forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group

If you can't handle people being rude on a chat specifically made to keep rudeness in it so that it doesn't spread into the rest of the site, then leave. People are free to express their emotions even if they are negative ones or you disagree with them.
Stop pissing in our Cheerios and leave if you'll just whine about a place to rudely vent for daring to exist.


Except it hasn't done a very good job of keeping all the rudeness in one place without it spreading, but then again I'm not allowed to say anything cause I'm just a pathetic little prick.

Also, "People are free to express their emotions even if they are negative ones or you disagree with them." goes both ways. If that person wants to be rude about the rudeness chat itself then they should be allowed to.

@HighPockets group

If you're going to be rude about the Rudeness Chat, then don't be pissed when people call you out. You invade and try to invalidate our venting place and then get mad at us for defending it.

Deleted user

okay….maybe the problem is that some people are seeing this as a chat where you can say rude things in general and some people see it where you can say rude things to people. I’m not 100% sure which one Eris intended it to be, but that seems to be the big misunderstanding here.

Deleted user

It's a goddamn venting space. You can express your feelings as they truly are about everything, as people have complained about people to food to school to weird shit in their lives since the beginning of this thread.
I made this chat because I was (am) sick of the way people express (lack there of really) anger or displeasure these days. The "okay but I'm a little upset about this…I'm sorry!" bullshit instead of being honest and just saying "Dude this pisses me off and I need to properly express myself."

I said it once and I'll say it again: I am not going to get in the way of how people feel. It's healthy to express anger and get it out so it can be controlled and dealt with. Venting is therapeutic.
I'm sick and tired of defending my chat and this close to asking a ton of you to leave. There is nothing wrong with this thread.

Fair warning.

Deleted user


What rumors? I have heard nothing of the sort and I'm getting preeeeetty upset about the blatant lying so you better stop.

Deleted user


Ella do not call yourself a name and then blame it on everyone else. No one has called you a prick. Chill out.

I've done what I can to direct people to hash out their shit here, it's not my fault they do not listen to my suggestion. Nor is it my fault when people start being mean to each other. Stop placing blame where there is none due. People are rude to each other all the time. It's a way of life. Do I like it? No. Can I change it? Also no. But I can provide a safe place to hash it out. Which is what the goddamn chat is all about.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh my fucking god. I was showing my drawing to a dude in class, and he took it out of my hand and fucking bit it. He's sitting here now, chewing the part he bit off.

Deleted user

ok so last night a dude i barely know who’s at least two years older than me snap chatted me, and it was so weird.
like heart emojis and the works. what do i do

Deleted user

ok so last night a dude i barely know who’s at least two years older than me snap chatted me, and it was so weird.
like heart emojis and the works. what do i do

tell him you don't want to snap chat and then block him?

Deleted user

ok so last night a dude i barely know who’s at least two years older than me snap chatted me, and it was so weird.
like heart emojis and the works. what do i do

tell him you don't want to snap chat and then block him?


Deleted user

ok but i still have a class with him every monday wednesday and friday, and i don’t want to hurt his feelings
also he left me on opened so maybe he’ll back off?

Deleted user

If it makes you uncomfortable then to hell with his feelings. Protect yourself


He's feelings are inconsequential when it comes to your own. Eris is absolutely right. Tell him you don't like it, and if he's got a problem, then that's his own bullshit to deal with.

Deleted user

Do NOT be afraid to say No. Boys need to learn.

Deleted user

Yeah seriously like… don't be afraid to put yourself in front of people who creep you out. There's no reason for you not to protect yourself.

Deleted user

But I digress, there are girls that say they don't want the attention and complain about it, but won't do anything to fix it because they actually want the attention and that only tells males that it is okay.

Deleted user