group

Though it sucks even more when people lie and say they have conditions, don't you think??????

Also it makes me feel like I'm lying about my conditions while my therapist told me I'm somehow really lucky I haven't been hurting myself on how depressed I am and how I don't take care of myself at all. But like it just makes me feel bad that I'm taking up her time even though I have a very real condition.

I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and it does fluctuate on how much they impact my life, but whenever I'm having a not-bad day and see my therapist, I feel like I'm wasting her time and my parent's money.

My last meeting with my therapist was just like that, really, and just like you, Jyn, they cone in and out of waves. I love going in to see my therapist, so I'm always really happy to see her and relax in her room, and it makes me forget a lot that I have gone through in the couple weeks we've been apart (though I've written down everything I've been feeling and drawin every day I can so that'll help a lot).

It's just an awful feeling and it makes me feel as if I should just call all of it off.

Yeah, she's really nice and we can talk about nerd stuff together, and she's able to tie it in to what I'm dealing with.
Like, I told her about my collection of Star Wars figures and how they help me calm down, and she suggested bringing one with me if I'm going someplace stressful.
I don't think you should call it off, if it gives you something to look forward to and relax in. That's something that everyone needs.

Deleted user

Therapists are literally the greatest gift to this world.

All that bullshit about 'depressed teens/adults hate going to therapy' is just ridiculous. I would worship my therapist if I could.
Happiness is chalky and like buspirone.

@HighPockets group

Therapists are basically just people that you can go see for advice, and they know what they're talking about!
Unlike my other doctor who basically just prescribed meds to me and none of them worked. So yay.


I have some rudeness for ya:

I know I said I don't hate anyone, but today, that officially changed. I don't know the person himself, but I do know what he's done to my family, and OH BOY

(I don't know the full story, I'm explaining things how I see them, so if I get my car terminology or something wrong I apologize) So, basically, my eldest brother has been struggling with cars since the day he learned to drive. Each car he's bought has only managed to last a year, not because he's a bad driver, but because he has terrible luck when it comes to picking a good vehicle and always ends up with these ancient artifacts from 40 thousand years ago that never work properly.
After his last car decided it didn't want to ever wake up again, he was forced to get a new one. Since he had just started his new job after getting out of college with no debt, my amazing parents decided to help pay for it, and they ended up finding a small, white car with okay mileage for a reasonable price nearby. They examined it, took it for a test drive, all that stuff, and everything seemed perfectly fine. Or so we thought.
A few days later, it started acting up. The headlights were weird, the steering wheel was weird, the oil tank sensor thingy was weird, everything was weird. It still worked though and he had nothing else to drive, so he used it for a few more days.
Well, today, we finally took it in to see what's wrong, and while I don't know exactly what was wrong with it, I do know that apparently, with its current state, repair costs would be over 35 thousand. The only reason it didn't break down during the test drive was that the seller used silicone to patch up leaks and stuff just long enough to keep it running. So yeah, this terrible excuse for a human sold a pile of broken metal as a car so they could scam my parents out of thousands of dollars.
And that's not including how much it'll cost to get rid of this piece of junk and buy a better one…

So yeah, my brother's going to end up in debt despite his efforts, my mom is sick to her stomach, and my dad is on the verge of tears. There's nothing anyone can do about it, we're barely making enough money to feed and clothe all my siblings while some lying piece of — now has a few thousand dollars to throw around wherever he pleases.

The more I think about it, the angrier it makes me. My dad already hates his job, he's working hard day and night on one of the most stressful jobs out there, all in a desperate attempt to keep me and my siblings healthy, and this is what he gets for it. A bunch of faulty car parts held together with silicone and hot glue.

So whoever decided it would be a good idea to scam us…
Flip you.

(Yeah, I know, "some people have it worse", I'm just a stuck up brat who can't ever go to summer camps because her parents fell for a scam when they already don't make enough money. Boo hoo, happens all the time, welcome to the real world, I'm homeschooled and therefore have no problems ever or a right to complain about them, I'm not the one losing the money, blah blah blah. I'm not those people, I'm just a weakling, so for me, this is kinda upsetting. Sorry if that makes me a dramatic, pathetic loser with no real struggle.)

Deleted user

(Yeah, I know, "some people have it worse", I'm just a stuck up brat who can't ever go to summer camps because her parents fell for a scam when they already don't make enough money. Boo hoo, happens all the time, welcome to the real world, I'm homeschooled and therefore have no problems ever or a right to complain about them, I'm not the one losing the money, blah blah blah. I'm not those people, I'm just a weakling, so for me, this is kinda upsetting. Sorry if that makes me a dramatic, pathetic loser with no real struggle.)

Idk I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. That is fucking awful, and my thoughts are truly with you. People fucking suck, especially car dealers. I'm sorry your plans are ruined, I'm sorry you probably won't be able to get nice/new things for a while, and I'm sorry you might have food shortages and see your parents less.

That's fucking awful and I truly, truly, give you my thoughts. I hope it turns out okay.


Thank you. Since my brother's new job pays really well, we shouldn't be seriously affected for long, but agh… Some people are just downright terrible.


That sucks, Ella!
Is there any way that your family can sue the car dealer?

Not that I'm aware, although I don't really know much about the situation.