forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

It's a good thing I am just rude and not mean or else we'd have many issues.

edit: I guess I actually mean that I would have more issues I'd rather not deal with.

Deleted user

It's a good thing I am just rude and not mean or else we'd have many issues.


Deleted user

Yep….. If I were mean I'd be saying all kinds of hurtful things to the ones that annoy me.

But alas, I am a Saint


Oof, Eris, that's a huge mood if I've ever seen one

I'm really impartial to Vocaloid and K-Pop/J-Pop even though ECHO is funking incredible. My friend's obsessed with BTS and will crank it up when I go over and I mean it's kinda catchy but at the same time not really my thing.

Deleted user

Those chicks at cochella were super annoying and horrible. Idk how anyone could like that shit. It's so fake it's not even funny.


Yep….. If I were mean I'd be saying all kinds of hurtful things to the ones that annoy me.

But alas, I am a Saint

If there's something you can't stand about me, just say it to my face…

Unless, of course, you're just going to say "You're annoying as F". Because in that case, I'm already very aware, thank you. If people could tell me how to be less annoying that would be great, especially since it seems every time I make an attempt to reduce my annoying-ness, I just make things worse.

ECHO is funking incredible

It is tho

Those chicks at cochella were super annoying and horrible. Idk how anyone could like that shit. It's so fake it's not even funny.

BLACKPINK? Alright, yeah, they aren't my favorite. I mean, they're okay, but… kinda meh.
Please don't kill me K-pop fans

Deleted user

If there's something you can't stand about me, just say it to my face…

Unless, of course, you're just going to say "You're annoying as F". Because in that case, I'm already very aware, thank you. If people could tell me how to be less annoying that would be great, especially since it seems every time I make an attempt to reduce my annoying-ness, I just make things worse.

You know, my vague sentences really have nothing to do with you and yet you always think I'm talking about you. So there's that.
Also, If I recall correctly, a few of the people on this chat have told you how to be less…annoying…and you've ignored those facts. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Idk what to tell you man.

Deleted user

Those chicks at cochella were super annoying and horrible. Idk how anyone could like that shit. It's so fake it's not even funny.

BLACKPINK? Alright, yeah, they aren't my favorite. I mean, they're okay, but… kinda meh.
Please don't kill me K-pop fans

They can't even sing. All their stuff is autotuned. You could literally see that they were lip singing, or not even bothering to sing at all. It's. Bad.
Horrible excuse for music.


Well, I mean, you said that vague sentence just minutes after I jokingly called your opinion "wrong", so I kinda figured you were talking about me…

Deleted user

Right, of course, because I do not have a life other than this chat. :D

Deleted user

I can’t stand K-POP , and half of my friends are OBSSSED with it

Deleted user

I can’t stand K-POP , and half of my friends are OBSSSED with it

I love my Moony child

Deleted user

I can’t stand K-POP , and half of my friends are OBSSSED with it

I love my Moony child

aw, thanks [=

Deleted user

James Charles?

Hey sisters

Yeah i hate him

He's so good at everything >:O

Deleted user

he seems…..fine to me. I don’t watch his videos, and the hey sisters thing is annoying but he seems ijay

@HighPockets group

The 'hey sisters' thing is sooooooo annoying, everyone in my grade says it.
I generally don't watch a ton of YouTube outside of Booktube, Studio C/Divine Comedy, Crash Course, the official Star Wars account, and The Dom's Lost In Adaptation.