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people_alt 109 followers


If someone can't afford a specific lifestyle, they should maybe consider working on their budget instead of forcing others to pay for it…

Also, what separates vaccines from birth control is pretty simple:
It's possible to live a happy, healthy life without sex, but it's not possible to live a happy, healthy life without eating, drinking, socializing, or breathing.
Children can easily be prevented through other means, (cough ABSTINENCE cough) while most vaccine-preventable diseases can't. Humans need food, air, and water to live, you cannot simply stop breathing to prevent the measles.

Sex isn't necessary, so birth control shouldn't be. Breathing is different because you'd actually die without it.


Now, I'll admit, I don't know everything or really anything about how birth control works, and there could very easily be cases where it would be necessary in order to treat other, non-preventable health problems or something like that, and in those cases (if they exist, again, I have no knowledge here), I don't really have much of an opinion.


Now, I'll admit, I don't know everything or really anything about how birth control works, and there could very easily be cases where it would be necessary in order to treat other, non-preventable health problems or something like that, and in those cases (if they exist, again, I have no knowledge here), I don't really have much of an opinion.

Here, let me enlighten you a bit. Birth control is and has been used to treat other ailments besides "pregnancy". I'll give you a few common examples, some of which will come from my personal life experience.

Birth control is used to monitor and control periods. This can be extremely helpful–and in somecases, lifesaving–to girls who experience horrible cramps or excessive amounts of bleeding that incapacitate her or put her life at risk from exanguination(?spellcheck pls). This is especially helpful for girls who are anemic and are at a higher risk for health complications when it comes to bleeding.

Birth control also helps with regulating hormones. This affects me personally for two reasons. Reason one is that it helps keep my acne at a reasonable level. My face would look like a burnt pizza instead of how it looks now and I won'thave to deal with as much acne scarring. Reason two is that it helps me deal with my anxiety disorder, but on a biological stage. I would be much more unstable without this medication.

@HighPockets group

Idk if this is a hot take, but I don't think that people who can't afford them should have to walk around in underwear with their own blood in it.


If someone can't afford a specific lifestyle, they should maybe consider working on their budget instead of forcing others to pay for it…

Also, what separates vaccines from birth control is pretty simple:
It's possible to live a happy, healthy life without sex, but it's not possible to live a happy, healthy life without eating, drinking, socializing, or breathing.
Children can easily be prevented through other means, (cough ABSTINENCE cough) while most vaccine-preventable diseases can't. Humans need food, air, and water to live, you cannot simply stop breathing to prevent the measles.

Sex isn't necessary, so birth control shouldn't be. Breathing is different because you'd actually die without it.

I feel it's important to note that things like STD's can be transmitted without sex. I had a family member who was stabbed by a guy with AIDS and got it from blood contact. And with all the damn tax money we put in to fight wars that aren't our own, I think the government can take maybe a small budget of tax money to make supplies like pads and birth control accessible for everyone, or at least make them cheaper. And rape victims shouldn't have a child forced on them because they're too poor to afford Plan B meds, or something of the like. (Sorry if I've got a weak argument atm, I'm very tired and just realized I haven't responded on this forum in like forever)


And let me make it known that I do understand that tampons are pretty much necessary for life. But I don't think women deserve them without paying in some manner.

That lowkey is the same as saying that just because someone exists doesn't mean they deserve food? I mean I know you're a guy but it's not like someone who has periods can just stop them, and there's no way in hell anyone would enjoy having to suffer through blood constantly flowing from an unpleasant area for a week, especially if that person has heavy periods. Just that alone would make it so that person wouldn't be able to go to work for a week out of the month, or would ruin clothes with the blood, thus making them poorer because they have to replace clothes and aren't getting the cash from their job


yeah, but it would help someone work if they had certain necessities provided to them to help give them a start in life. everyone should get a shot at living a decent life, and some people just need a little extra help, especially if they have diseases or disabilities

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If someone can't afford a specific lifestyle, they should maybe consider working on their budget instead of forcing others to pay for it…

Also, what separates vaccines from birth control is pretty simple:
It's possible to live a happy, healthy life without sex, but it's not possible to live a happy, healthy life without eating, drinking, socializing, or breathing.
Children can easily be prevented through other means, (cough ABSTINENCE cough) while most vaccine-preventable diseases can't. Humans need food, air, and water to live, you cannot simply stop breathing to prevent the measles.

Sex isn't necessary, so birth control shouldn't be. Breathing is different because you'd actually die without it.

