forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Moxie group

Oh yeah no I definitely agree with that. That's a great point. It's not a talk that should be shied away from by parents because then bad things happen. I just meant here


I think she was just trying to say that sex is a natural thing and shouldn't be cast in such a negative light.

I get that, and while I don’t think it should be seen in a negative light, I also don’t think it should be seen in a positive one, either. It’s a private thing, unless it’s for educational or safety purposes, it shouldn’t see light at all. Or at least not as much as it’s getting.

Human nature should not be hidden.

Well, I'm sorry if I, and many, many other people don't want to immediately hear in-depth discussions about what some guy's partner looks like naked, the types of pornographic content that get the most views, and people bragging about the size of their parts every time we log on to the internet.

It should be hidden, to an extent. Please. For the sake of our sanity…

Especially something as natural, enjoyable, and casual as sex.

It's only "casual" if you choose to view it that way, and considering many things including the emotional attachment and physical dangers that come with it, I'm not sure if "casual" is the right word to use. Sure, I guess people don't have to be married or in a really long-term relationship to do it although they probably should, I mean, it's at least a thousand times safer, but if people decide to be idiots and end up hurt in some way from it, that's not my problem. As long as they both agree and aren't hurting anyone else but that doesn’t instantly make it just a casual, risk-free thing.

It's honestly not that big of a deal.

Except it is. Sure, it may be a natural thing, but it's extremely dangerous, often physically/emotionally scarring, and can destroy the lives of people in just seconds if something goes even slightly wrong. The way it's portrayed online is just some "fun little activity", when in reality, there’s a lot more to it.

Literally everyone does it.

…Except not "literally everyone" does it. There are many people out in the world who choose not to, and keep that way until they're dead. It's not impossible to keep your bodies to yourself despite what many people seem to believe, it's not impossible to show love/affection without doing the thing, it's not impossible to teach that to others convincingly, and it's not impossible for the people who do that thing to keep their mouths shut and not write/share 30 songs, 1,862 tweets, a comedy miniseries, and an entire novel about how great it was.

Murder and death (like big death), on the other hand, should not be broadcasted as much as it is because that is not a natural occurrence/aspect of human nature and only inspires more violence.

I was going to counter-argue but my WiFi went out and now I don’t have my sources.

Ja feel?

…Not really?

And, before everyone starts throwing words into my mouth, I'm not trying to argue that "all sex is bad and gross and icky and people should just stop doing it and also stop reproducing because it's ewwwwwwww". No. That's extremely stupid.

I'm also not trying to argue that "parents should shelter their children from it until they're like adults or something". No. That's stupid as well. (Instead, people should educate the youth on it, including all the horrifying details and dangers that could occur from misusing it. Educate them until they're absolutely terrified if you have to. It's better than saying "Ehhhh, they're teenagers, they're obviously going to do it anyway, I guess I'll just tell them it's an amazing thing with no possible consequences-"
That's how you end up with medical bills, 38 grandchildren, and possibly even a dead/diseased child.)

What I am trying to argue and am probably failing at is that it shouldn't be seen in this all-perfect, incredible, undeniably amazing light of infinite happiness/pleasure. You look around and there are tons of people who do nothing but joke about it, talk about it, sing about it, write about it, and even record it for the entire internet, always showing it as nothing more than a "natural, casual thing".
I can't stand that. So many people fall for that illusion and lose their reputation, -sometimes even their livesbecause of that trap, and it's not like they know any better, all they were told was “Oh yeah it’s the best thing ever and people who don’t try it are obviously lonely”
So instead of arguing to try and make it seen from an even more positive perspective, maybe people should take a glance at the negatives, acknowledge their existence, accept that there’s more to sex than just a few moments of pleasure, and either try to address that occasionally or completely shut up about all of it.

