forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

okay but real talk joanna cedida is amazing i love her

Deleted user

okay but real talk joanna cedida is amazing i love her


Deleted user

okay but real talk joanna cedida is amazing i love her


she’s so pure and fun


Middle school drama is so weird.
LIke okay so today is one of my friend's birthday.(We'll call him B) Except B and another (who I'll call A) have drama. Like they're best friends but not anymore. So A still made him a birthday present. And it's actually really really good cuz it's an entire book of their relationship and it's pretty cool but it basically ends in flames. Anyway middle school drama in general is weird, but our entire friend group is basically making a point to fix it before we all go our separate ways next year.

Deleted user


Shane Dawson is amazing too. I can't believe he's getting married, holy shit

I heard Shane Dawson and my heart melted. He is so pure.

Deleted user

Middle schoolers need to chill the fuck out with their nonsense drama.


Middle schoolers need to chill the fuck out with their nonsense drama.

Big agree. but at the same time it's the most entertaining thing that happens at school

Deleted user

I would honestly die for for Shane.

Shane gives me life. Him and Jeffree are my OTP.
but I love Ryland and Nathan too D:

Deleted user

Middle school was not fun and neither is kighschool

Deleted user

Teens are just so petty about everything and get so offended at the slightest rebuff.
(as always no offence to those I love)


Middle schoolers need to chill the fuck out with their nonsense drama.

Like, I know I'm a middle-schooler and I really try to stay out of the drama and shit
But damn
Like, there's seventh graders
seventh graders
That are fighting because she cheated on him after they broke up and got back together and then he cheated on her to get back at her but now everybody says she wasn't actually cheating and now he called her a lesbian so everyone's pissed now and I'm over here like
Dudes, you're like twelve. You shouldn't even be in a relationship yet and now you're fucking pulling that crap on each other???
I freaking hate kids so fucking much
And I know I'm one of them
Which I also hate