forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

oh shit… you're cosplaying.

jesus that tripped me out.


Deleted user

oh shit… you're cosplaying.

jesus that tripped me out.


I sent it

Deleted user

Cosplaying as whom?

I have no fucking clue.

Deleted user

oh shit… you're cosplaying.

jesus that tripped me out.


I sent it

oh boy. you werent joking

Deleted user

oh shit… you're cosplaying.

jesus that tripped me out.


I sent it

oh boy. you werent joking

It looks cool though, right?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I was a Wendigo. A Percy Jackson version because I was cheap. I did have a fluffy moose hat that I wore before. But I chucked it when I went downtown to have fun. I wore the fluffy moose hat at college. I also scared some children which was fun. Only the ones in scary costumes not the cutesy ones. The former ones were asking for it.

Deleted user

Random question, does anyone hate me?

Little bit, but dont worry. I hate everyone a little bit, at least.

Deleted user

Random question, does anyone hate me?

We don't fish for criticism here.

Deleted user

jesus is it too much to ask for some people to just fuck off
(not at y’all, but this is the rudeness chat so )