forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Anti-vax is so stupid

I would rather deal with a minor mental issue than fucking MEASLES and POLIO

Deleted user

I think the same thing for both, and that is:
People are allowed to have their own beliefs. However, they must understand that their actions have consequences.


Can I just say: anti-vaxers are literally hurting the people around them. Not just that but there have been outbreaks of diseases because of these fucking idiots who don’t vaccinate their kids. Plus, their kids/themselves are probably more likely to get the disease.
Also, vengans are really annoying. Go ahead and be what you want and make those decisions, but if you start complaining that you can’t eat anything or start being really bitchy about it. Stop, and shut up please. Friendly vegans that keep to themselves about their eating choices are fine.
But that’s just my opinion.


Can I just say: anti-vaxers are literally hurting the people around them. Not just that but there have been outbreaks of diseases because of these fucking idiots who don’t vaccinate their kids. Plus, their kids/themselves are probably more likely to get the disease.
Also, vengans are really annoying. Go ahead and be what you want and make those decisions, but if you start complaining that you can’t eat anything or start being really bitchy about it. Stop, and shut up please. Friendly vegans that keep to themselves about their eating choices are fine.
But that’s just my opinion.

I full-heartedly agree with this.

And if someone is a vegan because of allergies/diseases/disorder/dietary needs, that's totally fine and I absolutely understand. But if you're a vegan to be "better" than other people, you are scum.

Deleted user

"Oh I eat steak, it's pretty good"



Can I just say: anti-vaxers are literally hurting the people around them. Not just that but there have been outbreaks of diseases because of these fucking idiots who don’t vaccinate their kids. Plus, their kids/themselves are probably more likely to get the disease.
Also, vengans are really annoying. Go ahead and be what you want and make those decisions, but if you start complaining that you can’t eat anything or start being really bitchy about it. Stop, and shut up please. Friendly vegans that keep to themselves about their eating choices are fine.
But that’s just my opinion.

I full-heartedly agree with this.

And if someone is a vegan because of allergies/diseases/disorder/dietary needs, that's totally fine and I absolutely understand. But if you're a vegan to be "better" than other people, you are scum.

exactly. I respect most vegans though, like go ahead and believe what you want to believe.

Deleted user

Ever notice that the vegans that have to be vegans are the ones that don't shove the vegan lifestyle down the throats of others?

Deleted user

please tell me thats a joke. it's too funny not to be

Deleted user

bro if you’re a vegan, great. i’m proud of you, good job for standing up for your beliefs, but dont harp at me for not doing the same.
Anti-Vaxxers are stupid becuase

  1. Vaccines don’t cause autism, duh.
  2. Even if they did, it’s ridiculous that you’d rather have a dead/miserable child than an autistic one. A++ parenting, guys
  3. To those who say “humans lived for years without vaccines” yeah, they did. they also lived without clean water and toilets. chanGe with the times

Deleted user

People died at like 20 years old during that time too and thought leeches/blood letting was medicine.

Deleted user

Wait aren't leeches actually used to help get infection out of the body today?

Deleted user

In some areas of Europe during the middle ages, they snorted bone dust.

Deleted user

In some places. They used to use it for everything. Got a cough? MA, GET THE LEECHES.

Gotcha ty for explaining.