forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I don't agree with this law, but I think everyone has the right to have their own beliefs and if this is someone's belief…

But their beliefs shouldn't interfere with the wellbeing of others

Or what they choose to do to their body.

or interfere with women's rights as a goddamn whole

@HighPockets group

No offense but why is the south so weird?
I live up nort from there, not super far nort though, and like…..Wisconsin is a lot more chill than Alabangyoursister is .
Yes I know I spelled north wrong but it's a WI thing so yeah

Deleted user

California is basic, but at least we're chill as hell.

Deleted user

Maryland's just chillin' with our free college

We don't know what's going down at the r a t h e r close southern states

@TeamMezzo group

also i know police are trying to protect the world but uh they arrested sebastian danzig guitarist of palaye royale for assault with a deadly weapon?? he threw coffee at someone who tried to run over a goddamned dog

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay. I really like it. I think it's great. All the bad things about it are not actually true. It is a felony to perform an abortion. Women are not held responsible for it by any legal means. There is even a bit of it that allows an abortion for mental health reasons (but is hard to get). It allows abortion to save the life of the mother and to save the mother from being seriously injured.


…As I continue to google stuff, I'm finding no information on the whole "miscarriages are murder and women should be put to jail for them" thing. Also, the bill apparently isn't even in effect yet… unfortunately

Deleted user

Okay. I really like it. I think it's great. All the bad things about it are not actually true. It is a felony to perform an abortion. Women are not held responsible for it by any legal means. There is even a bit of it that allows an abortion for mental health reasons (but is hard to get). It allows abortion to save the life of the mother and to save the mother from being seriously injured.

Im sorry, you still agree with a bill that makes safe medical procedures illegal for doctors to perform, so a woman would have to either a) get an unsafe abortion and possibly die or b) travel to another state for the procedure? (which would be highly unsafe and impossible for younger/teenage women)

Deleted user

I think, if I’m reading this right, while the bill itself doesn’t promote this, there’s a chance that the law could be abused in some cases to count miscarriages that may have been caused due to the mother’s own stupid choices as murder.

More than likely in a state that signed this bill into law will abuse said law. That's what happens all the time around this country. Laws get abused to put one time drug (weed) offenders tried as adults and thrown in jail for the rest of their lives and while male athletes off of rape charges.

This bill limits women's rights Ella. Your rights to your own body. Men should not be making these decisions for you. Miscarriages are painful and sad and no woman should have to be questioned by the police after a such a loss. That is salt in a wound and traumatizing. It is unfair to treat women this way.

Deleted user

Yep. I agree with it completely.

Then I hope to the universe that you, a friend, or a sister are never in that situation with you because you would let them die.


Yep. I agree with it completely.

Then I hope to the universe that you, a friend, or a sister are never in that situation with you because you would let them die.

I did not say anything about letting people die…?