forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Le gasp!
You're entitled to your opinion but I'm more upset because it's not just about people liking or disliking the show. How many children's shows have the representation and storylines that Andi Mack did. The military family, anxiety, learning disability, the infamous LGBTQ+, teen pregnancies?

Deleted user

It's too dramatic for me, I like adventure and mystery.

@HighPockets group

My favorite show ended last year, but it got tied up nicely and there's hints at a spin-off.
My other favorite show just got renewed for a 7th season about 5 years after it got cancelled, and I'm SO PUMPED!

Deleted user

ugh my mom is having a meltdown because my baby brother is crying and my little sister is throwing a fi. as usual, i’m the one who steps in to help and gets yelled at :)

Deleted user

thanks. I have a fuck ton of homework to do and my sister is sobbing in my room because she doesn't want to be alone, and I really want to help her but I can't because I have too much homework. I missed a week of school and I have 3 tests/ projects due tomorrow that I didn't know about until yesterday. life sucks.

@EmptyNebula group

Hey guys, I've been stalking this chat for… a while and now I just have something to say that I'm annoyed by.

Collective punishments.

It's especially when only one person does something wrong and anyone who was even in the vicinity of their act get's in trouble and the punishments aren't just like a removal of privileges but also you having to do extra unnecessary work, if you understand what I'm saying.

@Moxie group

thanks. I have a fuck ton of homework to do and my sister is sobbing in my room because she doesn't want to be alone, and I really want to help her but I can't because I have too much homework. I missed a week of school and I have 3 tests/ projects due tomorrow that I didn't know about until yesterday. life sucks.

Can she sit with you while you do homework? And like idk read or something? Idk how old your sister is, otherwise I’d have better suggestions of things for her to do

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

thanks. I have a fuck ton of homework to do and my sister is sobbing in my room because she doesn't want to be alone, and I really want to help her but I can't because I have too much homework. I missed a week of school and I have 3 tests/ projects due tomorrow that I didn't know about until yesterday. life sucks.

Yo Moony that really sucks. Good luck dude.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hey guys, I've been stalking this chat for… a while and now I just have something to say that I'm annoyed by.

Collective punishments.

It's especially when only one person does something wrong and anyone who was even in the vicinity of their act get's in trouble and the punishments aren't just like a removal of privileges but also you having to do extra unnecessary work, if you understand what I'm saying.

Yeah dude.

@HighPockets group

Hey guys, I've been stalking this chat for… a while and now I just have something to say that I'm annoyed by.

Collective punishments.

It's especially when only one person does something wrong and anyone who was even in the vicinity of their act get's in trouble and the punishments aren't just like a removal of privileges but also you having to do extra unnecessary work, if you understand what I'm saying.

Especially when it's in a school setting, and one kid is messing around and then the teachers assign everyone extra homework…..

@HighPockets group

Lowkey pissed at my drama teacher because it's tech week but also testing week for most of the cast, so they're getting loaded up with homework but don't have time to do it until after 8 o'clock. One of the guys in the show asked if she could give the whole cast and crew homework passes and she was like 'well, what do you do in resource???' (basically a study hall) and wouldn't change her mind even after he explained that not everybody has resource, it rotates if you can do homework in it or not, and there's still 2 classes each day after resource.

Deleted user

Where are you getting this??

lol Some of these I know by heart because of hilarious drinking games and some Im getting from urban dictionary. XD

You know there is an official website, right?

mmmm no. those aren't right.

Deleted user

Damn school still sucks, that's good to know. I was thinking of going back for another degree because I'm bored

I remember in high school I had 5 hours of homework from just ONE of my advanced classes. I had shit luck and got all of my university level classes all in one day. D: I'd stay up until like 2 am doing homework.

Deleted user

well I doubt it was pitch black…. since you're at school….and it's day time.

but im sure that still sucks

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My classroom had the door closed, no electronics were on, and my classroom has no windows. How could it not be pitch black? Also, I hate the dark, I'm always afraid someone's gonna try to kill me/ eat me/ rape me/ do terrible things to me that I'd rather not name

Deleted user


Welcome to the Rudeness chat. I hear that we need to discuss some things.

Deleted user

Ah fuck.
Why didn't it tag them???
