forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


8 Characteristics that Define if Something is Alive:

  1. Does it make its own cells?
  2. Can it reproduce?
  3. Does it consume?
  4. Can it have homeostasis?
  5. Can it pass on its traits to its offspring?
  6. Does it respond to stimuli?
  7. Does it grow?
  8. Can it adapt through evolution?

If the answer is "no" to any of these eight questions, then by scientific definition it is not alive.


Jesus fucking christ dude calm your ass down. Why do you always assume science is out to destroy you and your belief so you never bother educating yourself about it so now you know absolutely nothing about our world that's right here in front of you but everything about some old man who lives in the sky who might smite you for various reasons


Are you fucking serious Dom? I would say do your own fucking research but we all know you're going to purposefully search for biased answers that align to yourself only

Deleted user

It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Pft. Dom. Evolution has been proven. Just because it's not as showy as pokemon doesn't mean that it's not there. The human race itself has evolved since the last century. Stronger bodies, 'technically' more beautiful (because beautiful people are usually the ones that end up being more desirable for reproducing.), longer life span, etc.

Deleted user

Just think about how dinosaur like creatures have turned into chickens.

Deleted user

OH! And let's not forget how the red hair gene evolved from a single whacked up chromosome in one person thousands of years ago.


It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Evolution is a fact you blind twat. You just have your head so far buried in somewhat old texts that you disregard years and years of scientific study and fossil records that have already proven it. You just don't want science and religion to coexist when it clearly has for quite some time.

@HighPockets group

It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Pft. Dom. Evolution has been proven. Just because it's not as showy as pokemon doesn't mean that it's not there. The human race itself has evolved since the last century. Stronger bodies, 'technically' more beautiful (because beautiful people are usually the ones that end up being more desirable for reproducing.), longer life span, etc.

It'd be pretty badass if humans could evolve like Pokemon though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"not as showy as pokemon" Lol. But forgive my ignorance. If humanity did not exist until very recently, how could we possibly tell evolution existed. And how could we prove a new possible life form to be part of evolution if it takes millions of years?

Deleted user

the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

Or in casual terms:

Homeostasis is the state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Pft. Dom. Evolution has been proven. Just because it's not as showy as pokemon doesn't mean that it's not there. The human race itself has evolved since the last century. Stronger bodies, 'technically' more beautiful (because beautiful people are usually the ones that end up being more desirable for reproducing.), longer life span, etc.

It'd be pretty badass if humans could evolve like Pokemon though.

Agreed Jyn. Agreed.

@HighPockets group

It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Pft. Dom. Evolution has been proven. Just because it's not as showy as pokemon doesn't mean that it's not there. The human race itself has evolved since the last century. Stronger bodies, 'technically' more beautiful (because beautiful people are usually the ones that end up being more desirable for reproducing.), longer life span, etc.

It'd be pretty badass if humans could evolve like Pokemon though.

Agreed Jyn. Agreed.

Like you just focus really hard and then bam you're 6 inches taller

Deleted user

"not as showy as pokemon" Lol. But forgive my ignorance. If humanity did not exist until very recently, how could we possibly tell evolution existed. And how could we prove a new possible life form to be part of evolution if it takes millions of years?

Bones, my guy. Fossils. DNA testing. Carbon dating.


And if you find yourself wondering why I'm being so hostile, take a look at the title of this chat. I'm done having to constantly read your incompetency when it comes to literally all things science and it's almost hilarious that someone can be this ignorant.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Are you fucking serious Dom? I would say do your own fucking research but we all know you're going to purposefully search for biased answers that align to yourself only

Excuse me but you are entirely incorrect and avoiding obvious facts and logical jumps.

Deleted user

It assumes that evolution is a fact when it has not been proven.

Pft. Dom. Evolution has been proven. Just because it's not as showy as pokemon doesn't mean that it's not there. The human race itself has evolved since the last century. Stronger bodies, 'technically' more beautiful (because beautiful people are usually the ones that end up being more desirable for reproducing.), longer life span, etc.

It'd be pretty badass if humans could evolve like Pokemon though.

Agreed Jyn. Agreed.

Like you just focus really hard and then bam you're 6 inches taller

I'd be one of those fuckers that needs a special rare stone that's really difficult to get. T_T

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It'd be pretty badass if humans could evolve like Pokemon though.

Agreed Jyn. Agreed.

Like you just focus really hard and then bam you're 6 inches taller

I really wish I could do that. You have no idea how much I want to do that.

Deleted user

Do all plants respond to stimuli?

Yessssssssssssssssssssssss how do you think they pollinate?