forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user


You know me, took takes me like, thirty seconds to respond to something. Even in RPs.

@Moxie group

Why do teachers care so much when I put my feet up on the table?? Like we weren’t even learning anything, she was collecting the homework

Deleted user

i always sit cross legged or with one leg up (you know, because gay and also flexible) and one of my teachers used to call me pretzel girl

Deleted user

It's a power move.
You have too much big dick energy, Mox and she got nervous.

@Moxie group

i always sit cross legged or with one leg up (you know, because gay and also flexible) and one of my teachers used to call me pretzel girl

I always sit like this too!!!
If I have to sit properly in these fucking plastic school chairs I think I will literally explode

Deleted user

I never sat properly in school
I usually sat on the floor and none of my teachers said anything

Deleted user

i can’t angle my legs toward the floor, goddammit

@Moxie group

Yeah fuck that
My teacher will do a “centering activity” and makes us put two feet on the floor. Like nahhhhhhh I’m goood

@Mojack group

The only class I can’t sit cross legged is my business class because we have to sit in proper posture which includes sitting with both feet flat in the ground. I don’t mind too much but my legs are kinda long and the space below is somewhat small, so I have to have the chair at a certain distance in order to be comfortable.

Deleted user

I sit on the floor or on the metal part that connects our desks to our chairs

Deleted user

i wish chair bottoms were wider so i could sit cross-legged without worrying about falling off

@Moxie group

Why would you do that?

Aha I see we have a smart alec over here
A real funny guy



Deleted user

armchairs are an exception, because i can lie across the arms. comfy