forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Oh snap

Gotta agree with Eris, though, you're gonna have to type some stuff you're not gonna wanna type in many situations.

Deleted user

Guys, some things are disgusting to some while being great to others.
Get over it and change the subject.

Deleted user

Because it is obviously making others uncomfortable.
And honestly, this is technically talking about "smut" therefore should be taken to pm.


Nature is not immoral.

Ah yes, in the wild, polar bears are commonly known to become sexually aroused at the sight of animated versions of them doing the thing, and will create and post their own across all of the internet.

Also, in nature, animals frequently kill each other in cold blood and then eat their corpses. They also have children with their siblings, refuse to wear clothes, and eat their own poop.

Why is that stuff considered bad to humans when it happens all the time in nature?

Deleted user

I think she was just trying to say that sex is a natural thing and shouldn't be cast in such a negative light.

Besides: humans do all those things you mentioned too. So, not a very good argument. justsayin

Deleted user

That could be argued in the right context. (ie: to survive in a harsh situation one must eat a dead person, etc.)

((also not saying I will argue it, I'm just putting it out there))

@HighPockets group

That could be argued in the right context. (ie: to survive in a harsh situation one must eat a dead person, etc.)

((also not saying I will argue it, I'm just putting it out there))

A Donner dinner party

Deleted user

Firstly the eat your own poop thing is just stupid.

It bothered me so that's why I'm about to rant about it.

As I've inevitably said before, a lot of animals eat their own poop for digestion, especially if they're a weaker animal like a guinea pig. In guinea pigs, you can make something called a 'Poop Soup" where you take the poop of a healthy pig and make a soup out of it with literally just water.

It has saved tiny lives.

It is evolution.

It's how they survive in the winter or when they are low on food.

Please do not use it as a reason to be disgusted with nature.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That could be argued in the right context. (ie: to survive in a harsh situation one must eat a dead person, etc.)

((also not saying I will argue it, I'm just putting it out there))

But it would never be considered good. Just understandable in light of the circumstances.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

These things have only been cast as taboo and wrong due to the fact that many people see us as above these things. I think many social norms and what-not is total and complete poppycock.


I think she was just trying to say that sex is a natural thing and shouldn't be cast in such a negative light.

I get that, and while I don’t think it should be seen in a negative light, I also don’t think it should be seen in a positive one, either. It’s a private thing, unless it’s for educational or safety purposes, it shouldn’t see light at all. Or at least not as much as it’s getting.

Besides: humans do all those things you mentioned too. So, not a very good argument. justsayin

I know, but usually they’re seen as gross, sick, or twisted for it, while most animals don’t react the same way. If you ate three of your own children due to stress, you’d be seen as an absolute sicko and get sent to prison for murder, child abuse, and many more things I don’t want to bother listing. If a rabbit does it, that’s just a normal occurrence.

Deleted user

I know, but usually they’re seen as gross, sick, or twisted for it, while most animals don’t react the same way. If you ate three of your own children due to stress, you’d be seen as an absolute sicko and get sent to prison for murder, child abuse, and many more things I don’t want to bother listing. If a rabbit does it, that’s just a normal occurrence.

That is not at ALL what you were saying. But thanks for clearing up ig.


Firstly the eat your own poop thing is just stupid.

It bothered me so that's why I'm about to rant about it.

As I've inevitably said before, a lot of animals eat their own poop for digestion, especially if they're a weaker animal like a guinea pig. In guinea pigs, you can make something called a 'Poop Soup" where you take the poop of a healthy pig and make a soup out of it with literally just water.

It has saved tiny lives.

It is evolution.

It's how they survive in the winter or when they are low on food.

Please do not use it as a reason to be disgusted with nature.

I know, and I’m not saying that’s entirely bad, it’s just another example of something animals do that humans would be seen as weird for.