forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I just feel like for so long school was all I had, all i did??? like i spent most of my time getting all A’s and shit and then i realized it doesn’t matter. like yeah college and stuff is important but i dont even know what i want to do with my life, so what am i supposed to do from here? what.

Deleted user

ok, why is everyone ganging up on her…

Because she's being bitchy

True, but ya'll are to…… "If you don't fucking understand why it exists or why it exists, kick your little bitchy ass outta here and leave. Boom. Problem fucking solved."
Try and tell that's not bitchy

Just saying, don't be a hypocrite


Deleted user

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

None of this stuff has happened?
Please don't blatantly lie about what goes on in this thread. I do NOT appreciate that one bit.
I may be a harsh person that doesn't put up with shit and I want people to build up a back bone but all of that stuff you mentioned is not anything I condone and have made rules against it.

Deleted user

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

I think you need to chill dude.

The irony.


It's just that no one in this chat is chill because everyone is constantly at each other's throats because well, it's the rudeness chat but you want to call Ella out and tell her to be "chill".

But don't you think she's just being a bit extra?

From what I've seen, not necessarily.

We tell everyone to chill when they've crossed a line. I've even 'chilled' myself, so again, if you don't like it, then leave. No one is being a hypocrite.

Deleted user

I am ready to take down anyone who is homophobic

Deleted user

ok then nvm

No it's okay we just have a few people here who believe that LGBTQ is wrong.

@Mojack group

Can I just say I really hate that damn eye roll emoji? I don’t know, I think it’s because I used to get into debates with vegans on the PETA Instagram page before I got blocked and I’d be like

“Well, we are originally omnivores, since we produce a type of acid to break down meats. But you can live fine on a herbivorous diet.”
Then the vegan responds: “🙄” and nothing else
Something sets me off about that emoji and I don’t like it at all

Deleted user

Wait Mojack did you and the vegans over there debate about vegetarian cat food?

Deleted user

Can I just say I really hate that damn eye roll emoji? I don’t know, I think it’s because I used to get into debates with vegans on the PETA Instagram page before I got blocked and I’d be like

“Well, we are originally omnivores, since we produce a type of acid to break down meats. But you can live fine on a herbivorous diet.”
Then the vegan responds: “🙄” and nothing else
Something sets me off about that emoji and I don’t like it at all

sorry, but idk I just kinda find this funny

@Mojack group

Wait Mojack did you and the vegans over there debate about vegetarian cat food?

Sometimes, other times when I was in my last Instagram account that wasn’t blocked I just spectated

Deleted user

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

I think you need to chill dude.

The irony.


It's just that no one in this chat is chill because everyone is constantly at each other's throats because well, it's the rudeness chat but you want to call Ella out and tell her to be "chill".

But don't you think she's just being a bit extra?

From what I've seen, not necessarily.

We tell everyone to chill when they've crossed a line. I've even 'chilled' myself, so again, if you don't like it, then leave. No one is being a hypocrite.

I've seen this "line" being crossed not only on here but in other chats as well, which came directly from this chat. I also understand that you do address the situations that have gotten out of hand, but this is also the reason why I don't interact with the users in this chat. You've never seen me around on here before because like you said, I don't like it. I only came to reply to someone who was confused about the state of this chat.

Deleted user

Idk that's kind of awful towards the people who just want to let off steam in this chat. A lot of the users here (all or them, actually) are very nice people.

Deleted user

I'm not the moderator for other chats, so you can't blame me. Nor have I particularly seen other chats get tense. If they have, direct them here. But I am not responsible for how people act elsewhere.
I address it and it calms down, I'm not sure what more you want from me.
Don't but into this chat if you are just going to criticize everyone on it and then vanish. That's not what it is for as I have previously stated.

Deleted user

What I'm trying to say is that I try to mind my own business. Obviously, not everyone in this chat is rude because some have commented once or twice then left. I also said that I don't talk to users in this chat specifically, I do out of this chat. Let off steam? So, talking others down and ganging up on them is letting off steam? When this chat first started off that was the case but a few pages back from now not so much.
@FaeEris I understand, but what I'm getting at is that because of this chat some unnecessary fights have started. I'm not accusing you of anything, because you aren't held responsible for other's actions but due to this whole thing it has put people against each other and people can't even accept each other's opinions. Debating and taking out a discussion in a civilized manner is one thing but it's another to belittle someone just because their opinion is different. I wouldn't be saying this if I haven't seen what goes on.

Deleted user

So what's your point then?
If you're not accusing me, then what?
I'm not responsible for how people truly feel about others and if some people can't handle that they are more than welcome to leave. Not everyone in life is going to like everyone else. I've given people a good place to let out how they truly feel and I step in when it gets too harsh. Anyone can attest to that. That's not toxic, that's a proper mediated space. (I would know I'm a trained mediator)
Again. I don't know what you want from me.
Some users need to correct their behavior if they do not want people to 'gang up on them' or whatever. Or grow a backbone and stop playing the victim card. Which is what a lot of people do. I'm not going to defend anyone here, only my space and myself.


Honestly, I don't get how some people let the opinions of a bunch of rando assholes on the internet effect them so deeply. There are a million other things to worry about, including your own opinions of yourself.

Deleted user

Honestly, I don't get how some people let the opinions of a bunch of rando assholes on the internet effect them so deeply. There are a million other things to worry about, including your own opinions of yourself.


Deleted user

So what's your point then?
If you're not accusing me, then what?
I'm not responsible for how people truly feel about others and if some people can't handle that they are more than welcome to leave. Not everyone in life is going to like everyone else. I've given people a good place to let out how they truly feel and I step in when it gets too harsh. Anyone can attest to that. That's not toxic, that's a proper mediated space. (I would know I'm a trained mediator)
Again. I don't know what you want from me.
Some users need to correct their behavior if they do not want people to 'gang up on them' or whatever. Or grow a backbone and stop playing the victim card. Which is what a lot of people do. I'm not going to defend anyone here, only my space and myself.

My point is that I, like many others wish this would stop. There are other ways of dealing with how you feel, sure you can feel angry but that doesn't mean you can direct it at others. If you aren't responsible for how others feel with the different users then why create a space where everything can get out of control quickly? You don't have to encourage them to be rude towards others because like I said there are other ways of dealing with your feelings. The problem isn't controlling things when they get out of hand and it isn't a problem sloved thing, telling people to leave if you don't like it. It's that some people are sensitive, I know, the horror, hard to believe that people like that exisit and that not everyone can have a "strong backbone". As if you couldn't tell from this chat, rumors get out fast and soon people will be mentioning one way or another that person a said something about person b and person b may not being in a well enough mood that day. It would only bring them down more. You're saying that being rude isn't being toxic, then if it's not toxic then what is it?

Deleted user

I don't know man, I didn't come to start a fight, I just wanted to comment on some things. I would really not like to be a part of this, so I'll be seeing myself out. I won't judge what you do because you only wanted to do some good, so that I can respect and won't say anything else on the matter, even if I disagree with the purpose of this chat entirely.