And again, I’m not trying to say that all people who have sex and talk about it are instantly awful human beings, and I’m not trying to justify those who go out of their way to bully them. I understand not everyone shares the exact same viewpoint as me, and I respect their opinions. I really don’t think people should be shamed for their choices, as long as all the people involved consented, it should be completely fine for them to make stupid and dangerous decisions, however, I also don’t want to encourage others to make those same stupid/dangerous decisions without knowing what’s on the line. Do you know what I mean?
No? Great.

This was probably all over the place and made absolutely no freaking sense, so for that, I apologize. (Normally when I’m this tired I avoid debates, but for some reason I didn’t this time because I’m an idiot who no longer cares if I embarrass myself or not)

So… Goodnight fellow squishy, knowledge-holding brain things stuck inside this bizarre formation of bones, cells, hair, fleshy stuff, and guts that we refer to as the human body, see you tomorrow…?

I give up on words, English is overrated

Deleted user

I'm literally over coming back to this chat and seeing long posts of bullshit

Deleted user

I digress, Ella, obviously you know more about sex than a fully functioning adult that has been actually doing the act for a little less than a decade.





Oh no, I said adults should be responsible and think about the consequences before they give their bodies away to complete strangers? I must be such an idiot.

@HighPockets group

Lmaoooo this is literally a chat to say rude things? So there's gonna be toxicity? And there's also literally no double standards but go off I guess.

Deleted user

Dude Ella you are trying to argue against something that is never gonna stop, you dislike talking about, and don't even know.

Just stop.

Deleted user

You should rename this chat "Chat of unnecessary toxicity and double standards".

Yeah probably

How about I keep the name I have for it? Because I like it.

Thank you for your suggestion though. :)

Deleted user

Well obviously you know more about it than countless articles from people who actually study the thing and the people who have done it responsibly for 3 or more decades now.

3 decades of missionary


I'm over it. Moving on


Lmaoooo this is literally a chat to say rude things? So there's gonna be toxicity? And there's also literally no double standards but go off I guess.

Oh my freaking-
Just because you're one of the people benefitting from these double standards doesn't mean they don't f-ing exist.
Also, rudeness does not always equal toxicity, it's very possible to be rude without completely dragging people down, things only get toxic when "rudeness" is taken too far, which despite being against the rules, happens at least once a week.

It makes me just slightly angry…



offensively impolite or ill-mannered:
"she had been rude to her boss"
ill-mannered, bad-mannered, impolite, discourteous, impertinent, … moreantonyms:
polite, civil, chivalrous
having a startling abruptness:
"the war came as a very rude awakening"
abrupt, sudden, sharp, startling, unpleasant, … more


I had a conversation about all this in PM form just a few weeks ago, unfortunately the people who would actually be able to explain this stuff properly without sounding pathetic have decided to completely avoid this chat at all costs, or aren’t online.

Deleted user

I should really rename this chat the definition of sarcasm.

Deleted user

You guys are more than welcome to leave this chat you know. There's no one forcing you to stay. You have chosen to linger and see that people aren't always happy go lucky. You cannot blame us for adhering to the point of this thread.

@HighPockets group

Lmaoooo this is literally a chat to say rude things? So there's gonna be toxicity? And there's also literally no double standards but go off I guess.

Oh my freaking-
Just because you're one of the people benefitting from these double standards doesn't mean they don't f-ing exist.
Also, rudeness does not always equal toxicity, it's very possible to be rude without completely dragging people down, things only get toxic when "rudeness" is taken too far, which despite being against the rules, happens at least once a week.

It makes me just slightly angry…

Name a double standard in this chat. You don't seem to be able to. Hell, I can't think of any, even though I'm '''''benefitting''''' from them.
And if you're uncomfortable with the rudeness in The Rudeness Chat, maybe find another chat? Idk just a thought :/

Deleted user

Jeez, not this discussion again.
guys, this is a rudeness chat. if you feel invalidated, or offended, i’m sorry, but this probably isn’t the place for you.