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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user


Honestly, I don't understand why modern medicine freaks people out. Also, autism isn't a bad thing, the fact that people are putting it into sucha negative context is harmful to those that have the diagnosis. Breaks my heart to be honest.

@HighPockets group


Honestly, I don't understand why modern medicine freaks people out. Also, autism isn't a bad thing, the fact that people are putting it into sucha negative context is harmful to those that have the diagnosis. Breaks my heart to be honest.

If! A! Parent! Would! Rather! Have! A! Dead! Child! Than! An! Autistic! Child! Then! They! Are! Unfit! To! Be! A! Parent!
Also they're ableist as fuck if they think that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


Honestly, I don't understand why modern medicine freaks people out. Also, autism isn't a bad thing, the fact that people are putting it into sucha negative context is harmful to those that have the diagnosis. Breaks my heart to be honest.

If! A! Parent! Would! Rather! Have! A! Dead! Child! Than! An! Autistic! Child! Then! They! Are! Unfit! To! Be! A! Parent!
Also they're ableist as fuck if they think that.

Amen sister.

Deleted user

Autism like any other mental disorder is all about how things are perceived and processed. People on the spectrum generally are much kinder and smarter than a 'normal' person. People just think they are weird and different. It's a shame.

Deleted user

There is no 'good or bad' to it. It just is. Like ADHD, maladaptive disorder, etc.


bUT iF a CHiLd gEtS a vAcCiNe tO pRoTecT tHeM fRoM DiSeaSe aNd sAvE tHeiR LiVEs tHeY’ll ObVioUsLY DiE of AuTisM!!!!!1!1!!1111

…It’s just so dumb

@HighPockets group

Shit like measles used to be all but extinct in most countries, and now antivaxers are giving us epidemics.
Louis Pasteur would be writhing in his grave if he could see how people go 'Oh, I don't need to get my kid vaccinated against polio!!! They'll get The Big Autism and that'd be worse than being paralyzed from the neck down and/or dying :('

Deleted user

Can we please not do that weird typy thing as seen above? It's kinda annoying to read. ^^^

edit: not you Jynnie.

Deleted user

So would you say it's a neutral? Ups and downs that land about even?



To be fair, autism can be really incredibly difficult for parents and/or siblings to deal with. But it's better than a dead child/sibling.

@Moxie group

First of all, neurotypical kids can be difficult to deal with too
Second of all, vaccines don't actually cause autism

@HighPockets group

It's not really that difficult…..neurotypical kids are just has hard to handle (and usually worse) but no one has blogs that go 'oh poor moms of neurotypical kids! It must be sooooo hard to deal with a neurotypical child :(' Looking at you, Autism $peaks

Deleted user

I agree with Jynnie, It's honestly not that difficult to care for a child on the spectrum. I volunteered at my little brother's school with other Autistic children that ranged the entire spectrum and the most difficult thing was communication, and that was only because each child has his/her own way of communicating that the rest of us had to learn.
From what I've seen the past 13 years of taking care of my brother with my parents (he's high functioning so he's pretty 'normal') is that the people that have a hard time or post the blogs are the ones that can't get over the fact that their child is different and not their 'dream child' and that is sad.

@Moxie group

I babysit and one of the families I babysit for has three adopted siblings, all on the spectrum with differing levels of severity, ages 12, 8, and 5. Their ages alone should make them difficult to babysit but they are some of the easiest kids out of all the ones I babysit. Its the same with any kid, you just need to figure out how to work with them best. Some parents just kinda suck.

Deleted user

So true. I blame the Boomers.

Awwww cuties. I miss babysitting D: You have fun with little humans and then you give them back.

Deleted user

Honestly, babysitting is probably one of the best jobs. It teaches you so much about life and not even just the taking care of kids part, because you get a peak into the parents life as well and what it takes to be an adult.


I really want to babysit tbh and I bet people would let me because as far as any adult is concerned, I'm one of the more responsible and mature teenagers of my class.