forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Come my friends. Let us conduct ourselves like we are critical humans. Not children in awe of any display of power. (Not to take away anything from your work Nutella, but… Brace yourself.)


Wikipedia has spoken. I see what you mean now but that still doesn't negate the original offense. Not to mention that back then it wasn't one religion doing all of the discovering, it was all of them. All religions discovered at least one aspect about science. That should speak for itself of its universal improtance to all beings.

"The original offence." Whatevs yo.

Eh? Bruh I was admitting my information was misguided and rather agressive it was going to come out at some point so I guess it was good it happened on the rudeness chat instead of elsewhere.

My apologies. I am sorry for my brusque attitude.

Nah man it's fine. I want to apologize for all of that rude shit that came tumbling out of me earlier. It was rather abrupt and uncalled for.

I also want to thank you for serving as a sort of verbal punching bag?? I feel so much better now, especially knowing you don't care so much as to take what I say to heart (I mean this in a good way).


Come my friends. Let us conduct ourselves like we are critical humans not children in awe of any display of power. (Not to take away anything from your work Nutella, but… Brace yourself.)


Deleted user

I wrote a really long rant about stuff full of obscenities, but I'm a good person at heart and don't want to deal with the aftermath.


It's cool my dude. I have been screamed at and had profanities hurled at me. Compared to that you got nothing Lol. And now for the next wave.


Deleted user

Ahhhhhhh. Ya see, my long rant was about her ridiculously long, regurgitated, and biased so called arguement, but it was more directed at her and her tone.

Deleted user

Do you want me to cuss out a child?

No, I mean, I was expecting the biggest comeback. Ever.

Trust. It's glorious and Goddess worthy. It's just not nice.


Okay, I'll admit my tone was quite harsh, since this is the Rudeness chat my idiot self thought that would be the best decision, I'll try not to be that awful next time
silently oofs

Deleted user

Well how about nothing personal She has seen it all by now. and attack the ideas.

My point is that I've already done that

Deleted user

Okay, I'll admit my tone was quite harsh, since this is the Rudeness chat my idiot self thought that would be the best decision, I'll try not to be that awful next time
silently oofs

I don't care if you're rude. I care when you are condescending.

Deleted user

Trust I've repeated myself so much in response to what others have said that even I am annoyed by it