forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

God, I hate my mom so much sometimes. She gets stressed at everything/everyone in her life and uses me as a fucking punching bag. Today when she picked me up from school, my baby brother was shrieking and then my sister came to the car a whole 10 minutes later whining about some stupid project she procrastinated on. I'm the one who had to step in and calm basically everything because I knew if I didn't my mom would explode . So i Did, and wall was okay. We even rented an avengers movie to watch when we get home. But when we pull into the driveway, my mother informed me that I had ten minutes to relax because she wanted me to take the dogs out on a walk. With my sister. And to top it all off, we only have one leash so to walk all the dogs I basically have to repeat the same walk three times. To top it all off, I already walked the dogs yesterday, and one escaped from the gate so I had to spend another two hours looking for her on top of that. I didn't get to shower and start homework until nearly 11 pm. I had a terrible day, I failed a test and was miserable because all my "friends" are ignoring me for reasons unknown. I sat by myself at lunch today. The last thing I fucking want is to spend two hours walking the dogs. But she doesn't get that, because god fucking forbid she listens to me once in a while. She's taken my phone and informed me that until I walk all the dogs by myself (again) I cant leave my room, can't eat, can't watch the movie.
life is so fucking terrible

Deleted user

I know I've got y'all beat 1000000000% on the 'issues' department, but whatevs.

Deleted user

everyone’s got issues that feel like the end of the world to them, and even if they look like a little problem to someone else, it still upsets them just the same.
rant if you want :’)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

oky then:

when you make a limited rp, and someone asks to be a part of it.

Then you realize you're in opposite time zones

But you don't want to abandon the rp or kick the person out cause they're really good


Okay SwimwithGamers(Idk what to abbreviate your name to sorry) I have a similar issue but also different and I'm a little hesitant to bring it up because it concerns some people on this thread, but I guess I should mention it somewhere…

So I made a roleplay recently(not gonna say what it's about bc I feel like that's a half-step away from naming these people and I don't do like that) and four other people joined. Two of them don't really respond a whole lot, and it's gotten to the point where I've waited for several days on end for a reply before (bump)ing because I don't want to seem pushy or rude and I know that people can be busy and/or not get online for whatever reason–I'm like that a lot, so I don't really have much room to speak. That said, I'm really frustrated because it's a RP about something I really enjoy and I put quite a bit of effort into the story for it and I guess I just feel like these two are putting it on the back burner. I really don't want it to die, but at the same time, I don't want to come off as rude or pushy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This is a masterpiece, and it describes how I feel exactly. I'm afraid to bump in general, since I don't want to seem as if I'm overbearing and annoying (which most see me as anyway)

Also, My name has been abbreviated may ways, just use what ever floats ya boat :)


I'm so glad someone can relate(I mean I wish things like this didn't happen but at least I'm not the only one)! And I can totally relate to that part too, which was part of the reason I didn't.


Okay SwimwithGamers(Idk what to abbreviate your name to sorry) I have a similar issue but also different and I'm a little hesitant to bring it up because it concerns some people on this thread, but I guess I should mention it somewhere…

So I made a roleplay recently(not gonna say what it's about bc I feel like that's a half-step away from naming these people and I don't do like that) and four other people joined. Two of them don't really respond a whole lot, and it's gotten to the point where I've waited for several days on end for a reply before (bump)ing because I don't want to seem pushy or rude and I know that people can be busy and/or not get online for whatever reason–I'm like that a lot, so I don't really have much room to speak. That said, I'm really frustrated because it's a RP about something I really enjoy and I put quite a bit of effort into the story for it and I guess I just feel like these two are putting it on the back burner. I really don't want it to die, but at the same time, I don't want to come off as rude or pushy.

If this is the one I'm in (the Pokemon one), I totally understand. I will admit, roleplaying is not one of my top concerns currently, and probably won't be for a while. I apologize for dragging it down, and for becoming an annoying thorn of inactiveness in your side. I understand the feeling of a great RP just going to shit because of someone else and I'm genuinely sorry for being one of those people.

No rudeness here. Just honesty.

If you feel it is best to cut me off, or for me to leave, then I shall. No harsh feelings. You can even use my OC as an extra NPC if you wish. I don't mind.


There is the opposite side to this as well, sometimes I'm not really in to a Rp and idk how to tell someone that without hurting their feelings. I mean is that just me or…..


Also I really do not like this Loki dude