forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Now that three people have said this again can we please just get over ourselves?
And by "we" I mean y'all that think a sly comment pointed in your direction is 'toxic'.

Thank you.

Deleted user

Oh boy.

Take a look at the first post on the first page.

Deleted user

It's in the title, you're just basically a bitch to everyone. I also think there are some debates in here, but I don't know because I haven't been keeping up with this.


At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

Deleted user

Ok, so I just yell at someone I don't know for a reason that they don't even want to get into….. cool!

Deleted user

Uuugh don't listen to Ella, she's just getting the short end of the stick cus she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

I think you need to chill dude.

Deleted user

so do I just complain and then hope someone agrees and disagrees

Deleted user

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

I think you need to chill dude.

The irony.

Deleted user

ella …..if you don’t
wanna be here….then just leave?

Deleted user

why are you still here Ella

No the way Ella is portraying the chat is so wrong it's making me gag.

Basically, yes, you just rant about something and be rude to things you don't like.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

At first I thought it was supposed to be a place where people can resolve their problems with other users without causing outside drama, but it’s spiraled into an over-exaggerated place for mindlessly tearing others down, destroying their reputations on the site, spreading awful rumors, judging people they haven’t even met, and yeah I don’t even remotely understand the point of it or why it needs to exist.

I think you need to chill dude.

The irony.


Deleted user

it’s a place for rudeness or bad feelings to be expressed without people getting offended , or it used to be.

Deleted user

quick question: does it have to be about writing?

Deleted user

quick question: does it have to be about writing?

No. But it can be.