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people_alt 109 followers


But I do think that it would be helpful to have some kind of system like that. Kids in high school can get pressured into a lot of negative things and if they had a type of undercover cop in schools that acted as a counselor for teens to go to for help then I'm all for that. There would be less teens in gangs and there would be more protection for students.

This I agree with. If done right, a program like that could help so many and prevent drug problems. But again, done right

@HighPockets group

At the school I went to, drugs weren't really the issue. We did have an on-site cop at all times, and the issue was more violence than dealing.

Deleted user

Children are like tiny drunk adults and I am here for it.

Deleted user

Children is an interesting debate topic.

I recently read somewhere that newer generations where choosing careers and self focused life styles over having children and families. How do ya'll feel about that? Views on having children?



I want kids, no question about it at this point, but I do think it'll come once the career I want is established and/or I feel ready juts because it'd be easier for the family if they're born in stable conditions

Deleted user

I want my own brood. But eventually I'd like to adopt too.

Deleted user

I do think that it is smarter to have a career and a healthy relationship (not necessarily marriage) before committing to having children. You want to be able to provide for them, and kids take a lot of planning, money, commitment, patience, and effort.


I do think that it is smarter to have a career and a healthy relationship (not necessarily marriage) before committing to having children. You want to be able to provide for them, and kids take a lot of planning, money, commitment, patience, and effort.


Deleted user

oh hey unpopular eris opinion: I think there should be a licence to have children and that people should be on semi-permanent forms of birth control until they pass the licence test and have a healthy partner.

Deleted user

Hmmmm. I've never really thought about it in depth before, but definitely a test for intelligence.
Maybe have them take care of a child for a week or so to see if it's what they really want and/or if they can handle it.
Drug test for sure.
Criminal background check focusing on violence on others including sexual.

Stuff like that

Deleted user

It already does that.
Imagine all the lives that wouldn't be ruined because drug addicts, pedophiles, criminals, less than intelligent people Didn't have children. Imagine how the number of children in foster care would decrease.
If you are one to hurt a child, then you do not deserve the right to have one.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Imagine all the lives that couldn't be because many people would fail the test. (Because in my opinion people are idiots.) And where does the gov get the right to say what is the right way to raise a child?

@HighPockets group

Well, I would rather live knowing that a pedophile didn't have kids and there were just 2 less kids in the world than live knowing that 2 kids are trapped in the same household as a pedophile and unable to escape.