I feel it's important to note that things like STD's can be transmitted without sex. I had a family member who was stabbed by a guy with AIDS and got it from blood contact. And with all the damn tax money we put in to fight wars that aren't our own, I think the government can take maybe a small budget of tax money to make supplies like pads and birth control accessible for everyone, or at least make them cheaper. And rape victims shouldn't have a child forced on them because they're too poor to afford Plan B meds, or something of the like. (Sorry if I've got a weak argument atm, I'm very tired and just realized I haven't responded on this forum in like forever)

Good thing to point out. But the only reason war is in there is because it's necessary. Is that how we fight war? Not really and that sucks. And rape is horrible. But let's not get into that as we can do abortion another day.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

yeah, but it would help someone work if they had certain necessities provided to them to help give them a start in life. everyone should get a shot at living a decent life, and some people just need a little extra help, especially if they have diseases or disabilities

I think I agree with you. But who pays for it?


I’m not super experienced on tax money flow, but we have to pay taxes normally, right? Well, the government decides what to do with that cash, so they could move funding away from less important things, or things that have a surplus of funding, to provide basic things like free tampons or something. And if the US kept out of wars like it did before, our war neutrality policy would make it easy to afford other things without having to give the ungodly amount of cash it does to the military. Defenses are one thing, but actively meddling in other countries’ affairs are another

Deleted user

Why? Just because they are necessary doesn't mean you get to have them just by existing. (Though I think except in rare cases only tampons count.)

Tampons were invented during WWII to help stabilize gunshot wounds so soldiers could get transported to hospitals without bleeding out. Red Cross nurses figured out another use for them and voila.

Why is is such a bizarre concept for people to have access to free healthcare?? Yes, this counts as healthcare. Women did not choose this part of biology, we can't stop it, so why should we have to pay through the nose for products to help us stay clean and healthy? Did you know that menstruation blood can actually kill a woman if not properly taken care of? Probably not. This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. Having access to free products would make the world a cleaner and healthier place.

If men had something similar, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the corresponding products would be free. Without a doubt.

Deleted user

But it's not necessary.

Yes it is. Teen pregnancy can be prevented 100% if they had access to free products, because as I said before 'abstinence' is not a plausible way to prevent anything. STD rates would go down as well.

And as Ace helpfully supplied, there are other extremely wonderful benefits to birth control. Scientists are even developing a BC pill that will help regulate hormones in males as well, which could help a multitude of mental health issues on top of it's designed purpose.

Giving a teen birth control doesn't tell them that it is okay to go and start having sex. I was on the pill for 3 years before I even started thinking about sex. My best friend is still a virgin and she's been on it longer than me. So that argument is folly.

Deleted user

I’m not super experienced on tax money flow, but we have to pay taxes normally, right? Well, the government decides what to do with that cash, so they could move funding away from less important things, or things that have a surplus of funding, to provide basic things like free tampons or something. And if the US kept out of wars like it did before, our war neutrality policy would make it easy to afford other things without having to give the ungodly amount of cash it does to the military. Defenses are one thing, but actively meddling in other countries’ affairs are another

^^^^ The US has the biggest military budget in the world. It can 100% be reduced to benefit free healthcare with minor drawbacks in military defenses.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why is is such a bizarre concept for people to have access to free healthcare?? Yes, this counts as healthcare. Women did not choose this part of biology, we can't stop it, so why should we have to pay through the nose for products to help us stay clean and healthy? Did you know that menstruation blood can actually kill a woman if not properly taken care of? Probably not. This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. Having access to free products would make the world a cleaner and healthier place.

If men had something similar, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the corresponding products would be free. Without a doubt.

Because it means people who aren't willing to pay for it are forced to. And if men had that I wouldn't feel any different. I would still be against it.

Deleted user

It is only necessary is it is needed to stay alive. At least in the vast majority birth control doesn't fall under that category.

Pregnancy spells death for some women so actually yes it does.

@HighPockets group

It is only necessary is it is needed to stay alive. At least in the vast majority birth control doesn't fall under that category.

Pregnancy spells death for some women so actually yes it does.

And like Eris said, some women can literally bleed to death if they aren't on birth control. So yeah. Pretty necessary.

Deleted user

Why is is such a bizarre concept for people to have access to free healthcare?? Yes, this counts as healthcare. Women did not choose this part of biology, we can't stop it, so why should we have to pay through the nose for products to help us stay clean and healthy? Did you know that menstruation blood can actually kill a woman if not properly taken care of? Probably not. This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. Having access to free products would make the world a cleaner and healthier place.

If men had something similar, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the corresponding products would be free. Without a doubt.

Because it means people who aren't willing to pay for it are forced to. And if men had that I wouldn't feel any different. I would still be against it.

They are getting forced to pay for ridiculous military 'defenses' right now. Im sure 80% of people that pay taxes in this country would feel more comfortable paying for something that could benefit this country and people way more than paying for wars that are not our own.