forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Here's what I think
It shouldn't matter if you think killing young children is wrong or not. That doesn't mean you should control whether or not a woman has can kill her child with protection from the law and safety to her body. Just because its outlawed doesn't mean killing kids will stop. It just means the mother could be at risk physically and legally.

I redid this to give you a very basic understanding of how a pro lifer would read this in hopes that you might understand.

This is honestly how I read this. Thank you.

@HighPockets group

I guarntee you that if you were in your older teens, you wouldn't.

Really? Try telling that to the many teenagers, adults, and parents I’ve met, one of which who’s had an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy herself, that still believe killing an unborn baby is murder.

Try telling that to the teens who have been raped and needed to carry the baby of the man who violated their body because Georgia can't separate church and state.

That was made to protect the church. Don't misquote it. Also, the baby is not the culprit. If you want to kill the rapist I might be on board. But not the kid.

Yeah. The kid that is a result of a rape has just as much right to life as other children. It's cruel to punish the child for the sin of the parent.

'Sin of the parent'? I sure hope you mean the rapist and not the victim with that…..

Deleted user

Here's what I think
It shouldn't matter if you think killing young children is wrong or not. That doesn't mean you should control whether or not a woman has can kill her child with protection from the law and safety to her body. Just because its outlawed doesn't mean killing kids will stop. It just means the mother could be at risk physically and legally.

I redid this to give you a very basic understanding of how a pro lifer would read this in hopes that you might understand.

This is honestly how I read this. Thank you.

is exhausted

But it's not a child….its a clump of cells when abortion is done. I've said this a million times. 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions are exceedingly rare and only done when there is no hope of vitality or the mother's life is in danger.

Deleted user

its a clump of cells

It doesn't even have all of it's chromosomes yet

@Moxie group

Here's what I think
It shouldn't matter if you think killing young children is wrong or not. That doesn't mean you should control whether or not a woman has can kill her child with protection from the law and safety to her body. Just because its outlawed doesn't mean killing kids will stop. It just means the mother could be at risk physically and legally.

I redid this to give you a very basic understanding of how a pro lifer would read this in hopes that you might understand.

Don't. Change. My fucking. Words.

@Moxie group

Guys. I used to be "pro-life". I know all the points of view. Trust me. I've looked at it the way you've said to look at it. And yet here I am at my decision to be pro-choice.

Deleted user

So are you saying that sure, rape and incest are bad but American women can't have the choice to have the option for safe abortion?

I'm not sure if it's been said before but women are still going to want their children gone in Alafuckingbama whether they like it or not.

@Moxie group

Here's what I think
It shouldn't matter if you think killing young children is wrong or not. That doesn't mean you should control whether or not a woman has can kill her child with protection from the law and safety to her body. Just because its outlawed doesn't mean killing kids will stop. It just means the mother could be at risk physically and legally.

I redid this to give you a very basic understanding of how a pro lifer would read this in hopes that you might understand.

Don't. Change. My fucking. Words.

Okay I'm not over this. Seriously? You have no right to change my words. I've already looked at it through your lens. You don't get to change my words to fit your beliefs so I can "understand'. That was cheap and disrespectful. You changed something I said, and made it emotionally charged against "killing the children". Hard to kill something that isn't medically alive. Don't do this again, to me or anyone.
And you had a grammar error.

Deleted user

its a clump of cells

It doesn't even have all of it's chromosomes yet

@HighPockets group

So are you saying that sure, rape and incest are bad but American women can't have the choice to have the option for safe abortion?

I'm not sure if it's been said before but women are still going to want their children gone in Alafuckingbama whether they like it or not.


@Moxie group

Well duh.

Then why are you punishing the woman, the living, breathing, thinking woman for the "sin of the parent" when she didn't do anything wrong??

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well duh.

Then why are you punishing the woman, the living, breathing, thinking woman for the "sin of the parent" when she didn't do anything wrong??

Do you understand or don't you? You said you do and yet you are asking questions that suggest you do not understand.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here's what I think
It shouldn't matter if you think killing young children is wrong or not. That doesn't mean you should control whether or not a woman has can kill her child with protection from the law and safety to her body. Just because its outlawed doesn't mean killing kids will stop. It just means the mother could be at risk physically and legally.

I redid this to give you a very basic understanding of how a pro lifer would read this in hopes that you might understand.

Don't. Change. My fucking. Words.

Okay I'm not over this. Seriously? You have no right to change my words. I've already looked at it through your lens. You don't get to change my words to fit your beliefs so I can "understand'. That was cheap and disrespectful. You changed something I said, and made it emotionally charged against "killing the children". Hard to kill something that isn't medically alive. Don't do this again, to me or anyone.
And you had a grammar error.

Well I honestly don't see what your problem is. Honestly. I'm really sorry about it. I have a hard time understanding certain things. The thing I would be mad about in your shoes would be a misquote because that would be a lie. But I made it obvious they were my words not yours. So what's the problem? Once again, really sorry that I don't get it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hey, uh, Dom? What exactly are your requirements for something to be considered an 'innocent human being'?

A being that would be scientifically classified as a human. One that has committed no crime. (Moral or legal.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys. I used to be "pro-life". I know all the points of view. Trust me. I've looked at it the way you've said to look at it. And yet here I am at my decision to be pro-choice.

Also I'm really interested in your mental journey. If you could enlighten me I would be most grateful.


So….you're saying Eris is right, then? I'm pretty sure they/she has more scientific knowledge than me, and…it's just a bundle of cells. Not scientifically even a living being yet, right?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There are many classifications of what life is (according to my research). I have yet to find The One Scientific Definition of Life. All the ones I have seen I find fault with, and many do not match up to each other.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I mean, I've found one or two definitions that support my beliefs but… Yeah. Some do, some don't, it would obviously not work for me to just choose the ones I like.
Don't quote me here but I pretty much think anything that can can reproduce (once it is grown)(barring deformity) is alive.

Deleted user

A clump of cells cannot reproduce nor is it grown.

By that logic a baby isn't alive either. It cannot reproduce nor is it grown.
Unless I am misunderstanding

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You are kind of misunderstanding. (All's well though.) There were the two things in parenthesis. If it can reproduce once it reaches maturity barring it having a deformity it is alive.