forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

(yesssss. I've screwed my shoulder up and I get to delay my pushup test yet another week due to being a cripple :)

(I've just been avoiding my PE teacher so I don't have to do them, I never see her bc I'm not in cardio or weight training or team sports)

Deleted user

I've never even been anywhere near the south I just like saying y'all

My family's from Texas and I say y'all al the time.

Deleted user

It's so weird to come back to some rather….interesting…. arguments.

Deleted user

I mean honestly? arguing over the correct breakdown for a conjunction that doesnt exist? XD

Deleted user

I just think that it is so funny how people get argumentative over the tiniest things and have to slam down their two cents.

Deleted user

Was….was that supposed to be a function sentence? Because my brain cells are fightin over what it means. XD


I know we weren't going to do the stupid letter thing anymore but I can't resist

It'S thE RUdENEsS cHAT WHaT DiD YoU EXpEcT???!!11!?11?1


It's 'car-mel'.
I honestly don't know on the 'is water wet' debate. I would lean towards yes, I think?

It's really big with the freshmen here…to the point I want to yell at them to shut their mouths! And I agree…I just say car-mel.


I know we weren't going to do the stupid letter thing anymore but I can't resist

It'S thE RUdENEsS cHAT WHaT DiD YoU EXpEcT???!!11!?11?1

totally ok with me

Deleted user

I know we weren't going to do the stupid letter thing anymore but I can't resist

It'S thE RUdENEsS cHAT WHaT DiD YoU EXpEcT???!!11!?11?1

random but ok