forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Lol when people are speaking a language wrong and call themselves fluent.

(To steal an expression from my Jynnie)

Okay, Jan.

@HighPockets group

Wait fuck I meant Sure, Jan but I guess I messed up lmao
I have 2 weeks to finish Spanish 2 and I have very bad memory recall and it's not going well.
One of the 'practice activities' was a freaking tongue twister that I had to record myself saying.
A tongue twister.
How is that useful, especially since we were just covering directions and stuff?

Deleted user

high school language classes are the worst. It's the worst way to learn a language in my opinion

Deleted user

Lol when people are speaking a language wrong and call themselves fluent.

(To steal an expression from my Jynnie)

Okay, Jan.

Yeah, sorry about Oliver.

Deleted user

whatevs. no big deal.

I just love it when teenagers think that their the smartest people in the world


I feel like one of the best ways to learn a language is to just kinda immerse yourself in it? If that's a possibility, of course, but from what I've heard, it works so much better than the classroom bullshit


I'm learning ASL, and one thing I find useful is randomly throwing signs I know into casual conversation. It helps me cement them to memory and learn context a bit lol

@HighPockets group

high school language classes are the worst. It's the worst way to learn a language in my opinion

Yeah, especially with block scheduling….I mean, I have bad memory recall when talking in English, let alone in a language I don't know much of.
And we aren't allowed any in-test notes to use/conjugation charts, at least when I was in 7th and 8th grade we had a conjugation bookmark we were allowed to use during tests.
And they drop it all on you at once, like one day we'll be learning how to discuss sports (because I guess that's more useful than foods, clothing items, and directions? Weird flex but okay) and then the next day we'll learn 3 different ways to conjugate words in multiple tenses.
We also, for whatever reason, have to take 6 different tests at the end of a unit, and because it's on Google Classroom, you lose points for putting the accent mark in the wrong direction. Not for forgetting an accent mark, but for accidentally forgetting to push 'alt' when using it.
And there's an essay test where you're basically handed notes and a Spanish-to-English dictionary and told to write a 2 page essay about your best friend and how you spend your time together. That's literally something I had to do.
Honestly now learning Spanish isn't fun, I used to really like it (and especially conjugating words) but high school language class made me unable to enjoy it.


Here's something everyone is bringing up lately irl.

Milk before or after the cereal.

Your thoughts?

Either. Just don't fucking spill.

Deleted user

But how do you measure it???

The cereal tells you how much milk is enough so without it…

Deleted user

Cereal isn’t that good tbh, and I can’t have milk

Deleted user

Cereal isn’t that good tbh, and I can’t have milk

So you're Team Oatmeal?

Team Toast B)


Also, oatmeal tastes like what would happen if you took soggy Lucky Charms without the marshmallows and microwaved them with a teaspoon of maple syrup. It's disgusting, almost flavorless mush pretending to be breakfast.

@Moxie group

Also, oatmeal tastes like what would happen if you took soggy Lucky Charms without the marshmallows and microwaved them with a teaspoon of maple syrup. It's disgusting, almost flavorless mush pretending to be breakfast.

Dude you gotta make it with fresh apples and cinnamon and maple and then its d e l i c i o u s

@EmptyNebula group

But how do you measure it???

The cereal tells you how much milk is enough so without it…

Some people don't like cold milk because they can't "taste the cereal" so they warm it up first then put the cereal in it