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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

They should. I don't see any issue with providing such a simple and down right cheap service.

Products are already offered for way less in public bathrooms, 25 cents on average. (Ladies ick I know but bare with me) So obviously it can be done, what's holding people back? grumpy white men in politics It wouldn't be horrible to provide good products for girls and women to maintain their health.

It can be done. Of course. But it means taking other people's money to do that. That is wrong. Taking from people to do good is still wrong.


I'm somewhat neutral about this debate-

On one hand, these things are pretty expensive for what they are/how much we need them, and it would be extremely helpful to have them paid for by the government.
But at the same time, I'm not sure if everyone should be forced to pay for them, I feel like taxes should be used to help with bigger, more devastating problems than not getting blood on your clothing. (I know pads/tampons do more than just that, I didn't want to go into too much detail.)

So cheaper and tax-free? Heck yes. Completely free? welllll… Not 100% sure there, I might change my mind though.

So public restrooms shouldn’t provide toilet paper?

The average person still has to pay for their own toilet paper, even if public restrooms provide it. The argument was that pads/tampons shouldn't have to be paid for through taxes, which is very different from they shouldn't be provided in public restrooms.

Which gives me another thought, toilet paper is often just as important for people as pads/tampons, plus everyone needs it, not just younger women, so why aren't people arguing for it to be paid for by the government?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Actually, there are many who do have their food paid for by the government, and again, it comes from tax money. There are many ways to get free food, such as food banks, and to buy your own food is not technically required.


Not exactly, because adoption is a thing. The kid might have hard feelings towards you but they're alive.


I'm a huge feminist, but I find NutElla's point compelling. I might have to agree with you, unless someone can convince me otherwise.

Deleted user

Let's just take a page out of Marie Kondo's book.
Does overspending on war spark joy? No. Hmmm…..
Does providing affordable healthcare and free products to people can properly take care of themselves spark joy? Yes.

Marie Kondo has spoken.