forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


Middle schoolers need to chill the fuck out with their nonsense drama.

Like, I know I'm a middle-schooler and I really try to stay out of the drama and shit
But damn
Like, there's seventh graders
seventh graders
That are fighting because she cheated on him after they broke up and got back together and then he cheated on her to get back at her but now everybody says she wasn't actually cheating and now he called her a lesbian so everyone's pissed now and I'm over here like
Dudes, you're like twelve. You shouldn't even be in a relationship yet and now you're fucking pulling that crap on each other???
I freaking hate kids so fucking much
And I know I'm one of them
Which I also hate

thank you

Deleted user

if this is still the rudeness chat, could i do a lil rant ?

Deleted user

This will always be the rudeness chat as long as I am the one running it

Deleted user

And if Eris somehow isn't running it anymore, one of her Bitch Children (TM) will.

Deleted user

If I ever leave this site lol I would bequeath this chat to my babies, Le Bitch Squad Of Awesomeness™

Deleted user

I claim this

I'm secondary moderator lmao

Thank you squadron leader Eris

Deleted user

I think it's time I teach you all the 'Internet Rules'

You're old enough now.

Deleted user


I literally said that I was going to teach them to you and you went and read them.

Way to spoil the fun

Deleted user

The Internet Rules are the giant list of guidelines on how to not be an ass on the internet.
They are weird.
They are gross.
They are inappropriate
and sometimes
They don't make sense.

But hey. It's funny.