forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Moxie group

And also b i r t h c o n t r o l w i l l c o u n t a s a n a b o r t i o n

What? Explain.

Under a new bill in Georgia, birth control like the pill will count as an abortion

And does this stop the zygote from forming?

I have noooooo clue. Eris?

Deleted user

And also b i r t h c o n t r o l w i l l c o u n t a s a n a b o r t i o n

What? Explain.

Under a new bill in Georgia, birth control like the pill will count as an abortion

And does this stop the zygote from forming?

no. the pill prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay, I'm Pro-Life, but even I think that's too much.


Well, it's the fact they aren't allowed to use birth control. I don't think birth control is abortion. Also, a percentage I don't really know of murderers don't go to jail for life. Why should they?

Women shouldn't go to jail AT ALL for abortion and or miscarriages.

I agree.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And also b i r t h c o n t r o l w i l l c o u n t a s a n a b o r t i o n

What? Explain.

Under a new bill in Georgia, birth control like the pill will count as an abortion

And does this stop the zygote from forming?

no. the pill prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

Okay. What I want is birth control that doesn't allow the zygote to form.

Deleted user

usually this will stop the fertilized egg from growing. 99% of the time. That 1% of the time can become problematic if the fertilized egg keep growing therefore becoming a multitude of issues, the most predominate being an eptopic pregnancy which is extremely dangerous for the mother and must be aborted to save her life. There is no chance that the fetus can survive in an eptopic pregnancy as well since it is not getting the nutrients it needs from the mother because it is not forming in the right place.

Deleted user

Okay. What I want is birth control that doesn't allow the zygote to form.

Erm…. Don't quote me on this but I do not think that this exists. Most BC pills prevent action in the mother's body, not the zygote/fetus.

Deleted user

Lol. Yea no way. That doesn't exist.

well. a condom. but that's not a pill

Deleted user

But according to laws in some states birth control is now illegal so it doesnt matter that it exists or no because people wouldnt be able to take it.

@Pickles group

Honestly a lot of stuff our government does is seen as terrible and dictatorial in dystopian books but irl everyone considers it normal. It scares me

@Pickles group

What I was trying to reinforce yes, I was waiting all day to say that somewhere because it started bugging me this morning

Deleted user

This is exactly why we need to stop voting elder, conservative people into office because their old timey values to no match the modern age

Deleted user

What I was trying to reinforce yes, I was waiting all day to say that somewhere because it started bugging me this morning

I was agreeing with you

Deleted user

by the way there was a case (Roe vs Wade) on abortion in the 1980's/90's that was SO vital for women's rights and they're just throwing it away. It's stupid, we're going fucking backwards.