forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

this is not quite as bad but i get the weirdest deja-vu feelings at the worst times. like i’ve been in that exact situation before, but i can’t figure out how or why or when

Deleted user

anyway. so mental health.

I've recently discovered that the chocolate mousse cakes from Traders Joe's cure depression (sarcasm but DAMN they are good)

Deleted user

My mom literally got me two bags of their chocolate chips for Christmas. I was thrilled.

Those are really good in coffee. They melt and add deliciousness to your black cup of joe.

Deleted user

Adults, always taking food that's fine plain and shoving caffeine into the mix.

There's caffeine in chocolate, genius.

Deleted user

Adults, always taking food that's fine plain and shoving caffeine into the mix.

Nothing wrong with that though?? I don't do it but there's literally nothing wrong with it. Children.


Adults, always taking food that's fine plain and shoving caffeine into the mix.

There's caffeine in chocolate, genius.

Exactly, which is why I find it funny.

Deleted user

Adults, always taking food that's fine plain and shoving caffeine into the mix.

There's caffeine in chocolate, genius.

Exactly, which is why I find it funny.

This, in no way, makes any sense, but I suppose I applaud you for trying to defend yourself.


Whenever something doesn't have caffeine, they add more, and even when it does, it's still not enough, like people could have the pure form of caffeine and be like

Deleted user

People literally take caffeine pills so your point is true.

Deleted user

That's not why I said to add chocolate at all.

If you add chocolate to coffee it adds more to the taste, making it bolder and more intense. The sugar also makes it so you don't have to add cream and such, therefore not ruining the integrity of the drink itself.