forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user


You are my new favorite person.

Deleted user


How does one pernounce this. Lol I'm dying right now

Deleted user


How does one pernounce this. Lol I'm dying right now

I can tell you what it means

You all do have

heh what is wrong with me i should be writng


So, I'm back, pretty sure no one missed me, but I'm no longer an angry blob of emotion that snaps at everything she sees. (Hopefully.)

I apologize for how I reacted the other day, I was being extremely overdramatic, and I really don't have any excuses.

Also, Y'all'd've means "You all would have", not "You all do have".

Deleted user

Also, Y'all'd've means "You all would have", not "You all do have".

Deleted user

…Except it does, google it-

OK did I say I didn't believe you no


Deleted user

Oh of course I'm definitely not more educated in the English language and how past tense works no nope definitely not ever I guess Google trumps over me again oh no


I know I'm terrible at English, but even I know that literally no one would say "do've", not even my good ol' aunt from Texas, so why would they say "y'all do've" and then shorten it to "y'all'd've"?

I know past tense exists, and you technically could use "y'all'd've" to say "you all do have", but no one else on all of planet Earth would use it that way

Deleted user

Noooo definitely not education

No just stupid freshman

Hahaha hits head repeatedly off a wall, clanking empty noises instead rise


Guys! It was a joke. Chill out.


Also I found an even better word:
Meaning, "you all would have if I would have"