forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Oh yeah, that was me. Honestly? I'm sticking to that. Why shouldn't someone who's putting entire nations at risk not fall victim to the consequences of their actions?

Deleted user

So, um. I've had a girlfriend for 6 or 7 months now, but we had taken a 'break', as she called it, in between. Then yesterday, she walked onto the bus and handed me a note. I skimmed through it until a read 'I need some space to think,' and I was done. I handed the note back to her and tried to not have a mental breakdown on the bus. Yet, she's here trying to act like nothing happened; hugging me, kissing my cheek, all this shit. So I completely ignore her for the rest of yesterday, and today, and she has the audacity to start crying when I refused to acknowledge her. Like I had just broken up with her. Finally, she slapped me as I got up from my seat, and I had to be retained from to of my friends as I'm screaming at her, tears of rage and sadness streaming down my face.
I am


@ElderGod-kirky group

And now this cave dweller shall venture out into the sunlight for a minute

Okay, really feeling the need to vent. This might seem simple or petty compared to some of your guys' stories but I gotta get it out there.

My ex-best friend. I shoulda ran while I hated her the first time. She just–ugh–I don't understand how we got along for that one year. How I let myself get into this situation.
I'm a loner. Big surprise. I like reading and being alone, living in my daydreams and keeping to myself. I find nothing wrong with that. It keeps me out of the spotlight and makes the popular people think of me as this nice and innocent girl of the class that's smart and good at drawing. I'm fine with that.
Her? Oh no. I couldn't do jack shit without her permission. She was the center of attention, and I had to basically bow before her at all times. She was abusive–not majorly, but it still sucked ass–and needy. I hate needy people with a burning passion. I get if you want to be noticed, but don't go out of your way to insert yourself into other people's lives and demand that they only give you and only you attention. I had every class with her during school. Fine. I could deal with that. But she demanded that I text her as soon as I got home to the moment I went asleep. If I said that I was busy and happened to be on Facebook later without texting her, she'd get pissed and have a hissy fit. I wasn't allowed to read or have some me-time during study halls. I had to entertain her. I couldn't do anything that I liked because she didn't like it. Whenever I went over to her house, she took my phone and wouldn't give it back to me until I left. I tried getting my book back the one time and she physically fought me to keep me from it. I'm not that strong and I don't like getting into fights, so I just gave in after a short struggle. I felt pathetic because she made fun of me for not being able to beat her.
Now about the abusive part. She wasn't afraid of getting violent. Hell, she bragged about her violence. All of those things I mentioned above? If I didn't comply with her, I'd get stabbed with a pencil. "Oh no, Shadow got stabbed with a pencil," you might me thinking. Yes, I did. AND I STILL HAVE THE FUCKING MARKS A YEAR LATER. I have permanent lead spots on my hands where she stabbed me so hard it drew blood and left a fucking mark. She'd kick and slap and punch me–then say she's just playing around and it 'wasn't that hard. Quit being a baby and suck it up.'
I eventually got the courage–and had finally snapped after one situation, can't remember exactly as this part is a bit fuzzy–to tell her I had enough. She. Went. BALLISTIC. We got into this huge argument over text messages–surprise surprise–where I'm literally trembling with rage. My mom was hella pissed with her as she tried coaching me through the argument (As I stated above, I hate getting into fights). She eventually got a mutual friend involved and used her as a go-between. It was… I hated every moment. I hated her. I hated the petty shit she did. I was just done. DONE. I blocked her ass and ignored her for the rest of the school year.

She then got homeschooled, so I'm free from her from now on :)

sigh. That got me angry just typing it out. But at least I got it out of my system. Carry on.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh yeah, that was me. Honestly? I'm sticking to that. Why shouldn't someone who's putting entire nations at risk not fall victim to the consequences of their actions?

Well I haven't been vaccinated in a long long time. Please tell why I should die for that.
(Also I don't hold hard feelings. I still like you and think you're a pretty awesome RPer.)

@ElderGod-kirky group

Yeah, it wasn't fun. I felt so small and useless, and I guess it has affected how I think of myself despite insisting that I've gotten over it.
But I made it through, so there's that.


(I get it man, I ain't got anything against you in general, just against a few of your beliefs, which is bound to happen in life.)
It's putting people at risk. Countries are experiencing diseases they haven't had to deal with in a long time thanks to tourists who aren't vaccinated. Why put people at risk like that? We discovered ways to protect against deadly illnesses, so why not take advantage of the opportunity presented to you, that your ancestors could only dream of?

Deleted user

"Don't hold hard feelings…"


Lol dude. I am part of a religion where I am supposed to love those who hate my guts. This is really nothing comparatively.

Well imean not to be mean or anything but like

Actually no nvm

Sorry bro

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(I get it man, I ain't got anything against you in general, just against a few of your beliefs, which is bound to happen in life.)
It's putting people at risk. Countries are experiencing diseases they haven't had to deal with in a long time thanks to tourists who aren't vaccinated. Why put people at risk like that? We discovered ways to protect against deadly illnesses, so why not take advantage of the opportunity presented to you, that your ancestors could only dream of?

(Cool and thanks dude.)
I see what you mean. I have also been taught about vaccines enough that I believe they can put weaker people at risk for the diseases that people are trying to be protected from. Also I have a moral objection as at least some vaccines were/are made with the cells of aborted fetuses. Hopefully you can understand that I would be appalled by using something that used the pieces of corpses to protect myself from disease even if I did not have the before mentioned reason. And as you probably know by now, I am very pro life so I consider it just as evil as if I killed you so I could get a heart transplant.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Don't hold hard feelings…"


Lol dude. I am part of a religion where I am supposed to love those who hate my guts. This is really nothing comparatively.

Well imean not to be mean or anything but like

Actually no nvm

Sorry bro

Do I sound like a pompous brat? If so, sorry about that.

Deleted user

"Don't hold hard feelings…"


Lol dude. I am part of a religion where I am supposed to love those who hate my guts. This is really nothing comparatively.

Well imean not to be mean or anything but like

Actually no nvm

Sorry bro

Do I sound like a pompous brat? If so, sorry about that.

Nah dw


I can get that, to an extent, I guess. I'm definitely the opposite when it comes to that, a pro-choice believer, but I guess it's whatever man. I'm also tired as hell lmao and can barely form a coherent thought, so I'm good with leaving yet another debate at an impasse. Not that it was much of one on my part, but yeah

Deleted user

jesus is it possible to have a mini depressive episode (like 4 hours) because i feel like shit tonight and i do not know w h y


we interrupt your regularly scheduled program for me to dance around giving my brain the damn middle finger

you were tired an hour ago, bitch, and now you're wide awake but also tired. what the fuck is depression. I keep blacking out randomly?? and goddamn sTRESS hello it's nice to see you again because tESTING

Deleted user

And now she hit me again, and we got in a shouting match. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Deleted user

Oh yeah, that was me. Honestly? I'm sticking to that. Why shouldn't someone who's putting entire nations at risk not fall victim to the consequences of their actions?

Well I haven't been vaccinated in a long long time. Please tell why I should die for that.
(Also I don't hold hard feelings. I still like you and think you're a pretty awesome RPer.)

You don't need to get vaccinated all the time. Most are for life, but you can get boosters if needed. Also, technically all vaccines are made from dead cells….so….Idk about that my friend.

Deleted user

You already are vaccinated homie. You can't take that out. XD