forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

What does being nice and fucking ravioli have to do with rudeness?

Deleted user

Eris, after the Bee Movie, we need to always be careful with phrasing.

Ya like jazz?

Deleted user

snorts elegantly into coffee mug

Also Eris, why would you snort coffee? That's gotta hurt.

@HighPockets group

Eris, after the Bee Movie, we need to always be careful with phrasing.

Ya like jazz?

No joke this was the only non-Elmo movie my grandma had on DVD so I've seen it too many times….

Deleted user

Eris, after the Bee Movie, we need to always be careful with phrasing.

My sincerest apologies for the verbal blunder. I shall refrain, henceforth, from phrasing my vernacular in a way where my statements could be seen as obscene.

Deleted user

snorts elegantly into coffee mug

Also Eris, why would you snort coffee? That's gotta hurt.

…….I didn't?
Allow me to rephrase:
Chuckles ironically and with mild amusement as I sip my coffee.

Deleted user

snorts elegantly into coffee mug

Also Eris, why would you snort coffee? That's gotta hurt.

…….I didn't?
Allow me to rephrase:
Chuckles ironically and with mild amusement as I sip my coffee.

I was making a joke bud.

Deleted user

Please don't fuck ravioli, it's a heath hazard.

Dang it, there goes my weekend plans.

The implication of this is equally weird and disgusting.

@Moxie group

Eris, after the Bee Movie, we need to always be careful with phrasing.

My sincerest apologies for the verbal blunder. I shall refrain, henceforth, from phrasing my vernacular in a way where my statements could be seen as obscene.

that rhymesssss

@GameMaster group

Okay I get to be rude, great. Let me tell you a story that makes me fume to this day about my ex-friend(Gonna call her A). Okay so we were in the lunch line and my touch aversion gets triggered and I tell my friends and most of them ask me if I need to go to the counselor or if they should like be my bodyguards. Obviously I'm really happy but I'm still have a panic attack. I tell her and this bitch start poking me and laughing at my cringing and the tears welling in my eyes. She hugs me and tells me she needs to help me get over my fear. Another friend(I will be calling her B for the rest of the story) has to pry her off of me and tries to explain why she shouldn't be touching me and why I'm freaking out and A tells B "I want to hear it from her." in a very rude tone. I can barely talk but I try to tell her to listen to B. A few minutes goes by and A apologizes and ask me to explain it. As soon as I do she immediately discredits it and says I just hate her, starts crying, and then tells the principal that I bullied her. Long story short, we aren't friends anymore.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm starting to wonder if my sister is like that. The problem is that physical affection is what I love and what I'm good at. But I'm lucky if I get in a shoulder hug every six months. And we used to be the absolute best friends.

@Moxie group

Wow that's absolutely awful I'm really sorry

I don't think it means she doesn't love you or you're not friends anymore. Different people show affection differently. and just because someone shows affection differently than you doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you.

Deleted user

Sometimes I don’t mind touching, other days I can’t stand it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And on the other side I have other little sibs who I love a lot. My second youngest sister held with my hand as we prayed tonight. She is so adorable. Like, she literally had big eyes, still a bit of a baby face, and has that little kid lisp.